In the dark of the night, Ra took a journey through the Duat (underworld). His voyage was fraught with danger, but he also made many friends along the way. In the Book of Gates, the sun god takes a mysterious but meaningful journey...
- Date: c.1305 BCE (first recorded appearance).
- Source: KV57, the tomb of Horemheb, and others.
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- Music intro: Jeffrey Goodman.
- Music interludes: Cover versions by Luke Chaos.
- Music outro: Ancient Lyric.
- Logo image: Ra on his solar barque, from the tomb of Ramesses I (Photo by Dominic Perry, 2022).
- TRANSLATIONS of the Book of Gates by Erik Hornung (2014) and John Darnell & Colleen Manassa Darnell (2018).
Select Bibliography:
- J. Assmann, Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom: Re, Amun and the Crisis of Polytheism (1995).
- C. Carrier, Grands Livres Funéraires de l’Égypte Pharaonique (2009).
- J. C. Darnell and C. Manassa Darnell, The Ancient Egyptian Netherworld Books (2018).
- E. Hornung, Das Grab des Haremhab im Tal der Könige (1971).
- E. Hornung, Das Buch von den Pforten des Jenseits, I (1979).
- E. Hornung, Das Buch von den Pforten des Jenseits, II (1984).
- E. Hornung, The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Afterlife (1999).
- E. Hornung, The Egyptian Book of Gates, trans. T. Abt (2014).
- C. Manassa, ‘The Judgement Hall of Osiris in the Book of Gates’, Revue d’Égyptologie 57 (2006), 109—150.
- J. Roberson, ‘The Royal Funerary Books: The Subject Matter of Scenes and Texts’, in R. H. Wilkinson and K. R. Weeks (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings (2016), 316–332.
- M. Smith, Following Osiris: Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millenia (2017).
- Theban Mapping Project, ‘KV 57 The Tomb of Horemheb’.
- Y. Volokhine, Le porc en Égypte ancienne (2014).
- J. Zandee, ‘The Book of Gates’, Liber Amicorum: Studies in Honor of Professor Dr. C.J. Bleeker (1969), 282–324.
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