64 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Månadsvis
The John Howard Show helps you optimize mind, body, and relationships with conversations at the leading edge of health and wellness. John is the CEO of Presence Wellness, a state-of-the-art wellness center in Austin, TX, and the creator of the Ready Set Love® series of relationship programs. As an internationally recognized therapist and educator, John uses the latest science to help you thrive in life, and brings on guest experts to discuss psychology, medicine, relationships, spirituality and more.
Season 2 of the show helps you be more fully present in your life in all ways: in your mental health, physical health, relationships, and in your sense of purpose and meaning. Comprehensive wellness is about lining up all the important domains of health and your life and get them working together. John shares anecdotes from his own life’s journey to greater wellness and interviews his team members on a variety of topics. John has led a relationship wellness program for Google and has helped hundreds of individuals optimize their mental and emotional health for over a decade. His upcoming book on the new science of connection is due from Simon & Schuster in the Spring of 2022. Click subscribe to listen and tune in!
The podcast The John Howard Show is created by John Howard, MA. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Today's episode is all about how to improve communication with your significant other. One of the unfortunate effects of this pandemic is that too many people who were already feeling disconnected are now feeling even more isolated and disconnected than they did before.
In this episode, I share an outline to help you clean up your communication with your significant other and talk about practical ways to make use of the skills that promote love and connection. I also discuss ways that you can make sure the communication in your relationship is healthy, functional, and productive -- and if it's not, you will know what to do to improve it after you listen to this episode.
Listen in to find out what shapes communication, how to break bad communication habits, and ways to respond sensitively to your partner.
"We need to understand the skills that promote love and connection." - John Howard, MA.
If you'd like to check out our awesome online programs for couples, come visit us at www.johnhowardmft.com. And to support the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank You!
I am celebrating today and I hope you will celebrate with me. This is a special show to me because yesterday my first book launched. More Than Words: The Science of Deepening Love and Connection in Any Relationship was released just in time for these few weeks leading up to Valentine's Day and I'm excited to talk about the book today and to give you a preview of what you are going to learn.
I used my ten years of working with couples and the latest neuroscience and poured all of those secrets into the book. In this episode, I share highlights from the book and the keys to implementing these tips. I also talk about why we often feel disconnected in our relationships and how to be more present with a partner.
Help me with my mission to spread love all around the world and listen in to this episode as I share the experience of writing my first book and discuss the joys and the challenges of shared living, ways to connect more deeply with a partner, and how to know if it's time to end a relationship.
"Every single day is a learning experience in a relationship." - John Howard MA.
If you'd like to check out our awesome online programs for couples, come visit us at www.johnhowardmft.com. And to support the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank You!
A bad night of sleep has the power to wear down your defenses and leave you physically and emotionally drained during the day.
That’s why, in this episode, you’ll learn from my colleague Dr. Katie Strickland about the Biopsychosocial model, how to maintain a healthy sleep pattern, and how sleep affects your relationships.
You’ll learn how the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy style of therapy can treat sleep issues, how physical exercise aids mental health, and how to treat insomnia without medication.
"We're really trying to improve overall mood and manage stress by learning how to become more attuned to our emotional experiences." - Katie Strickland
If you'd like to check out our awesome online programs for couples, come visit us at www.johnhowardmft.com. And to support the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank You!
Welcome back to the show! In Season Two we want to capitalize on everything that we are learning at our new, broader wellness center, where we are working at the intersection of health, wellness and relationship life.
We are going to be having broader conversations about your health and wellness, how to optimize your relationship health, mental health, and physical health, and how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic in terms of our existential life. Where are we drawing our sense of purpose from? Do we have a sense of tribe and belonging?
I hope you enjoy this new season of The John Howard Show.
If you'd like to check out our awesome online programs for couples, come visit us at www.johnhowardmft.com. To support the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank You!
We reveal the big project we've been working on for the past 6 months. Tune in to learn powerful new tips that relate to our expanded mission!
“We want you to feel more present in your mind, in your body, and with the people that matter the most to you.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-60
“There are no simple solutions to our differences. You have to embrace that complexity.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-59
Find out how therapy works and the ingredients you'll need to make it successful. Learn why therapy is both a science and an art.
“Therapy generally is more productive and more successful if the therapist is available for a real relationship with you.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-58
Learn how to manage and be around your extended family members while maintaining a healthy connection with your partner. Visit relatives with ease!
“One way to protect yourselves and also make it more fun, is to go into extended family situations with a game plan of prioritizing yourselves, prioritizing your connection, prioritizing spending quality time with each other.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-57
Tune in to learn what narcissism is, how to identify narcissistic traits & behaviors, and how to handle a narcisstic partner.
“The typical narcissist presents like a jerk and therefore doesn’t elicit much empathy from others. But to a trained mental health professional, narcissism looks like untreated trauma– like a call for help.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-56
Tune in to learn how to be vulnerable with your partner in a way that won’t make you seem weak, overly needy, or pathetic to your partner.
“We dismiss emotion too quickly, therefore we don’t take the time to savor the wisdom that’s embedded in feelings.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-55
John Howard talks about the ten most common mental health issues that impact relationships, the unique challenges of each, and how to overcome them.
“Sometimes, there’s a legitimate reason why you don’t feel safe and secure in a relationship, but very often we don’t feel secure because of our baseline anxiety. And so, when you start to treat it, there are really wonderful things that can happen in a relationship.” – John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-54
Tune in to learn how to fully access the potential for individual and relationship growth that exists in every relationship while maintaining boundaries.
“That’s the beauty and wisdom of relationships: we bring people into our lives and they have a different world view and they have different perspectives and habits. If we just treat all those differences as annoying artifacts that we have to deal with, then we’re not fully open to who we can become through relationship.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-53
John Howard talks to Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott, hosts of the Therapist Uncensored podcast. Tune in for an inside perspective on the hosts and their show.
“When we feel threat or fear or feel like we’re being attacked, we actually tribalize and polarize. What’s interesting in our culture right now is I think that’s being used against us.” – Ann Kelley.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-52.
Renée Trudeau and John Howard talk about how you can challenge your partner to grow without sending a message of judgment or non-acceptance.
“What would it look like to cultivate an unwavering allegiance to yourself?” – Renée Trudeau
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-51
John Howard and Lora Ferguson discuss a compassionate approach to parenting, Positive Discipline. Learn how to raise responsible kids with kindness!
“It’s healthy to discuss emotions in the family structure. It’s healthy for the parents to share their own struggles. It gives kids a language and an opportunity to share their own emotions and allows them to see that adults are comfortable with their imperfection.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-50
Dr. Pittman McGehee and John Howard discuss why self compassion is essential to mental and relationship health and how you can begin practicing it.
“We think that we’re connected in our perfection, but really we’re connected in our imperfection. One of the common things about being human is that we all suffer; it’s part of what it is to be human. So rather than feeling isolated in that, with self compassion we can feel connected in that.”– Pittman McGehee
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-49
Juliane Taylor-Shore and John Howard discuss how understanding your brain can lead to relationships that feel more safe, intimate and loving.
“I’m not interested in helping people stop flipping their lids. I’m interested in helping them react to the moment they do (flip their lid) differently.” – Juliane Taylor-Shore
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-48
Dr. Stan Tatkin and John Howard discuss the importance of practicing relationship skills as the most effective means of improving your closest relationship.
“Most everything we do is automatic and reflexive and informed by our memory. So if we don’t practice things, then we’re just going to just do what we do automatically and we may get in trouble for that.” – Dr. Stan Tatkin
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-47
Couples therapists Terry Real and John Howard discuss how the patriarchal power structure we live in is the primary seed of conflict in many relationships.
“Falling in love is believing that this person is going to heal you or complete you. Real marriage comes the day you realize that they are exquisitely designed to stick the burning spear right into your eyeball.” – Terry Real
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-46
Join Gottman senior faculty member Dr. Vagdevi Meunier and John Howard to discuss the Gottman Method approach to relationship health and counseling.
“It turns out that positivity in the form of fondness, admiration, compliments, turning towards your partner, completely overrides or mitigates any of the conflict that you have in a relationship. Your focus needs to be on fun!” – Dr. Vagdevi Meunier
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-45
Investing in relationship health is an ideal way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. So enjoy these 4 tips to make your relationships more loving and fulfilling!
“It’s not fair to get annoyed that our partner wants to see growth from us. It’s actually very appropriate for us to embrace that challenge for ourselves and to dedicate ourselves to growing as people around the feedback that our partners give us.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-44
Addiction strains intimate relationships. In this episode, learn how to handle substance problems with experts Dr. Daniel Hochman and John Howard.
“The idea with addiction is that you’re going to get to this state of bliss, at least temporarily. One of the ways you break that down is understanding that it’s completely a false pleasure and that we don’t need to be achieving these states of bliss all the time.” – Dr. Daniel Hochman
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-43
Educator and author Diane Poole Heller and John Howard discuss ways to apply attachment theory in your relationships for more fulfillment and intimacy.
"As people heal their original insecure attachment injuries or disorganized attachment, they have a lot more tools and a lot more possibility of being satisfied and fulfilled in their adult relationships." – Diane Poole Heller
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-42
In this episode, you'll hear John's take on the Why, How, What of relationships, inspired by the framework laid out by Simon Sinek's book, Start with Why.
“By really focusing on your why, you’re bringing attention to the core purpose of your partnership and that makes it harder to get lost in the weeds.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-41
Tune in to better understand racism, dynamics between the majority culture and minority populations, and how to work toward minimizing the toxic effects of systemic and institutional racism.
“What’s wrong with me wanting to maintain power? What’s wrong with me wanting to maintain my status? Well, when it’s in oppression of someone else, that’s a problem.” – Michael Cox
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-40
Learn what ADD expert James Ochoa says about reducing relational conflict caused by ADD. If you or your partner have ADD, this episode is a must-listen!
“That cycling effect of emotional and mental storms– because I forgot something, because I didn’t finish something again– begins to have a weight that mimics post-traumatic stress or chronic disruption in your emotional-mental state.” – James Ochoa
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-39
Jon Vroman and John Howard both support men to have deeper and better emotional lives with their partners and kids. Tune in to learn how!
“Let’s be confident about what we know– let’s be confident leaders. And let’s be humble along the way to recognize there’s so much more. And if we stay in that space, that’s actually the best model for our kids.”– Jon Vroman
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-38
Learn what toxic masculinity is and how to begin dismantling related power dynamics in your relationship. John and TEDx speaker Melanie Weinberger discuss.
“By taking responsibility as a woman for how I want to be received, I can choose who I do and do not connect with, whether it’s professionally or personally. And I can communicate my boundaries and my expectations for how other people will show up with me.” – Melanie Weinberger
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-37
Burning Man relationships and Mel Weinberger teach us how to create community that includes radical self-acceptance, curiosity, spontaneity, and intimacy.
“When you come with nothing, you allow everything.” – Melanie Weinberger
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-36
Tolerance of diversity is key to finding peace in your relationships. Learn how to be the peace for yourself and your community, and help heal the world.
"Everything begins within ourselves. And if we don't have peace, then who are we to be trying to bring peace into the world. We have to understand where peace comes from." – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-35
In this episode, you'll learn why expectations of care and support are so important and how you can communicate about them with your partner.
“We have the ability to reflect on the mindset that we’re bringing to our relationship and be curious about whether we’re bringing the mindset that expects care and support in a healthy way or whether we’re denying that expectation.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-34
In this episode, I speak with real-life couple Liz and Steven Coufal about how they learn and grow together in relationship.
“It isn’t about not fighting, it’s about fighting well. And fighting well comes from fighting from the same side of the table”– Liz Coufal
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-33
Tune in for a conversation with founder of modern couples therapy, Ellyn Bader, PhD about the field of Couples Therapy and relationship as a path of growth.
“We see healthy, evolving couples relationships as having the potential to move through a series of developmental stages. And when couples are able to do that, they keep their relationships alive and vital. But too many couples get stuck and we see them getting stuck at the very first stage.” – Ellyn Bader
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-32
Tune in to learn how disconnection can be an opportunity to create deeper intimacy with your partner when you engage in effective relationship repair.
“We need these misattunements, these moments of disconnection so that there’s an opportunity to deepen understanding and deepen love.” - John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-31
Tune in for an interview with entrepreneurial power couple AJ Yager & Meaghan Connell about how they communicate and help each other grow as individuals.
“If there is a self, it’s a very changeable entity. And if we allow our relationships to expand us, we can go way beyond who we thought we were by letting our partner influence us and impress us.” - John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-30
Tune in for a discussion with Acton Academy founder Jeff Sandefer about how you can help your kids become entrepreneurial creative thinkers.
“If you’re in the middle of a startup, you need permission from your significant other and your kids that you’re not going to be around as much. And then you need to go back and make that up after the startup phase.” - Jeff Sandefer
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-29
Tune in to learn how to find a highly trained couples therapist with the right credentials who is an ideal fit for you and your partner.
“Sometimes when we’re having conflict with our partner, it’s not necessarily the bad kind. A couples therapist can help you understand the difference. Good conflict is a kind of conflict that comes up when partners really want to be closer with each other and they’re getting frustrated that they don't have the intimacy they desire.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-28
Veteran NFL lineman John Welbourn used to beat people for a living, now he's a family man. Hear his approach to parenting, relationships, and fitness.
“Sometimes you have to apologize for things you didn’t do because it helps the general good.” - John Welbourn
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-27
Listen to Rob Dial and John Howard discuss how your approach to relationships affects your ability to find success and thrive as an individual.
“People don’t view you as weak when you’re vulnerable; people view you as courageous.” - Rob Dial
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-26
In this episode, my guest Jonathan Hewitt talks about how you can teach your children to be aware of themselves and the people around them.
“Perfection is being the best you can be in the moment, being authentic and transparent.” – Jonathan Hewitt
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-25
In this episode, you'll hear about how to cultivate a healthy relationship lifestyle that will benefit you and all of your relationships.
“None of us are ready for the relationships that we’re in, even if we have relationship skills as individuals.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-24
Tune in to listen to how this powerful and often-overlooked quality of healthy relationships can make a big difference in your connection!
“People, when they are fully received feel valued and they feel respected and they feel understood. And at least with the couples I work with, those are all common complaints!” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-23
Tune in for a quick-start guide to understanding your emotions, labeling them, and then communicating them with the people in your life.
“Many of us keep up our guard too much, even with people that we designate as our key go-to people. And that’s a problem, because relationships really benefit from sharing of emotion and sharing of vulnerability.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-22
Tune in to learn about one of the most common relationship dynamics so you can have more thoughtful and compassionate relationships!
“Both partners in this dynamic have a reasonable claim to frustration, and when they each talk about why the relationship is frustrating, they both make sense, because they’re frustrated for good reason.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-21
My guest Dylan Davies and I discuss how partners can improve their communication about sex, paving the way to increased desire and deeper intimacy.
“You cannot perform an eroticectomy; you cannot excise the thing that turns you on the most.” – Doug Braun-Harvey
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-20
In this episode, you'll learn about how you can get your needs met effectively as well as the 4 myths that prevent many people from doing so.
“Those things that we feel a need for and a desire for are the very things that can amplify our relationship.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-19
In this episode, Jungian analyst, world-renowned speaker, author and Episcopal priest J. Pittman Mcgehee discusses what it means to be truly married. It’s deep, and reflects many decades of wisdom from a truly wise soul who has been on the front lines of psychotherapy and education for a long time.
“Realize that problems are natural, difficulty is not a choice, and that you become married through your problem solving.” – J. Pittman McGehee
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-18
These days, dating can often be confusing and frustrating, but it doesn't have to! Tune in to hear my top-10 tips for navigating dating in the 21st century. You will learn what type of work you need to do on yourself before dating, how to develop a coherent dating strategy, and how to not burn out in the process.
“If you date in a very random and haphazard way, then the relationships you end up in are more likely to be random and haphazard, as well.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-17
In this episode, I bust 3 myths that exist in popular culture about what causes people to be attracted to one another. Whether you are single or in a committed relationship, the information in this episode will help you learn to be attractive!
“To the extent that we can generate more self-love and more self-compassion, we naturally become a more confident person.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-16
Love is complicated and often mysterious, but you have more control over it than you may think. The ideas in this episode will help you create deeper emotional bonds with the people around you, whether by strengthening your existing relationship, or helping you form a new connection.
“Love is what is left when everything else goes.” – Rumi
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-15
In this episode, I share an overview of what you need to know about handling affairs. You’ll learn the three steps to dealing with an affair, as well as why an affair doesn't need to be a death sentence for the relationship.
“You can’t gloss over the feelings that arise in the midst of an affair. You have to be honest with them; you have to be honest with how intense they can be.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-14
In this episode you'll learn parenting tips from the new neuroscience, developmental psychology, attachment theory, and John's own experience as a parent. You'll learn how to better regulate your child and your own emotions, and how to help your kiddo build an awesome relational map!
“Kids develop expressive pathways before they develop regulating pathways and they build theirs based on how you comfort them” – John Howard.
Learn more about his episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-13
Trust is easily eroded in relationships. It's not just big ticket betrayals--it's also not calling someone back, staying out too late, or missing a birthday. Are we aware of how we decrease trust in our relationships and what can we do to repair those instances? John Howard and Mojo give you practical tips to fix trust.
“Partners respond so much better when we just frame things as a need instead of a criticism. The words ‘I need’ can really shift how your partner responds to things; it makes it feel more positive.” – Morgan Johnson
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-12
Want to deepen closeness and intimacy in your relationship? The biggest complaint I get as a therapist is that partners don't feel as connected as they would like. In this episode you will learn about the different kinds of intimacy and how to deepen each one in your relationship.
“Show yourself completely to your partner, even more than you think you need to so that your partner can really get to know you – can really map you. The more you get to know each other, the more emotionally intimate the relationship becomes.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode-11
Get answers for the most commonly-asked questions about open relationships, kink, polyamory, and alt-sex lifestyles from my guest, Heather McPherson. You'll learn what alt-sex is, communication techniques for exploring your desires with your partner, and many other things that will expand your relationship toolbox.
“Read as much as you can to learn about the process of negotiating with your partner before you try anything – before you sneak in that flogger into your bedroom.” – Heather McPherson
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/episode10
If you learn how to interact with your partner in a way that brings the focus to spiritual and personal growth, not only will your relationship improve, but you will also see the world in a new way and move through life with more maturity. You will be more present in the moment, more curious, and more open in life.
“If we do the hard work practically of finding oneness with our partner in that sea of complexity, then we have the tools to bring to the broader project of finding unity in the chaos, complexity, and multiplicity of life.” – John Howard
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/09
Carrie Contey teaches us how parenting can negatively impact the adult relationships of the parents and gives us a number of powerful, research-supported strategies that will empower parents in their adult relationships, giving them the support they need to parent successfully.
“Think of it as emotional meals and emotional snacks. If you’re going to be really nourished, you need both.” – Carrie Contey.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com/08
In this episode Dr. Tori Olds talks with us about finding your true self in a relationship and how a relationship built on the key ingredient of curiosity is one that leads to greater bonding and love.
Learn more about this episode of Ready set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
Maja is the co-founder and fearless leader of Kor180. Maja is on the show today to share her story of both pain and triumph which will help you broach the same topics in your relationship.
Learn more about this episode of Ready set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
It's time that we focus on what drives the sense of presence, security, connection, and love. In this episode we will dive into several ways you can improve your presence with the most important person in your life.
"Where is your attention going when you are with your partner?" - John Howard.
Learn more about this episode of Ready set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
Learn how to set goals as a couple and work to accomplish them with best-selling author Jay Papasan. Author of The One Thing, Jay looks for ways to make planning and success more efficient. Listen to Jay and John Howard discuss their relationships and tips for getting on the same page with your partner.
"Relationships are a skill. They take practice and work to get good at." - JayPapasan.
Learn more about this episode of Ready set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
Would you like to create real connection in your relationships? Allana Pratt is an intimacy expert for men and women and is on the podcast today to talk to us about how you can start embracing vulnerability in your life, and the impacts it can have on all of your relationships.
"Vulnerability isn't about being dramatic. It's about being real and willing." - Allana Pratt.
Learn more about this episode of Ready set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
People say that communication is THE MOST important part of a strong relationship… I disagree! When it comes down to having a great relationship with your partner, communication is often cited as the holy grail--BUT... connection is really what we're seeking and essential to great communication!
Learn more about this episode of Ready set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
Want a better, stronger relationship? Want to find the right partner and develop a great relationship? This podcast is for you! Therapist John Howard takes you through the A to Z of having an awesome, rockstar relationship using the very latest science.
Learn more about this episode of Ready Set Love at www.readysetlove.com.
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