In this week's podcast, I sit down with Bethel's Missions Pastors, John, and Cindi Taylor to discuss transforming hearts and culture in the most Gospel neglected places. Please note this interview was recorded prior to the Ukrainian crisis.
The Gospel is not dormant or dead, powerless or passive; it is active and expansive. Yet, there are still people and places that have never heard the Gospel. These places are plagued with idol worship and infested with demonic entities, raging war at the hearts of creation and taking a stance on land that desperately awaits the good news of the Gospel to reach it. But, we play a key role; we are co-laborers of Christ, sanctified saints that are not called to sit on the sidelines of life. Romans 10:14 says, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” It is clear that we have been given a heavenly mandate and a divine duty as Believers. The good news is that through the supernatural power of the Gospel we are not deployed to conquest in our own strength, but to partner with God to see a generation living in the reality of the Gospel and aware of the power of the love of our Father in every tribe, tongue, and nationality.
Their story is a journey of immense faith and a life surrendered to the Gospel. Their faith-filled yes to the Lord led them to an unreached people group as overseas missionaries for 15 years. My prayer as you watch this week’s episode is that you will be ignited with a passion for every ear to hear the Gospel and heart to experience the love of the Father.