Start / The Innovation Show / Episode 8 mike feinberg co founder of kipp on the founding of kipp on diversity in education and building grit in children pointy founders charles bibby mark cummins on the building of poin
Episode 8 - Mike Feinberg, co-founder of KIPP on the founding of KIPP, on diversity in education and building grit in children. Pointy Founders Charles Bibby & Mark Cummins on the building of Pointy. UsherU Founder Alex Fegan shares his story.
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26 oktober 2016
Episode 8 - Mike Feinberg, co-founder of KIPP on the founding of KIPP, on diversity in education and building grit in children. Pointy Founders Charles Bibby & Mark Cummins on the building of Pointy. UsherU Founder Alex Fegan shares his story.