Try out our sponsor STAMPS.COM today. Use the promo code CAMPEA to get your special offer!On today's episode:- Harrison Ford In Book Of Boba Fett Rumor - Toronto And All Of Ontario Shuts Down Movie Theaters Again - Is US Next- Movies In 2022 With The Best Chances To Join The Billion Dollar Club- Morbius Moves To April As Uncertainty GrowsLeave a question when you tip at and it will be answered on the show, or the next show we do. (Remember, you are submitting a TIP to support the channel. You are not "buying" a question to be on the show. We're happy to answer the questions or comments you submit with your tips, but we reserve the right to not air any question or comment if we consider it inappropriate, unconstructive or disruptive to the flow of the show).Support John on Patreon!