On today's how Winston A. Marshall, hosts SEN LIVE and is joined by Ben Goddard, Kate Mulligan, Brett Sheridan, Alex Marzoña, and Ryan Nilsen to talk about Berenthal to return as The Punisher in the MCU...., the Spy Kids reboot, Kong and Godzilla move a few days back??? ALSO that Silk Road trailer and a new Great Gatsby adaptation by Vikings creator! Kristian Harloff https://bit.ly/31PePMD John Rocha https://bit.ly/3kDuZQz Kate Mulligan https://bit.ly/3owBneT Brett Sheridan https://bit.ly/2HBltii Roxy Striar https://bit.ly/31OtGHj Winston A. Marshall https://bit.ly/3kyJPI0 Ben Goddard https://bit.ly/3e179f0 Sabrina Ramirez https://bit.ly/3ms3PfT Alex Marzoña https://bit.ly/2J60oNU Ryan Nilsen https://bit.ly/3nx0tc1 Steph Sabraw https://bit.ly/3m0ud0z Movie Trivia Schmoedown https://bit.ly/31Qwrrp Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices