“We teach our children how to read and write, but not how to speak and listen. Listening is untaught and usually unpractised. Our amazing human voice is marginalised as we communicate more and more through text, not spoken word.� - Julian Treasure (5xTED talk speaker and author)
Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening?
Wouldn’t it be nice to know how to speak so that people listen – and how to listen so that people feel heard.
Our guest today is a leading sound expert and demonstrates via interviews with world-class speakers, professional performers and CEOs atop their field, the secret lies in developing simple habits that can transform our communication skills, the quality of our relationships and our impact in the world.
We welcome 5 time TED speaker and author of "How to be Heard: Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening" Julian Treasure.
We explore:
Julian has kindly offered our listeners 5 free videos to become a better speaker available here: https://www.juliantreasure.com/innovation/