The Successor and the Brute. Legitimacy is no guarantee of peace. King SETY II, son of Merneptah, is a powerful leader in Total War: Pharaoh. Historically, this King enjoyed a smooth inheritance and accession. But all the legitimacy in the world could not protect his rule...
Select Bibliography:
- D. D. Baker, Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty 3300—1069 BC (2008).
- A. Dodson, Poisoned Legacy: The Decline and Fall of the Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty (2016).
- A. Dodson and D. Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt (2004).
- R. W. Hopper, ‘The Monuments of Amenmesse and Seti II: A Historical Inquiry’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, The University of Memphis (2010).
- K. L. Johnson and P. J. Brand, ‘Prince Seti-Merneptah, Chancellor Bay and the Bark Shrine of Seti II at Karnak’, Journal of Egyptian History 6 (2013), 19—45.
- K. A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Translations Volume IV: Merenptah & The Late Nineteenth Dynasty (2003).
- R. J. Leprohon, The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary (2013).
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