The Independent Characters | Warhammer 40k Podcast
Episode 76 of The Independent Characters addresses the topic of Cheating on your spouse with 40k! We all know someone who has a significant other who is Gamer Intolerant. We go over some tips and tricks to keep your love affair with Warhammer 40k going while keeping those closest to you in the dark!
We also spend quite a bit of time discussing hobby progress, games played, Zone Mortalis and the new Tau.
To top it all off, we have our fifth outing of The Warrior Lodge, where we discuss everything from the state of the Warhammer 40k game, the new Tau (again!) to favorite moments in tournaments.
It should be noted that we stated our next show would not be until May 5th due to Carl touring England (and more importantly Warhammer World), but we should have said May 12th. However, you can still hear Carl soon as he will be guesting on The Overlords 40k Podcast while he is in London! Be sure to follow our Facebook page and front page of The Independent Characters as it will be receiving frequent updates on Carls journey to the Mecca of 40k!
We will miss you probably more than you will miss us though. So we will see you in about a month.
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