"Give yourself self compassion. There are no bad parts. It's okay to have bad bitch energy. Start to be okay with it."
Do you still struggle with people-pleasing even if you've been doing that inner work?
If you do, don't worry bestie. I'm here to tell you that I used to struggle too! And in this episode, I'm delving deeper into the intricate dynamics of people pleasing, while I share some personal insights from my own journey to overcoming this pervasive habit.
I'll also tell you how a midlife crisis and a pivotal childhood memory helped me in confronting deep-seated people-pleasing tendencies (watch til the end so you can get a glimpse of what I did!). And lastly, don't forget to grab a pen and paper for today's call to action; I'm sharing three key strategies that helped me dismantle this behavior and embrace a more authentic version of myself. I hope it helps you too! ✨
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