On today's episode: - WB Changes Coming: Discovery Shareholders Give Final Approval For Takeover - Free Guy Director Announces Intentions For Movie With Ryan Reynolds And Hugh Jackman - The Boys Are Getting Superpowers To Even The Odds Hints Poster - Dune 2 Adds Elvis Star Austin Butler - Disney Slammed Over R Rated Addition To Disney+ By Parents Groups - Charlie Cox Says This Daredevil Not Same As Netflix One - The Adam Project Review Leave a question when you tip at https://streamelements.com/movieblogtv/tip and it will be answered on the Mail Bag show. (Remember, you are submitting a TIP to support the channel. You are not "buying" a question to be on the show. We're happy to answer the questions or comments you submit with your tips, but we reserve the right to not air any question or comment if we consider it inappropriate, unconstructive or disruptive to the flow of the show).