Ep. 304: Eric Hynes on True/False 2025: WTO/99, A Body to Live In, Resurrection, Kouté vwa, The Undergrowth
Welcome to The Last Thing I Saw, with your host, Nicolas Rapold. The True/False Film Festival brings outstanding nonfiction films and filmmakers to Columbia, Missouri, each year, attracting world premieres and also curating from Sundance, IDFA, Berlin, and beyond. I sat down in Columbia with fellow True/False-goer Eric Hynes, senior curator of film at Museum of the Moving Image, to exchange some highlights from our time at the 2025 edition. Films discussed include: Resurrection (directed by Hu Sanshou), A Body to Live In (Angelo Madsen), WTO/99 (Ian Bell), The Undergrowth (Macu Machin), and Kouté vwa (Listen to the Voices) (Maxime Jean-Baptiste).
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Photo by Steve Snodgrass