Dr. Akiko Iwasaki is the Sterling Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at Yale University and President of the American Association of Immunologists. Francisco Gomez-Rivera is an Immunology Program Graduate Student Candidate at the University of Michigan, and Dr. Jason (Swinburne) Augustine is a retired Research Microbiologist/Immunologist at the US Environmental Protection Agency. They talk about the upcoming IMMUNOLOGY2024 meeting in Chicago, Illinois from May 3-7, 2024. They discuss key sessions to attend, what they’re looking forward to at the meeting, and advice for attendees.
Featured Products and Resources:
The Immunology Science Round Up
Bacteria in Gastric Cancer – Streptococcus anginosus promotes gastric tumorigenesis via direct interactions with gastric epithelial cells.
CAR T Cells for Aging – Senolytic CAR T cells safely eliminate senescent cells in young animals.
Microbiota and Tuft Cell Biology – Microbiota calibrate type 2 immunity in the intestine by controlling tuft cell differentiation.
Sex Differences in Autoimmunity – Autoantibodies to the Xist ribonucleoprotein characterize female-biased autoimmune diseases.
Images courtesy of Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, Robert Lisak, Francisco Gomez-Rivera, and Dr. Jason (Swinburne) Augustine