Special Interview Series - THP07: Alex Ivanenko / HyPoint - In today’s interview I want to showcase an amazing company that is disrupting the aviation industry and is positioning their technology to be THE SOLUTION to hydrogen powered aircraft.
To give you a brief overview… The arrival of zero-emission aviation vehicles has been limited by the energy density limitation of Li-ion batteries and the specific power limitations of hydrogen fuel cells. HyPoint managed to build next generation fuel cells with both high specific power and high energy density — exactly what aircraft designers are looking for. They are using a next-generation high temperature membranes (HTPEM) instead of a low temperature membrane (LTPEM), which increases the efficiency of a cooling system by at least 300%. HyPoint turbo air-cooled fuel cells are ideal for a variety of aviation and air mobility uses including for logistic drones, air taxis, electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles (eVTOLs), and fixed-wing airplanes.
The technology is amazing. The leadership team is amazing. This company is on my short list of one’s to watch for the future.