The le Carré Cast – A podcast on John le Carré novels
In this episode we look at A Small Town in Germany, the novel that comes midway between John le Carré’s breakout success – The Spy Who Came in from the Cold – and the novel that solidified his place as one of the world’s best spy novelists – Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
I’m joined to discuss the novel by espionage author James Wolff.
We discuss how this novel is much darker than other le Carré work, whether le Carré hates all the characters he’s writing about and just how many interrogations can you squeeze into one novel? Plus, is Alan Turner really a spy?
All that and much more in this episode.
Read James’ writing for the website Crime Reads here. Included is his article “Can contemporary spy novels ever live up to the Cold War classics?”
John le Carré speaks with Martin Muggeridge for Intimations program in 1966.
James Wolff’s website –
Jeff’s site –
Jeff’s twitter – @spywrite
Essay Music by Dream-Protocol from Pixabay