We met the Holy Spirit in a small mountain town in Northern California. We were attending Mountain Chapel where Bill and Beni Johnson pastored for over 17 years. From the outside looking it, there wasn’t anything seemingly impressive or spectacular; we didn’t even have our own building for many years. We met at a theater where we squished 300 of us every Sunday….We were hungry! We were hungry to experience the power of God in our lives and hungry to bring Heaven to earth.
I still remember the day everything seemed to change. Bill and Beni had just returned from visiting Toronto Canada where there was a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As they began sharing powerful stories of experiencing the Holy Spirit while in Toronto, the Holy Spirit began to pour out among the congregation.
In the latest episode of Cultural Catalysts, we share about the first time the Holy Spirit interrupted our Church service, touched Kathy, and forever changed our understanding of the power of God's presence. While the supernatural has become a normal part of our lives, it has never stopped being extraordinary.