The Playstation 5 dropped two bombs yesterday during its Showcase. Lastly was the price and release date. But they opened the show with Final Fantasy XVI, confirming its existence with a 4 minute trailer. Hear all my thoughts good and bad about this PS5 exclusive game. The next day during the Nintendo Direct Mini, we were treated with the reveal of Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny. I'll give you all the details we know so far about this game. We were then treated to two new Monster Hunter titles for the Switch as well as Rune Factory 5. All that in just the first half of the show! It's been a busy past 24 hours to say the least. The second half is full of great stories too. And I started playing a game last night that truly blurs the line of what a JRPG is or isnt. Thanks for listening. TGS is next week!
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