The Human Centered Design Network (Non-Premium)
In this episode, I chat with the wonderful Amy Bucher, VP of Behavior Change from Mad*Pow in Boston in the United States. We chat about the emerging role of behavior change design and how it intersects with other disciplines like service design and user experience. I'll also cover off my personal unease with behavior change design, and unpack its ethical use - and sometimes its misuse - across industries.
Amy gives fascinating examples of her work in healthcare and how she has used behavior change design to help improve the lives of people using those services. And we discuss how behavior change design practitioners sit within a more traditional design process and discuss the origins of her new book Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change on Rosenfeld Media.
Now the folks over at Rosenfeld Media are amazing supporters of This is HCD and have given our listeners an exclusive 15% discount on Amys book!
So all you have to do is go over to Rosenfeld Media and use the code HCDENGAGED to get the discount.
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