Do you ever feel empty inside? Like you're always searching to fill that void and constantly questioning your existence in this world?
Well, you're not alone, bestie! I'm sure a lot of us are asking the same questions and finding ways to figure things out.
Get ready for one of the deepest episodes we'll have on this podcast! Because today, we're not just talking about the "regular" trauma topic but delving deeper into humanity's core wound and how that relates to the universe, abundance and acknowledging the complete and perfect YOU!
**Pre-order my book: "A Woman's Guide to Inner Child Healing" - Get access to bonus lessons, join the community, and get notified once my book becomes available**
Hey bestie! My mission is to help High-Achievers and people-pleasers heal their Inner Child and find healthy love, especially those who desire an extraordinary connection but often struggle in their relationships.
Got An "Aha!" Moment? Take a screenshot this episode, share it with the world, tag me @bygloriazhang on Instagram, and let me know your thoughts!
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