This is episode 41 called Caliphal Córdoba and Medina Azahara and in this episode you will learn:
- An introduction to Caliphal Córdoba
- How Córdoba evolved over time, from being a Roman foundation to the Caliphal era
- Key elements of Córdoba and areas of expansion
- Why the Andalusi capital grew to become a great metropolitan city during the 10th century
- What did the Emirs and Caliphs of Córdoba build to expand Córdoba and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants
- The construction of the palace-city of Medina Azahara, when did works begin and how much it costed
- The legendary story of why Medina Azahara was built and its meaning, and a description of its magnificence
- Court ceremonies and protocol during the Caliphate of Córdoba
- The caliph’s private residence and the family of Abd al-Rahman III
- The second and third terrace of Medina Azahara, and the messages that the complex intended to send
- A reflection about the destruction, preservation and restoration of heritage