Protests have continued after last month’s school shooting in Nashville, including in the Tennessee state legislature where the majority Republicans expelled two Democrats after their protests broke the rules of decorum. What was really accomplished by this extreme response, and what’s really behind the rise of retaliation politics? Then, Skye talks to Alan Noble about his new book, “On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden and Gift of Living.” Noble says we’ve believed the lies that life is supposed to be pleasurable, that suffering is abnormal, and that our feelings are a reflection of reality. Instead, at a time when depression, anxiety, and loneliness are skyrocketing, he shows how our faith equips us to suffer well. Plus, scientists have grown mammoth meatballs. Yummy!
Patreon Bonus: Getting Schooled: Kids in Church 101
0:00 - Intro
4:15 - Theme Song
4:37 - Woolly Mammoth Meatball
11:27 - Tennessee GOP expels 2 Democrats from state legislature
20:45 - The merging of Christianity with populist right wing politics
31:41 - The rise of retaliation in politics
49:36 - Faithful Counseling
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50:41 - Miracle Made
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51:45 - Interview Intro
Alan Noble -
56:15 - Normalizing suffering
1:05:07 - The importance of finding community
1:16:11 - Talking about mental health with nonbelievers
1:26:04 - End Credits
Links mentioned in news segment:
Meatballs made with mammoth DNA created by Australian food startup
How Tennessee GOP expelling 2 Democrats could have ripple effect in other states
Three and Out - Thoughts on Tennessee
'It's worth it': Charlie Kirk calls school shootings 'a prudent deal' to protect the Second Amendment
Other resources:
On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden and Gift of Living by Alan Noble
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