The Independent Characters | Warhammer 40k Podcast
Episode 75 of The Independent Characters addresses the problem of Identifying your Warhammer 40k Playstyle. To help us out with this, we have our good friend Josh joining us for a good portion of the show. So often players aren't having as much fun as they could have with 40k because they are playing armies or builds within armies that go against the nature of the way they enjoy playing. We set out to identify a few of these different type of playstyles and hopefully point players in the right direction.
As the curse of Episode 74 appears to have been lifted, we also have a tremendously long Hobby Progress and Games Played section. There is a lot of good content here though, so we think you will enjoy!
Last but not least we discuss the Bay Area Open and some of the struggles this premier 40k GT had in their 2013 outing.
We hope you enjoy!
Show Timestamps