This is episode 45 called Umayyad interventions and in this episode you will learn:
- A brief overview of the history of Catalonia of the 950s and 960s
- Muslim expeditions against the Kingdom of León during the reign of Ordoño III
- The Umayyad interventions in North Africa and Umayyad-Fatimid conflict in the 950s
- Civil war during the reign of Ordoño III of León and its aftermath
- The coup d’état against Sancho the Fat
- The trip of Toda of Pamplona and Sancho the Fat to Córdoba to ask for the help of Abd al-Rahman III
- The Umayyad-Christian coalition to depose Ordoño IV of León
- The legacy of Abd al-Rahman III
- The humiliating audience of Ordoño IV with al-Hakam II of Córdoba
- The failed Christian anti-Cordoban coalition and the succession of Sancho the Fat
- A reflection about why the fact that Christian rulers declared themselves vassals of the Caliphate of Córdoba is often forgotten