Joining me to present a general introduction to Murdoch's life and work are Prof. Cheryl Bove (Ball State University, USA), Prof. Avril Horner (Kingston University, UK), and Kieran Setiya (MIT, USA).
In this podcast we introduce each facet of Murdoch's life and work - her biography, fiction, philosophy, life writing, her love of London, and more. You can discover more via these links:
Avril's Co-edited collection of Murdoch's letters:
Cheryl's book 'Understanding Iris Murdoch':,ke3OyG,UAjs_1497963026_1:3:9&bq=author%3Dcheryl%2520browning%2520bove%26title%3Dunderstanding%2520iris%2520murdoch
Kieran's Website: with a link to his own '5 Questions' Podcast