54 avsnitt • Längd: 60 min • Månadsvis
Should I have kids?
If you’re on the fence about whether or not to have kids, this is your podcast. Each week, host and Clarity Coach, Keltie Maguire, will interview a wide-ranging host of different voices — from best-selling authors to outdoor adventurers to health experts — about their personal Kids or Childfree decision and the topics that run alongside this choice.
From new and long-time moms to the currently ambivalent to those who are childfree by choice, you’ll get to hear the answers to all the questions you can’t seem to get straight answers on. What’s it really like being a parent? What happens to childfree people when they get old? Do people who don’t have kids regret it? Can you ever really be ready to have a child? And perhaps most importantly: How can I make my own Kids or Childfree decision?
The podcast The Kids or Childfree Podcast is created by Keltie Maguire. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire interviews filmmaker Sophia Seymour about her personal journey with egg freezing, and her documentary, Harvest, which Sophia created about the experience. You'll hear them discuss:
About Sophia: Sophia Seymour is a British award-winning writer/director living between London and Naples and writes regularly for The Guardian, Condè Nast and Time Out. She has a background in music management and highlights of her career so far include co-directing/producing Teranga - Life in the Waiting Room (Guardian Documentaries and BBC Africa Eye), appearing alongside Richard E Grant for his BBC4 Write Around the World series and working with Paolo Sorrentino for his Netflix documentary Through the Eyes of Sorrentino. She has worked as a producer on documentaries for the Guardian, Netflix, BBC2, BBC4 and graduated with a masters from The National Film and Television school in 2024. She is currently developing a slate of fiction and non-fiction films. As mentioned in the show: You can find Sophia online at: www.sophiaseymour.com Instagram: @sophia_seymour_says_ X: @SophiaSeymour2 Facebook: facebook.com/sophia.seymour Watch Sophia's film, Harvest, online at The Guardian. __ Join the March session of my Confidently Childfree Coaching Intensive: kidsorchildfree.com/confidently-childfree-support-series Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire speaks with lifespan psychologist and post-doctoral researcher, Dr. Laura Buchinger, about her latest research on how parents versus childfree people fare in terms of well-being, mental health, and overall life satisfaction. Hear them discuss:
About Laura: Laura Buchinger is a lifespan psychologist exploring how personality, motivation, health, and well-being evolve throughout life. After earning an undergraduate degree from Chemnitz University of Technology in 2013, she completed a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin in 2016. Laura began her career as an organizational psychologist and consultant, focusing on occupational health and safety, before transitioning back to academia just before the pandemic. In 2023, she earned a PhD in Psychology from Freie Universität Berlin with a thesis titled "Life Goals Across Adulthood and Old Age: Associations With Personality and Well-Being." Laura is now a post-doctoral researcher in developmental psychology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on interindividual differences in personality traits, life goals, and values, and their effects on health and well-being across the lifespan As mentioned in the show: Find Laura on... Blue Sky at: @lbuchinger.bsky.social LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-buchinger-b06359161/ You can connect with her via email at: [email protected] The studies mentioned in our conversation can be found below: Buchinger, L., Richter, D., & Heckhausen, J. (2022). The Development of Life Goals Across the Adult Life Span. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(5), 905–915. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbab154
Buchinger, L., Wahring, I. V., Ram, N., Hoppmann, C., Heckhausen, J., & Gerstorf, D. (2024). Kids or no Kids? Life Goals in one’s 20s Predict Midlife Trajectories of Well-Being. Psychology and Aging, 39(8), 897–914. https://doi.org/10.1037/pag0000862 Bauer, G., Brandt, M. & Kneip, T. The Role of Parenthood for Life Satisfaction of Older Women and Men in Europe. J Happiness Stud 24, 275–307 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-022-00600-8
Graham, M. (2015). Is being childless detrimental to a woman's health and well-being across her life course?. Women's health issues, 25(2), 176-184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.whi.2014.12.002
Penning, M. J., Wu, Z., & Hou, F. (2024). Childlessness and social and emotional loneliness in middle and later life. Ageing & Society, 44(7), 1551-1578. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X22000824Krämer, M. D., Van Scheppingen, M. A., Chopik, W. J., & Richter, D. (2023). The transition to grandparenthood: No consistent evidence for change in the Big Five personality traits and life satisfaction. European Journal of Personality, 37(5), 560–586. https://doi.org/10.1177/08902070221118443
Stahnke, B., Cooley, M. E., & Blackstone, A. (2023). A Systematic Review of Life Satisfaction Experiences Among Childfree Adults. The Family Journal, 31(1), 60–68. https://doi.org/10.1177/10664807221104795 __ Check out our brand-new Confident Childfree Support Series: kidsorchildfree.com/confidently-childfree-support-series Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this solo episode, host Keltie Maguire answers a listener question about how life looks a few years beyond making her Kids or Childfree choice. Rather than speaking solely from the perspective of being childfree, Keltie shares five key insights that can be applied to any choice you ultimately make. You'll hear about:
As mentioned on the show: Check out my former podcast, The Clarity Podcast. Want to submit a question for the upcoming "Dear Former Fencesitter" episode? You can email it to [email protected]. ____ Check out our brand-new Kids or Childfree Support Series: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-support-series Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire speaks with therapist, author, and podcast host, Vasavi Kumar. You'll hear about:
As mentioned on the show Find Vasavi online at vasavikumar.com Follow her online at @mynameisvasavi Purchase Vasavi's book, Say It Out Loud, here: https://vasavikumar.com/orderthebook Get Vasavi's free Mirror Work Prompts here: https://vasavi.myflodesk.com/mirror Book an intro call with Vasavi at: https://calendly.com/vasavi/chat-with-vasavi About Vasavi Vasavi Kumar is a therapist, author, and podcast host passionate about empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves. Living with Bipolar Disorder, Vasavi brings a unique perspective to conversations around mental health, self-talk, and personal growth. As the author of Say It Out Loud and host of the SAY IT OUT LOUD podcast, she inspires audiences to break free from societal expectations and live in alignment with their truth. Through coaching, writing, and speaking, Vasavi helps people build confidence, navigate life’s complexities, and create meaningful change. __ Check out our brand-new Kids or Childfree Support Series: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-support-series Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie chats with Dr. Hayley Evers-King, a marine scientist and mom of one, about her journey from indecision about parenthood — to ultimately embracing the experience. Hayley and Keltie discuss:
As mentioned on the show Connect with Hayley on Instagram at instagram.com/hayleyeversking/ About Hayley Hayley is a marine scientist, who uses satellites to observe our oceans from space. She currently works at an international organisation that operates weather and environmental satellites, supporting users around the world to work with this data for the benefit of people and planet. She is currently based in Germany, having lived and worked in the UK and South Africa, as well as with colleagues all over the world. She is a keen science communicator, educator, traveller, collector of wine, and an aspiring chef. After a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, she is raising a 3 year old son with her husband with whom she has shared an almost identical career path for the last 15 years. __ Check out our brand-new Kids or Childfree Support Series: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-support-series Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie speaks with writer Monica Cardenas, who shares her journey of being childfree by choice, and her research about maternal ambivalence and apathy. Hear them discuss...
As mentioned in the show Find Monica online at www.monicacardenas.com Subscribe to Monica's Substack, Bad Mothers, at a special discounted rate, exclusive to Kids or Childfree Podcast listeners: https://monicacardenas.substack.com/kocf Find Monica on Instagram at instagram.com/monica_is_reading. About Monica Monica Cardenas holds an MA and PhD in Creative Writing from Royal Holloway, University of London. Her research on motherhood in the 20th-century novel and the evolution of reproductive rights in the U.S. is central to her novel-in-progress The Mother Law, which was longlisted for the Lucy Cavendish College Fiction Prize and runner-up in the Borough Press open submission competition. Her work has been published in The Audacity, Literary Hub, Litro, Catatonic Daughters and Sad Girls Club Lit. She is chair of the Democrats Abroad UK Women’s Caucus, and author of the Bad Mothers newsletter. Originally from Washington, D.C., she now resides in the Chiltern Hills just outside London. __ Join our upcoming Kids or Childfree Group Program: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
The Kids or Childfree Podcast is back with a brand-new season, and we're kicking it off with a conversation with Brooke Froelich Murray — mom, outdoor adventurer, and founder of the outdoor community, WildKind. Hear Keltie and Brooke discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find out more about Brooke at brookefroelich.com Find Brooke on Instagram at instagram.com/brooke.froelich/ Interested in checking out an upcoming WildKind adventure in Colorado? Get the details at wildkindinc.com
About Brooke: Brooke raises her three little adventure buddies in CO. Whether she's wrangling them on skis, chasing them on mountain bikes, changing diapers on top of a mountain (true story), or lazily wading through a creek looking for tadpoles alongside them, Brooke believes she shows up as the best version of herself for her kids when she's outside. With the goal of building community and supporting other mothers, Brooke co-founded WildKind: a community for mothers looking to level up their outdoor adventure. Brooke wholeheartedly believes that adventure is better when shared, and loves to invite others to join along. __ Join our upcoming Kids or Childfree Group Program: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie Maguire discusses some of the key themes and insights that have come up in her private and group coaching sessions during Season 3 of The Kids or Childfree Podcast, as well as episodes from Season 3 that address these topics. You'll hear her discuss:
As mentioned in the show:
This is the article about alloparenting that my Kids or Childfree Group Program client shared with our Slack group: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp81ynn7r4mo __ Join our Confidently Childfree Coaching Intensive that kicks off January 9th: kidsorchildfree.com/confidently-childfree-group-intensive Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie Maguire interviews Jennifer Flint, a women's empowerment coach and author of 'Wild Egg'. You'll hear about:
As mentioned in the show: Find a list of where Jennifer's book, Wild Egg, can be purchased here. Find Jennifer on Instagram at instagram.com/wildegg21. About Jennifer: Jennifer is a Women’s Empowerment Coach, leadership development specialist, author of childfree novel Wild Egg, and spiritually-curious seeker. She currently lives in the North East of England with a house mate whom she met whilst volunteering at a Buddhist retreat in Scotland in 2019. __ Join our Confidently Childfree Coaching Intensive that kicks off January 9th: kidsorchildfree.com/confidently-childfree-group-intensive Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this episode, host Keltie Maguire reflects on her conversation with Astrid Hurault de Ligney (Episode 42), about the complexities of motherhood and the feelings of regret that can accompany it. This episode touches on...
As mentioned in the show:
Tune into my podcast conversation (Episode 42) with Astrid Hurault de Ligney, here. Read Astrid's book (in French), Le Regret Maternel. Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop -- Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie interviews author and professor, Dr. Jade Sasser, about her book, 'Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question,' which explores the emotional and mental health impacts of climate change on reproductive decisions. They discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Read Dr. Jade Sasser's book, Climate Anxiety and The Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future Listen to Jade's Podcast, Climate Anxiety and The Kid Question here. You can find Jade online at jadesasserphd.com. Learn more about the Climate Mental Health Network at climatementalhealth.net. Save 30% with code UCPSAVE30 when you purchase Jade's book, Climate Anxiety and The Kid Question, from the UC Press website: www.ucpress.edu/books/climate-anxiety-and-the-kid-question/ About Dr. Jade Sasser: Dr. Jade S. Sasser is Associate Professor in the Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies at the University of California, Riverside. She received her PhD in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management from the University of California, Berkeley. Her work explores how environmental problems such as climate change and toxic exposures intersect with reproductive bodies, health, and rights. Her first book, On Infertile Ground: Population Control and Women’s Rights in the Era of Climate Change, was published in 2018 by NYU Press and won the Emory Elliott book award. Her new book, Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future (2024), analyzes the relationship between climate emotions, social inequality, and reproductive anxiety in the U.S. She also has a podcast with the same name. In her free time, Sasser is a DJ at her campus radio station. __ Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie speaks with author and mother, Astrid Hurault de Ligny, about the complexities of motherhood, including Astrid's experience of maternal regret. You'll hear...
As mentioned in the show: Find Astrid's book, Le Regret Maternel, here. Astrid can be found on Instagram at @le_regret_maternel. Find the book, Regretting Motherhood by Orna Donath, here. About Astrid: Astrid Hurault de Ligny is a soon-to-be 39-year-old woman who was born in France, and who has been living in Montreal, Canada, since 2008. She and her husband met in Montreal 12 years ago, and have a 6-year-old son together. _ Join our upcoming Confidently Childfree Coaching intensive, which starts January 25th, here: kidsorchildfree.com/confidently-childfree-group-intensive And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
This week on the podcast, Keltie speaks with composer, Reena Esmail, about her unique journey to getting clear on her choice to pursue a creative life without kids. You'll hear about:
As mentioned in the show: Find Reena online at www.reenaesmail.com Her Instagram is www.instagram.com/reenaesmail You can find some of Reena's incredible musical compositions on her YouTube channel: youtube.com/@reenaesmailcomposer
About Reena:
Reena Esmail is a concert composer who writes new music for major orchestras and choirs all over the world. Her work bridges the worlds of Indian and Western classical music, bringing people from different cultures and backgrounds together through music. She was trained at Juilliard, Yale School of Music and did a Fulbright in India. Reena loves working with young people everywhere she goes, and is always looking for ways to cultivate their unique creative spirits. __ Get our Kids or Childfree Book Guide and other free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
As mentioned in the show: You can find Becca (including abortion resources) online at thesweetfeminist.com. She is on Instagram at instagram.com/thesweetfeminist/ Becca's Substack is: thesweetfeminist.substack.com Purchase a copy of Baking By Feel here or at your local bookstore. About Becca: Becca Rea-Tucker is an Austin, Texas-based author, baker, and abortion rights advocate. She loves almond croissants and creating spaces where people who have abortions feel seen and supported. Known online as @thesweetfeminist, she merges baking and advocacy to help break down abortion stigma, sharing daily affirmations and resources with a community of thousands. She is the author of the cookbook Baking by Feel, and the upcoming The Abortion Companion. -- Get details on my Clarity Booster offering here: kidsorchildfree.com/claritybooster Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Rose Diell discusses her debut novel 'Fledging', which explores the complexities of the decision to have children — plus, we hear Rose's personal experience of being on the fence about kids. You'll hear Rose and Keltie discuss:
...and so much more! As mentioned in the show: Purchase Rose's new book, Fledging, at your favorite local bookseller, at renardpress.com, or bookshop.org.
Find Rose on Instagram at: instagram.com/rosediellauthor And on X: x.com/rosediell Learn more about Rose at www.rosediell.com. Hear We Are Childfree's podcast episode about hot and cold regret, here. About Rose: Rose Diell was born and raised in London but her heritage stems from various places beyond the British Isles. A lover of language in all its forms, she speaks French, Italian and Arabic, and has lived on three continents. Rose writes in her spare time, with the encouragement and support of her writing circle, the Southbank Scribblers. She now lives in London again, with her civil partner and Tolstoy, an extremely fluffy ginger tabby. Fledging is her first novel. ___ Find information on how we can work together 1-on-1 here: kidsorchildfree.com/coaching Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree workshop by signing up here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this week's episode, guest Angela Accomando shares the ups and downs of her motherhood journey — a path that has been rooted in resilience, strength, and love. You'll hear about:
As mentioned in the show:
Find Angela on Instagram at: instagram.com/angelaccomando Learn more about Conscious Parenting expert, Dr. Shefali: drshefali.com Domestic abuse resources: USA: https://www.thehotline.org https://www.domesticshelters.org/ Canada: https://www.sheltersafe.ca/ https://ihealapp.ca/
United Kingdom: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/ https://www.womensaid.org.uk/womens-aid-directory/
Europe: https://ec.europa.eu/justice/saynostopvaw/helpline.html About Angela: Meet Chef Angela Rivera-Accomando, the CEO and founder of Golden Meals. Golden Meals provides organizations with food boxes and prepared meals feeding community members struggling with food insecurity. She has also worked alongside former New York State Senator David Carlucci and Assemblymember Ken Zebrowski in 2019. That partnership led to the change in law to help victims of domestic violence file reports for crimes made against them. She has seamlessly merged her passion for nourishing people with a commitment to social justice—a convergence she never anticipated. ___ Find information on how we can work together 1-on-1 here: kidsorchildfree.com/coaching Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree workshop by signing up here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Rachel Honeyman shares her personal Kids or Childfree journey, including how she changed her mind about not wanting kids, the fertility journey that ensued when she decided to pursue motherhood — and what life looks like today as a childless-not-by-choice woman. You'll hear Keltie and Rachel discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Rachel online at honeybebold.com. You can also connect on LinkedIn at: linkedin.com/in/rachel-honeyman
About Rachel: Rachel Honeyman runs honeybebold, where she and her team build bold brands and websites for mission-driven, female-owned service businesses. She runs a podcast called Bold Women in Business. Rachel’s an avid traveler, writer, martial artist, women’s self-defense teacher, and bunny mama to Luna and Lupin, but she cannot keep a plant alive and shouldn’t be allowed to keep buying them. She and her husband are childless not-by-choice after an arduous infertility journey.
___ Want to connect about bringing my Kids or Childfree workshop to your audience? Reach out to me at [email protected]. Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree workshop by signing up here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this solo episode of The Kids or Childfree Podcast, host Keltie Maguire explores the concept of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) as it relates to the decision of having kids or remaining childfree. You'll hear her discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Access our free resources (including the Between Friends event replay, mentioned in the show) at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources Sign up to join us for the fall session of the Kids or Childfree Group Program: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program -- Subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie speaks with Liz Leedham-Pepin, who shares her powerful journey to motherhood through adoption. You'll hear Liz and Keltie discuss:
About Liz: Liz Leedham-Pepin is a nurse living in British Columbia, Canada, with her wife and their adopted twins. Their family will soon be joined by the twins' younger brother. Liz's professional experience includes time spent working with autistic children and at-risk youth, including youth and teenagers struggling with emotional disturbances, addiction, mental health, homelessness, and prostitution. Liz's nursing experience includes emergency and on-call forensic nursing, and supporting moderate to severe mental health and addiction.
___ Join the upcoming Kids or Childfree Group Program here: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire and Kate Brightwell explore the complexities of choosing a childfree life, including what it means to be a childfree woman in the workplace. You'll hear Keltie and Kate discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Kate on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kate-brightwell-a195b528/
About Kate: Kate is a lobbyist and tech public policy specialist, based in London. She has previously worked for a leading US tech company, global management consultancies, and the UK election regulator. Her passion for politics has enabled her to focus on public policy that impacts society and is what has driven her career to date. Kate is currently taking a career break, which she describes as her "maternity leave without a baby"! During this period of fun-employment she is thinking long and hard about what comes next while enjoying traveling in her campervan around Europe and spending overdue time with loved ones. She also has a side hustle as a dog sitter.
___ Join the upcoming Kids or Childfree Group Program here: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie chats with coach and The Single Greatest Choice podcast host, Katie Bryan, about her journey of choosing to have a child on her own. You'll hear them discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Katie online at www.singlegreatestchoice.com. Instagram: instagram.com/single_greatest_choice Tune into the Single Greatest Choice Podcast: singlegreatestchoice.com/podcast Learn about the U.S. Donor Conceived Council, and the resources they offer, here: https://www.usdcc.org/ Learn about the company Katie shares, that offers ethical donor matching: https://www.theseedscout.com/ About Katie: Katie Bryan is a coach, community facilitator, and single mother by choice. After a divorce in her late 20s and an exhausting decade of unsuccessful dating, Katie decided she was ready to separate her desire for motherhood from her desire to find a life-partner. While solo motherhood was most certainly a Plan B, choosing to pursue pregnancy through IVF and donor conception is the single greatest choice she's ever made. She is now a mama to her 3 year old son and has pivoted her career to support other women who are considering or pursuing solo motherhood. She hosts The Single Greatest Choice Podcast and provides 1:1 and group coaching as well as retreats for women who are considering having a child on their own through pregnancy or adoption. — Get details on my Clarity Booster offering here: kidsorchildfree.com/claritybooster Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie speaks with writer and author, Jackie Shannon Hollis, about what happens when you fall in love with a man who doesn't want children, joyfully commit to a life together...and then begin longing for a child, shortly after your wedding day. You'll hear them discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Purchase Jackie's book, This Particular Happiness: A Childless Love Story, here: jackieshannonhollis.com/purchase Find Jackie online at www.jackieshannonhollis.com. Facebook: facebook.com/Jackie.Shannon.Hollis Instagram: instagram.com/jackie.shannon.hollis Threads: threads.net/@jackie.shannon.hollis Join an upcoming quarterly "fireside" chat on Zoom, with childless elders the NoMoCrones (Non Mom Crones): gateway-women.com/gateway-elderwomen/ About Jackie: Jackie Shannon Hollis is a writer, storyteller, speaker, and the author of the memoir, This Particular Happiness: A Childless Love Story (Forest Avenue Press). Her writing has been described as honest and intimate, exploring complex human issues in prose that is both direct and lyrical. Her work has appeared in various literary magazines, including The Sun, Rosebud, Inkwell, High Desert Journal, VoiceCatcher, Nailed, and Slice Magazine. — Join the upcoming Kids or Childfree Group Program here: kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie reflects on the insights and takeaways from the second season of The Kids or Childfree podcast. -- Subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie interviews Nicole Louie: writer, translator, and author of the brand-new book, Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children. You'll hear them discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Nicole on Instagram: instagram.com/bynicolelouie And on Twitter: twitter.com/bynicolelouie Read Nicole's book, Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children. About Nicole: Nicole Louie is a writer and translator based in Ireland. A former content strategist and creative writer for virtual assistants, she holds a BA in advertising and postgraduate diplomas in literature and translation. When not writing, she is reading about the lives of women without children. Her essays have appeared in Oh Reader and Childfree Magazine and her curated collections of books, movies, and podcasts about women who are not mothers by choice, infertility, circumstance or ambivalence can be found on Twitter and Instagram: @bynicolelouie. Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children is her first book. About Others Like Me: Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children by Nicole Louie (published by Dialogue Books in the UK in June & House of Anansi in North America in Nov 2024). A deeply personal exploration of childless and childfree women in their own words. Others Like Me is the story of fourteen women around the world, from different walks of life, who don't have children. It's also the story of why Nicole Louie had to find them and what they taught her. Part memoir, part exploration of childlessness through candid conversations, this book showcases the many ways in which people find fulfillment outside of parenthood. And because the social expectation to procreate weighs the most on women, Louie focuses solely on them, their experiences, and how they flourish outside of motherhood. In doing so, she upends the stereotypes that diminish women who are not mothers and offers reassurance and companionship on a path less known. — Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie interviews her colleague and mentor, Merle Bombardieri — author of The Baby Decision, clinical social worker, and parent decision coach — about the decision to have or not have children. You'll hear them discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Merle online at thebabydecision.com. Instagram: instagram.com/thebabydecision Facebook: facebook.com/thebabydecision About Merle:
Merle Bombardieri, MSW, LICSW, has been a private practice clinical social worker and psychotherapist for over 30 years. She specializes in parenthood decision-making, infertility, adoption, and making the most of a childfree life. The first edition of her book The Baby Decision was published in 1981. She lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Peterborough, New Hampshire.
— Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie speaks with author, actress, and model, Alice Grecyzn, about Alice's decision to be childfree, and the ups and downs she has faced along the way to making this choice. You'll hear them discuss:
...plus, they touch on so many other aspects of the mixed emotions and complexity that can accompany this decision. As mentioned in the show: Find Alice online at alicegreczyn.com Instagram: instagram.com/alicegreczyn Read Alice's substack: alicegreczyn.substack.com Buy Alice's memoir, Wayard, here: https://a.co/d/hP503cM About Alice:
Alice Greczyn is an author, actress, and model. Known for her acting roles in film and TV, Alice is now more recognized for her work as a religious trauma recovery advocate, appearing on prominent podcasts and presenting at conferences on the topics of purity culture, neurotheology, and finding meaning in life as an atheist. Alice founded DaretoDoubt.org in 2019 connecting those fleeing spiritual abuse with resources helping survivors heal from the unintended damage of faith-based beliefs. A controversial figure for her outspokenness against religious and political fundamentalism, Alice finds her deepest sense of purpose helping others free themselves from the shackles of fear and shame. She lives in LA with her cat and fiancé and loves hiking, learning, and eating anything with melted cheese. — Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire interviews Dr. Natasha Ghosh, a therapist and coach, about her journey into motherhood and the decision to have children. You'll hear them discuss:
...and so many other aspects of this choice. As mentioned in the show: Find Natasha online at www.digdeepcounselling.com. Instagram: instagram.com/digdeepcounselling/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/natashaghosh About Natasha:
With over 20 years of experience in the field of Psychology, Dr Natasha Ghosh, PhD, MEd, CHyp, RCC, is an expert in helping people feel more emotionally grounded, peaceful, purposeful and in charge of their life.
Natasha’s practice is rooted in science and soul; integrating both evidence-based therapies, strong intuition and specialized techniques that lead to deep healing and transformation. You will develop and discover clarity and make sustainable change so that you can live fully and fearlessly. — Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop here: kidsorchildfree.com/workshop Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, The Childless Collective online community host, Katy Seppi, shares her journey of infertility and becoming childfree not by choice. You'll hear her and Keltie discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Check out Katy's community for childless women and non-binary people, The Childless Collective, here: childlesscollective.com Find Katy on TikTok here: tiktok.com/@childlesscollective And on Instagram here: instagram.com/childlesscollective About Katy: Here's what Katy shares about her story: "My four-year infertility journey ended with a hysterectomy in 2017. At the time, I didn’t have a single person I could talk to who was also involuntarily childless. I decided to use my background in community organizing to create gathering places for childless people to connect, access support, and talk about the common themes that weave through our experiences. I host the Childless Collective online community, which is a year-round hub of connection and support for childless women and nonbinary people. I've also hosted the Childless Collective Summit for the past four years, bringing together 100 speakers and over 8,000 attendees together. I have a Master’s of Social Work degree from UGA, with an emphasis in community empowerment and program development. My current home is Savannah, Georgia, where I spend my free time on my bike, exploring swamps, reading, hanging out with my favorite people, finding the best tiki drinks, and anything else that strikes my fancy." — Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Travel journalists and long-time couple, Scott and Collette Stohler, share their journey of deciding to have a child and how it's impacted their adventurous lifestyle. You'll hear them and Keltie discuss:
...and many other topics, for a conversation that's sure to inspire, no matter which Kids or Childfree choice you ultimately make. As mentioned in the show: Find Collette and Scott online at roamaroo.com And on social media at: Facebook: facebook.com/roamaroo TikTok: tiktok.com/@roamaroo_travel YouTube: youtube.com/c/Roamaroo Instagram: instagram.com/roamaroo About Collette & Scott:
Here's what this adventurous family has to say: "We are Collette, Scott, and baby Scotland, family travel journalists dedicated to inspiring & empowering families to travel. As a traveling family, we believe that there is no age limit on adventure and no limit to what families can accomplish together. We have 18 special years as a family and we hope you’ll join us as we dream big, explore more, and discover life.
In 2015, we decided to quit our jobs as corporate desk jockeys and redefine the American Dream. Since then, we have been traveling the world full-time, exploring off the beaten path locations and inspiring others through our active vagabond lifestyle. We rented our house, quit our jobs, and threw caution to the wind all with an end goal of viewing the world and all its wonders. In 2022, we decided to grow our traveling family when we welcome our baby girl, Scotland, and our dog, Lucy, to the crew!"
___ Get the details on the summer session of my group coaching program, Confidently Childfree, here. Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Dr. Jay Zigmont, a childfree wealth expert, shares his experiences as a childfree man, alongside the challenges and opportunities for childfree people when it comes to their financial and life planning. Hear Dr. Jay and Keltie discuss:
...and so many more important topics related to finances, freedom, and the lives of childfree people. As mentioned in the show:
Find Dr. Jay on Instagram: instagram.com/childfreewealth/ On LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/childfree-wealth/ Find out more about Dr. Jay and Childfree Wealth at childfreewealth.com. Pre-order Dr. Jay's upcoming book, The Childfree Guide to Life and Money: https://www.amazon.com/Childfree-Guide-LIfe-Money-Management-ebook/dp/B0CVNPWDTW About Dr. Jay: Jay Zigmont, PhD, MBA, CFP® is the Founder and CEO of Childfree Wealth®, a life and financial planning firm dedicated to helping Childfree and Permanently Childless people. Childfree Wealth is the first life and financial planning firm dedicated to serving Childfree people. Dr. Jay is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, Childfree Wealth Specialist, and author of the book “Portraits of Childfree Wealth” and the upcoming book “The Childfree Guide to Life and Money.” Dr Jay is the co-host of the Childfree Wealth podcast. His Ph.D. is in Adult Learning from the University of Connecticut. He has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, MarketWatch, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Business Insider, CNBC, and many other publications. In 2023, he was named a “Rising Star” by Financial Planning. —— Get the details on the summer session of my group coaching program, Kids or Childfree, here. Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Therapist, mother, and founder of the popular @therapyforwomen Instagram account, Amanda E. White, shares her personal experience of being on the fence about having kids — and how she arrived her her decision to become a mom. Hear her and Keltie discuss:
...and so many more important aspects of this decision. As mentioned in the show:
Find Amanda on Instagram: instagram.com/therapyforwomen Read Amanda's Fence Sitter Substack: amandaewhite.substack.com Learning about Amanda's therapy practice, Therapy for Women Center: www.therapyforwomencenter.com About Amanda: Amanda E. White is a licensed therapist and the creator of the popular Instagram account @therapyforwomen. She writes a substack called Fence Sitter. She is the author of the book “Not Drinking Tonight” and its corresponding workbook. She is the founder of the group therapy practice, Therapy for Women Center, based in Philadelphia serving clients across the country. She has been featured in notable publications such as Forbes, Washington Post, Shape, Women’s Health Magazine, and more. To learn more visit amandaewhite.com —— Get the details on the summer session of my group coaching program, Confidently Childfree, here. Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Shweta, a childfree woman of Southern Asian background, shares what she calls "the best decision I ever made" — namely, her choice to be childfree. You'll hear her and Keltie discuss:
As mentioned in the show:
Find Shweta online on... Instagram: @childfreesrbuddysmum TikTok: @shwetaramkumar About Shweta: All of Shweta's social media bios contain the following words: Educator, Adventurer, Foodie, Singer, Dog-Mom, Minimalist, Unconventional, Childfree by Choice, Antinatalist and Egalitarian. She's a multitalented, multipassionate creative woman who has lived and travelled all over the world, worked in a variety of industries and is currently an up and coming entrepreneur with a business that marries up her passions, skillset, knowledge and experience. She's a Southern Asian woman of colour and a pioneer of dismantling the oppressive norms of the conservative, sexist, and patriarchal culture and society she grew up in. As an unmarried childfree millennial woman, her life journey sets a strong example of breaking free from the shackles of disempowering cultural conformity and stand out as a proud black sheep in more ways than one. She's an avid advocate of the childfree lifestyle where she has made valuable contributions through podcast and video interviews, speaking on conventions and conferences and blog posts. She is currently based in Melbourne Australia.
——— Get the details on the upcoming session of the Kids or Childfree group coaching program here: kidsorchildfree.com/group-coaching Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire asks hospice nurse Julie McFadden the questions on your mind when it comes to your Kids or Childfree decision and all things death and dying. You'll hear them discuss:
As mentioned in the show:
Find Julie online at www.hospicenursejulie.com. YouTube: youtube.com/@hospicenursejulie Instagram: instagram.com/hospicenursejulie/ TikTok: tiktok.com/@hospicenursejulie Get Julie's brand-new book, Nothing to Fear: https://a.co/d/5c19mY4 About Julie: Julie McFadden, BSN, RN has been a nurse for 15 years. Julie is an experienced ICU, and now Hospice/Palliative Nurse. Julie has been featured in Newsweek, USA today, The Atlantic, and several other articles worldwide. Julie has been passionate about normalizing death through education to the masses using social media and now her new book coming out in June- Nothing To Fear. Her TikTok has 1.4M followers, and you can find her on all social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube) at Hospice Nurse Julie. You can find her on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. ——— Get the details on my one-on-one coaching offers here. Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie is joined by her husband, Chris, for a candid discussion about their decision to be childfree, and namely, how choosing childfree has been for Chris as a man. The two of them discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Christian on: LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/christianhaefele/ Instagram: instagram.com/chris_ongram/ Episode 10 with Ruby Warrington on Women Without Kids Episodes 5 and 6 where Keltie shares her personal journey to being childfree About Christian: Christian Haefele is a mountain enthusiast, dog lover, and avid traveler who lives in Munich Germany, with his wife, Keltie, and dog, Shira. His hobbies include ultra-trail running, hiking, and stand-up paddle-boarding. When he's not adventuring, Chris loves enjoying a craft beer or two and cooking up delicious vegan dishes. Chris has previously lived in Vancouver, Canada, and he works in tech sales providing digital solutions to Germany's largest retailers. ___ Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Julie Lythcott-Haims — New York Times bestselling author, TED speaker, former Stanford dean, and lawyer — is here to share her wisdom with us on living an authentic life, the impact of helicopter parenting (and how we can break free of this trap, should we choose to become parents), and her experiences as a mom of two adult children. Hear her and Keltie discuss:
As mentioned in the show:
Find Julie online at julielythcotthaims.com. X: x.com/jlythcotthaims Instagram: instagram.com/jlythcotthaims Facebook: facebook.com/jlythcotthaims/ Julie's books: Real American: A Memoir How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kids for Success Your Turn: How to Be an Adult About Julie: Julie Lythcott-Haims believes in humans and is deeply interested in what gets in our way. Her work encompasses writing, speaking, public service, and activism. She is a New York Times bestselling author of books on human development, a TED speaker, a former Stanford dean, and a lawyer, and she holds degrees from Stanford University (BA), Harvard Law (JD), and California College of the Arts (MFA). She serves on numerous nonprofit boards whose work focuses on equity, education, youth, wellness, and the arts. Julie lives in Palo Alto, California with her partner of over thirty years, their itinerant young adults, and her mother. She is a member of the Palo Alto City Council. __ Get the details on my Clarity Booster coaching offer here. Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, we hear from Katherine Ripley, a licensed clinical social worker and somatic therapist, about how difficult childhood experiences can influence and shape the decision of whether or not to have children. Keltie and Katherine discuss:
...and many other topics related to difficult childhood experiences and the Kids or Childfree decision.
As mentioned in the show: Find Katherine on: Instagram: instagram.com/therapy.with.katherine/ Tiktok: tiktok.com/@therapywithkatherine Get the details on Katherine's upcoming "The Practice of Presence" course, here: katherineripleytherapist.com/online-course About Katherine:
Katherine Ripley is a licensed clinical social worker, offering both individual therapy and group coaching programs. She works with adult survivors of child abuse and childhood emotional neglect. She uses primarily somatic methods to support people in processing their emotions through their bodies. Her work is also based in attachment theory. __ Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Join us for a conversation with Dutch writer, illustrator, and artist, Marloes de Vries. We discuss her book 'Kinderen krijg is optioneel' (Having Children is Optional) and Marloes' decision to be childfree. You'll hear about:
...and so much more. As mentioned in the show: Find out more about Marloes and her work at marloesdevries.com/en. Get Marloes' book, Kinderen krijgen is optioneel at kinderenkrijgenisoptioneel.nl Find Marloes on Instagram: instagram.com/marloesdevee/ About Marloes: Here's Marloes in her own words... "Artist and author, and a freelancer for over 25 years. Based in the Netherlands, in love with the UK. Been with my partner for almost 9 years (who's also childfree). In 2016 I wrote an article about not wanting to have children for a Belgian magazine, which went viral online. I got asked to write a book on it but wanted to wait a few years until I understood how I felt exactly, and I wanted to do a lot of research on this topic. I had already been reading up on the topic for quite a few years by then, but dove in deeper since then. I questioned over 250 people (mostly women) about being childfree, and did in-depth interviews with 12 women for my book. I've read pretty much every article I could find online on this topic, and researched sexism and feminism related to child bearing. Since my book was published in November 2023 (Kinderen krijgen is optioneel / Having children is optional) I've done many interviews, and am contacted regularly by the Dutch media as a consultant on the childfree topic. My main viewpoint is that everyone should be free to make the decision of becoming a parent, but I strongly believe everyone should mindfully think about it before making a decision. I also believe you should consider the life of your unborn child before getting pregnant, because this is a choice that goes beyond 'do I want kids?'. It isn't about you, it's about the human you're putting on this earth." ___ Get my FREE Kids or Childfree Response Guide: www.kidsorchildfree.com/responseguide And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, we hear from Jane van Dis, M.D., an OB-GYN who specializes in women's/maternal health and its intersection with reproductive justice — both in terms of Jane's personal experience of motherhood and how her professional insights and expertise can help inform your own choice. You'll hear about:
As mentioned in the show: Bumpin’ and Fertility Rules by Leslie Schrock (Medical Editor, Jane van Dis, M.D.) Under The Sky We Make by Kimberly Nicholas Generation Dread by Britt Wray Eve by Cat Bohannon
About Jane:
Jane van Dis, MD is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Rochester and faculty in the Institute for Human Health and the Environment. She lectures nationally and internationally on the intersection of the climate crisis and women's/maternal health. She Co-Founded OBGYNs For Sustainability and TIMES UP Healthcare and Co-Admins OB Mom Group. Dr. van Dis is an Editor at the Journal of OB Hospitalist Medicine and is a single mom to twins. __ Check out our free resources here, or at kidsorchildfree.com/free-resources And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie reflects on the insights and takeaways from the first season of The Kids or Childfree podcast. -- Get the details on our two group coaching programs that start the week of April 20th: kidsorchildfree.com/group-coaching And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Author Kate Kaufmann shares her journey of choosing to be childfree after trying to have children alongside much valuable wisdom gleaned over her 70-plus years of life without kids. You'll hear about:
As mentioned on the show: Find out more about Kate and her work at www.katekaufmann.com You can read Kate's column over at Psychology Today here: www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/unapparent Learn about and purchase Kate's book, Do You Have Kids? Life When the Answer is No, here. About Kate: International, award-winning author of Do You Have Kids? Life When the Answer is No, Kate Kaufmann advocates for better understanding of the childless/childfree demographic in person, on air, and in print. A popular speaker, media guest, and conversation-starter, Kate has an MFA in creative writing and professional background in human resources and consulting. Outlets where her work has been featured include NBC, CBC Radio, Psychology Today, and the Washington Post. Kate’s mission is to open doors to frank, respectful conversations between the childless and childfree, as well as among parents, non-parents, and those whose futures are as yet unclear. Kate’s book Do You Have Kids? Life When the Answer is No has been published in North America, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Brazil, and Korea, with a Chinese edition forthcoming. __ Get the details on both of my upcoming group programs – Kids or Childfree, as well as Confidently Childfree — here: kidsorchildfree.com/group-coaching And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Join Keltie and her mom, Jan Maguire, for a heartfelt mother-daughter conversation about Jan's choice to become a mom, Keltie's decision not to, and Jan's reflections and wisdom about the Kids or Childfree decision. You'll hear about:
__ Get the details on the April session of our Kids or Childfree Group Coaching Program: www.kidsorchildfree.com/kids-or-childfree-program Find out how I can help you with your Kids or Childfree decision at: www.kidsorchildfree.com. And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this episode, Keltie and sex educator, Erica Smith, discuss how conservative religious values influence and enforce broader societal ideas about gender, sexuality, and the importance of having children. We also talk about Erica's choice to be childfree and the joyful life she has built without kids. You'll hear about:
As mentioned in the show: Find out more about Erica and her work at www.purityculturedropout.com. Get Erica's Sexual Values Workbook here. Find Erica on: Instagram: instagram.com/ericasmith.sex.ed Twitter: twitter.com/ericasmithsexed About Erica: Erica Smith is an award-winning sexuality educator and consultant with over 20 years of experience. Throughout her career, she has provided comprehensive sex education and advocacy to young women and LGBTQ+ youth in Philadelphia’s juvenile justice system, worked in abortion care, and supported HIV+ and transgender adolescents and their families. In 2019, she developed the Purity Culture Dropout™️ Program to help people learn all of the sex education that they missed growing up in purity culture- sex ed that is accurate, queer-inclusive, trauma-informed, compassionate, and comprehensive. She has since worked with hundreds of people to help them learn about healthy sexuality after high control religion. Erica lives in Philadelphia with her partner and house full of rescue animals. __ Find out how I can help you with your Kids or Childfree decision at: www.kidsorchildfree.com. And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Listen in as expat and small business owner, Eleanor Mayrhofer shares her experience of becoming a first- and only-time mom at age 44 and the emotional journey of ambivalence, decision-making, and fertility treatments that preceded motherhood. You'll hear her and Keltie discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find out more about Eleanor and her work at www.eleanormayrhofer.com. Listen to Eleanor's The Germany Expat Business Show podcast here: https://www.eleanormayrhofer.com/podcast Find Eleanor on: Instagram: instagram.com/eleanormayrhofer LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/eleanormayrhofer/ About Eleanor: Eleanor Mayrhofer was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She moved to Munich, Germany on a whim when she was 27 and ended up staying. She married in her late 30s and had her first and only child at 44 after a long fertility journey. Eleanor runs an agency of one providing online marketing, strategy, and websites to expat business owners in Germany. __ Find out how I can help you with your Kids or Childfree decision at: www.kidsorchildfree.com. And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! You can leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, or a rating on Spotify. Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
This conversation with Ruby Warrington not only delves into the author's latest book, Women Without Kids, but Ruby's own decision not to have children. Listen in as she and Keltie discuss:
As mentioned in the show: Find Ruby's latest book, Women Without Kids, here: https://a.co/d/6ox3DLG Find out more about Ruby and her events, services, and work at www.rubywarrington.com. Find Ruby on: Instagram: instagram.com/rubywarrington Or join Ruby's private Facebook group for Women Without Kids, here. About Ruby Warrington: Ruby Warrington is a British-born author, editor, and publishing consultant. Recognized as having the unique ability to identify issues that are destined to become part of the cultural narrative, she is perhaps best known as the creator of the term “Sober Curious”—her 2018 book and million-download podcast of the same title having helped to spearhead a global movement to reevaluate our relationship with alcohol. Ruby’s other works include Material Girl, Mystical World, The Sober Curious Reset, and Women Without Kids: The Revolutionary Rise of an Unsung Sisterhood, and her work has been featured by countless media outlets globally, including the New York Times, The Guardian, and Good Morning America. She lives in Brooklyn. __ Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop and also get access to our free resources at: www.kidsorchildfree.com. And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Megan Sales shares her experience navigating single motherhood and the considerations she wishes she made before having a child. She discusses the romanticized notions of motherhood and the importance of intentional parenting. You'll hear about:
As mentioned in the show: Tune into Megan's new podcast, Untouchable Babes, here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/untouchable-babes/id1727571388 Find Megan on: Instagram: www.instagram.com/meg.sales.14 TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@megansales0514 About Megan Sales: Megan is a first-time millennial mom navigating single motherhood and content creation on top of a 9-5. She advocates for "intentional parenthood" after seeing firsthand how her mental health and quality of life suffered as a result of romanticizing motherhood. In addition to educating women, Megan is passionate about mental health, mindset mastery, and discussing healthy relational dynamics in the home. ___ Get my free online training, Navigating the Regret Threat: And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Join Keltie and Maria Coffey, author of the memoir 'Instead,' as they discuss Maria's decision to live a childfree life and Maria's unique story of adventure, love, and self-discovery. You'll hear about:
...alongside Maria sharing beautiful, poignant, and pivotal moments on her childfree journey. As mentioned in the show: Find Maria's memoir, Instead, here: https://a.co/d/35RmSaV Learn about Maria and Dag's travel company, Hidden Places, and its conservation branch, Adventures for a Cause: www.hiddenplaces.net Find Maria on: Instagram: instagram.com/bookscoffey/ X: twitter.com/BooksCoffey Facebook: facebook.com/maria.coffey.370 About Maria Coffey: Maria Coffey is an internationally published and award winning author of thirteen books. Fragile Edge: Loss on Everest, won two prizes in Italy including the 2002 ITAS Prize for Mountain Literature; Where the Mountain Casts its Shadow won the Banff Mountain Film Festival Literature Prize in 2003 and a National Book Award in 2004. For these titles, along with Explorers of the Infinite Maria was awarded the 2009 American Alpine Club H. Adams Carter Literary Award. Her most recent book, Instead: Navigating the Adventures of a Childfree Life won the Adventure Travel Prize at the 2023 Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival. Maria has also written extensively about her worldwide travels and expeditions with her husband Dag Goering, who is a veterinarian and photographer. They founded a boutique adventure travel company, Hidden Places, and its conservation branch Adventures for a Cause, raising funds and awareness for endangered species. Maria and Dag are based in British Columbia and in Catalonia. __ Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop: www.kidsorchildfree.com/workshop And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie Maguire and Renae Sager discuss Renae's journey to becoming a mom, and how she went from being a hard no to eventually deciding to have a child. She talks about the challenges and mixed feelings she had during the first few months of motherhood, and how her experience has evolved during the first year of her son’s life. You’ll hear about how:
— and a host of other topics related to Renae’s decision to become a mom. As mentioned in the show: Learn more about Renae and her work at www.renaesaager.com. Tune into Renee's podcast, The Ballsy Broadcast, here: www.renaesaager.com/podcast Get Renae's Three Strategies to Stop Binge/Emotional Eating: https://fabulous-leader-5694.ck.page/bd4c0944da Find Renee on Instagram: www.instagram.com/renaesaager About Renae Saager: Renae Saager is a certified health and life coach specializing in emotional eating and mind management, offering go-getter women the tools to conquer food and anxiety issues with confidence. Leveraging her own recovery from disordered eating and self doubt, Renae delivers a no-nonsense approach to break the emotional chains of eating, promoting a solid sense of self-worth and clarity. Her coaching is a blend of humor and actionable strategies, ensuring that transformation is not only successful but sustainable. ___ Get my free Kids or Childfree Response Guide: www.kidsorchildfree.com/responseguide And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In part 2 of this solo episode with host, Keltie Maguire, Keltie shares the conclusion of her childfree story and how she came to her choice to remain childfree. You’ll hear about:
As mentioned in the show: Hear about why Keltie closed her last business here: https://www.keltiemaguire.com/the-clarity-podcast/ep-17 Get our free Kids or Childfree Response Guide: www.kidsorchildfree.com/responseguide And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this solo episode of The Kids or Childfree Podcast, host Keltie Maguire shares part 1 of her childfree story. You’ll hear about:
Keltie's background, including her upbringing and family dynamics
The impact of a life-altering event, and how it shaped her perspectives on family and children
As mentioned in the show: Get our free Kids or Childfree Book Guide: www.kidsorchildfree.com/bookguide And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Janel Forsythe shares her experience of being on the fence about kids — and finding joy and fulfillment despite her ambivalence and indecision. You’ll hear about:
How Janel’s expectations for her life differ from her current reality
What it’s like being an only child when you’re not sure if you’ll ever have kids
The complexity of the decision to have children and the societal pressures and judgments that come with it
The relationship between being single and the kids or childfree choice
How to embrace ambiguity and create a joyful life
As mentioned in the show: Here are some of the resources Janel mentions in the episode and that she personally found helpful:
__ Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop: www.kidsorchildfree.com/workshop And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfre
Fertility Rules author, Leslie Schrock, joins Keltie for a discussion on reproductive health, fertility, and her personal experience of becoming a mom. Their conversation touches on:
Common misconceptions and fertility myths
The importance of understanding the impact of age on fertility, as well as the importance of fertility testing and preservation
Egg freezing and embryo freezing and what you need to know about them
Why both partners should be tested and involved in the fertility journey
The need to listen to one's body and to consider long-term goals when deciding whether or not to have children
The challenges and realities of parenthood, and the importance of shared vision and communication between partners
As mentioned in the show: Learn more about Leslie and her work online at www.leslieschrock.com.
Find Leslie on social media:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/leslieschrock X (Twitter): www.twitter.com/lesliejz
Order Leslie’s books: Bumpin’: The Modern Guide to Pregnancy: Navigating the Wild, Weird, and Wonderful Journey From Conception Through Birth and Beyond Fertility Rules: The Definitive Guide to Male and Female Reproductive Health
About Leslie Schrock Leslie Schrock is an author and angel investor working at the convergence of health and technology. Her breakout hit, Bumpin': The Modern Guide to Pregnancy mixes the latest clinical research with practical advice for working families. Her second book, Fertility Rules (starred review from Booklist), takes the same approach for male and female fertility. Leslie is also an advisor to Maven, Alife, Origin, Oath, and Reverence, on Gameto’s bioethics board, and the board of advisors at the Moody School of Communication at her alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin.
She was named one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business, and her work has been featured on CNBC, NPR, Time, GQ, Fortune, Entrepreneur, Wired, The Economist, and The New York Times. Connect with Leslie at LeslieSchrock.com, on Instagram, or read her Substack.
— Join an upcoming Kids or Childfree Workshop: www.kidsorchildfree.com/workshop And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Keltie and this episode’s guest, Jennifer Hofmann, discuss Jennifer's decision to be childfree, the factors that influenced her choice, and the freedoms it has afforded her. You’ll hear about:
The complexity of decision-making and the emotions that can arise, such as regret and grief
Jennifer’s experiences with societal pressure and family expectations, as well as her strategies for navigating questions about having kids
Dealing with the guilt of disappointing others
The benefits of being childfree, including the freedom to pursue personal growth and make a difference in the world
Jennifer’s views on legacy and fulfillment, including her personal journey of discovering her purpose and the impact she is making through her work
— and how being childfree doesn’t limit one's ability to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.
As mentioned in the show: Learn more about Jennifer Hofmann and Americans of Conscience: www.jenniferhofmann.com
Find Jennifer on social media: Instagram: www.instagram.com/inspiredjen
X (Twitter): www.twitter.com/inspiredjen
Facebook Get Jennifer's values worksheet: https://bit.ly/jhofmann-values-worksheet About Jennifer Hofmann: As the founder and executive director of Americans of Conscience Checklist, Jennifer Hofmann leads a dedicated team of nearly 30 volunteers who together empower Americans to engage in advocacy for equality and democracy. This mission was sparked by the desire to cut through through post-2016 election chaos, providing concerned Americans with a beacon of hope and meaningful action. Beyond her civic engagement, Jen is an author and blogger. Her upcoming spiritual memoir is about a life-changing, 500-mile-walk across northern Spain. With a passion for making a positive difference and an unwavering belief in the power of community, Jen weaves together the vibrant threads of advocacy and personal discovery, shaping a world where hope and action intersect. __ Get our free Kids or Childfree Book Guide: www.kidsorchildfree.com/bookguide And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
In this conversation, Keltie and her guest, Desiree Nielsen, discuss the challenges and joys of motherhood, as well as the importance of maintaining personal identity outside of being a parent. Desiree shares:
Her experience of balancing her career ambitions with raising children and the fear of losing herself in motherhood
The early struggles of parenthood, the impact on mental health, and the decision to have another child
Desiree’s unique experience of hypnobirthing and how it helped her overcome fear and pain during childbirth
The fulfillment in watching her children grow and how she and her husband parent as a team …and so much more!
As mentioned in the show: Learn more about Desiree and her work online at www.desireerd.com. Find Desiree on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desireenielsenrd TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@desireenielsennutrition Pre-order Desiree’s new book, Plant Magic: A Celebration of Plant-Based Cooking for Everyone, releasing April 23rd, 2024.
About Desiree Nielsen, R.D.: Desiree is a Registered Dietitian with a focus on plant-based nutrition and digestive health. She is the author of 2 Canadian bestselling plant-based cookbooks, Eat More Plants and Good For Your Gut as well as the host of an evidence-informed wellness podcast, The Allsorts Podcast. She lives in Vancouver, Canada, where she owns a private practice with a non-diet, weight-neutral approach to nutrition and health.
__ Get our free Kids or Childfree Response Guide: www.kidsorchildfree.com/responseguide And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Kids or Childfree Podcast if you love what you’re hearing! Find us online at www.kidsorchildfree.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree
Are you on the fence about whether to have kids or stay childfree? This is your podcast. Tune in to hear what's in store when you subscribe.
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