Yes, dreams are serious…but sometimes they are seriously hilarious. Take, for example, Katie Mason’s dream about a techno-dinosaur apple! As I like to say, when it comes to dream understanding, follow the bizarre. When it’s strange, it just may be the hand of God. On the show, Katie tells us about how this strange dream changed (and continues to change) her life, and many others…for the better. You’re going to love my brilliant, talented, sensitive, and fabulously flawsome friend, Katie Mason
Katie Mason is a licensed psychotherapist. In her private practice she helps people take ownership of their lives. Her approach blends personal accountability, the neutralization of triggers/emotions, as well as working with the unconscious mind through dreamwork.
Katie also combines spoken word poetry, storytelling and humor, to creatively express her dreams. She shares her personal journey while simultaneously showcasing various dreamwork techniques. Katie wants to inspire others to take the risk to be their authentic self.
Katie is a teacher, leader, truth teller and mischief maker. Fun facts about Katie: She moved to Colorado because of a dream and she once mud-wrestled to get people to vote.
Katie Mason- Psychotherapist, Dreamer, Speaker, Teacher
Find out more about Kelly Sullivan Walden and Pre order her new book - A Crises is a Terrible Thing to Waste here
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