Recorded May 2020
“LOG-MD -a” will give you how you compare against the cheat sheets
Typical delivery via a Office doc or URL
Created a folder in C:\Users
Key Detection points
Enable better logging AutoRuns - Uses Run key and Scheduled Task
WMIPrvSe launch binary in C:\Users
Binary in root of \Username directory C:\Users\<username>\<random long filename>.exe
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\<random_foldername> Syswow64\Explorer.exe used Parent of Explorer.exe is NEVER a binary in C:\Users
Process injection of Syswow64\Explorer.exe
Scheduled Task created by a binary in C:\Users
Syswow64\Explorer,exe opening all the browsers
Binary in C:\User calling out to foreign country
Block Office macros
Don’t allow uncategorized websites
EDR Software
Whitelisting C:\Users
What is getting back to basics - IR 101
This will likely be multiple episodes
We will start with Windows
Why is this important?
WHEN you have an incident, data we, and you need will be available
This is probably the #1 finding and recommendation we have made to organizations we have been involved with over the years
Security tools fail, so other data you collect can help discover what happened where, when, and how
What is the problem we are wanting our listeners to solve?
To be better prepared in the event of an incident to speed up investigations
Give your SOC, IT, or Security people the data they need to investigate events
Make log management data better if you are collecting all the things
And of course… help your IR Consultancy do a better job FASTER
CIS Benchmarks
DerbyCon talk on EDR
DerbyCon talk on Winnti