- It’s been one year since the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. What have we learned, who has benefitted politically, and has it really reduced the abortion rate? Do television shows that focus on individual heroes and violent solutions to problems cultivate authoritarian beliefs? A new study finds a link between how much TV a person watches and how they vote. A spokesperson from Liberty University says that in order to control the education of their kids, Christians can learn from Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—oh my! Kaitlyn interviews Jessica Hooten Wilson about the power of literature and reading in our spiritual formation, and why it’s particularly challenging for evangelicals. Plus, Christian rummages through the attics of strangers in Germany, and all hail our new canine robot overlord—the Thermonator!
Patreon Bonus:
Holy Post Office - How to Discern God’s Will
0:00 - Intro
1:41 - Show Starts
4:37 - Theme Song
4:58 - Sponsor - AG1
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6:27 - Christian is in Luxembourg
10:01 - Flamethrowing robot dogs
17:44 - One year anniversary of Dobbs
31:28 - Relationship between television viewing and Trump support
41:52 - Liberty University spokesperson invokes Stalin, Mao, and Hitler on "education"
51:24 - Sponsor - Magic Spoon
Go to magicspoon.com/HOLYPOST and use code HOLYPOST to get $5 off
53:01 - Sponsor - Hiya Health
Go to hiyahealth.com/HOLYPOST to receive 50% off your first order
54:10 - Interview Intro
58:18 - The importance of non-Biblical literature
1:07:20 - Augustine
1:18:24 - How to read the Bible well
1:32:36 - End Credits
Links mentioned in news segment:
Great, They’re Putting Flamethrowers on Robot Dogs Now
Authoritarianism mediates the relationship between television viewing and Trump support, study finds
Liberty University spokesperson invokes Stalin, Mao, and Hitler on "education": "We have to get back to that for conservative values"
Other resources:
Reading for the Love of God: How to Read as a Spiritual Practice by Jessica Hooten Wilson
Holy Post website: https://www.holypost.com/
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