In Hidden Truths, David Fubini delivers is that awareness of the critical capabilities and issues that come with the territory - capabilities and issues that often take leaders by surprise - goes a long way toward helping leaders perform at a high level. He presents the essential skills that will keep leaders delivering success - both professionally and within their organizations.
We welcome the author of Hidden Truths: What Leaders Need to Hear but Are Rarely Told, David Fubini
Time stamps:
00:00 Sponsor Message Zai
01:38 CEOs Shocked by the Volume of Demands
06:17 Failure to Delegate
07:58 All Eyes Watching You as CEO
10:06 Jeff Clarke and Kodak in Free Fall
13:12 Information Vacuums and Managing Constituencies
17:30 Change Management Starts With Changing the Management
21:21 The How And Then The What
23:37 The Tradeoff: New Team V Retraining the Old One
25:40 Roger Smith and The Allure of Changing Slowly
27:33 Change: Slow and Polite V Fast and Pragmatic
29:55 Successfully Transitioning After A Merger Or Acquisition and The Case Of American Airlines
34:04 Sponsor Message Zai