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Talks and lectures from the clergy, laity and guests of the Apostolic Johannite Church.
The podcast The Lectern is created by The Apostolic Johannite Church. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Father John DiGilio of St. Joachim of Fiore Parish, AJC, introduces us to the history, practice and culture around the figure of Santa Muerte- Holy Death. Recorded with St. Joseph of Arimathea Parish in February 2024
Rev. James Ford, Zen Master and Unitarian Minister, discusses the Knowing of Zen Buddhism, including a preview of his new book, which was in the writing process at the time of recording - The Intimate Way of Zen, now available.
Joanne Leone of Holy Sophia Narthex AJC, takes us through the angelic creation of the psychic body in the Apocryphon of John.
Dr. Justin Sledge of ESOTERICA takes us through a look at the Valentinians, Valentinus and the Valentinian Demiurge for our 2024 Conclave Keynote.
The 2022 Q and A session from the AJC Conclave 2022
Dr. Jeffrey S. Kupperman takes us through a look at the concept of the Pneumatic body in Hermetism and late antique Platonism
The Primate of the United States, Dr. William Behun, Mar Thomas, takes us through a look at Saint John of the Cross, his history, mysticism and import for Gnostics.
For 2023’s Dr. Juliana Eimear Memorial Lecture- Eimear Burke, Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, joins us to tell stories and legends about Brigid of Ireland, Pagan Goddess and Christian Saint
Most Rev. Scott Rassbach takes a look at Gnosticism and the Gnostic message through the lens and work of Marshall McLuhan and media theory.
Joanne Leone is a researcher, archaeologist, ancient historian and AJC Narthex Co-Leader. In this talk from Conclave 2022, she takes us on an exploration of the Divine Feminine as found in Sethian Gnosticism through a look at the figure of Barbelo.
The Primate of the United States, Most Rev. Dr William Behun, takes us through an introductory look at the figure of Sophia.
Dr. M. David Litwa explores what Hermetic Spirituality can be in the present day by looking at its historic principles.
The Most Rev. Scott Rassbach takes us through a discussion of the Gnostic ideas of the writer Philip K. Dick.
The Rev. Bryan Garner (Frater Ashen Chassan) takes us through a deep dive into the overlap between medieval liturgy and the Grimoire tradition.
Q and A with the Bishops of the Apostolic Johannite Church during Conclave 2021 including back and forth with clergy and laity
The Primate of the United States, Dr. William Behun takes us through the importance of Gnosticism, the Gnostic message and myth in the present age - delivered at Conclave 2021.
Dr. McGrath takes us through an examination of John the Baptist, the Mandaeans, and their Gnostic legacy
Deacon Jonathan Stewart takes us through 10 events in the modern era which returned the figures of the Divine Feminine to centre stage.
The Rev. Deacon Angie Wisk-Nowell looks at how cults are formed, and cult prevention in light of both her own cult experience and research.
The Primate of the United States, Dr. William Behun, takes us through a look at the life, times and untimely death of Constant Chevillon - Gnostic Bishop, Martinist, Freemason and Johannite Saint.
Jason Mehmel, long time AJC member, Artistic Director and writer (https://www.jasonmehmel.com) takes us through a Gnostic theory of Narrative via the waypoints of his own experience and work.
The Bishop of New South Wales takes us through a look at the ideas of Jean Gebser and how they can inform and enrich Gnostic spirituality.Visit https://sturiels.johannite.org/integral-gnosticism/ for slides and notes
Spiritual director and Moravian Pastor, The Rev. Rick Beck, joins us to discuss the history and practice of the art of Spiritual Direction.
Dr. Stuart Douglas takes us through an examination of Jungian Psychology and where it was influenced by Gnosticism. Slides available at https://docsend.com/view/4ex4pje3rht3szbb
The Primate of the United States discusses the history of the Sacrament of Matrimony and how the Rite is seen and used in the Apostolic Johannite Church
The Rev. Mr. Clark Aitkins takes us through an exploration of the images of the Divine Feminine in the text of the Gospel of Mary.
The Bishop of New South Wales takes a look at the practice of Centering Prayer through the lens of being Gnostic. From Conclave 2019 in Montreal, Quebec
The Hierarchy of the Apostolic Johannite Church answers questions on Gnosis and Theosis in between sessions at Conclave 2019 in Montreal, Quebec.
The Most Rev. Shaun McCann takes us through a survey of the background, structure, beliefs and ritual of Bernard-Raymond Fabre-Palaprat's Johannite Church of Primitive Christians, more properly known as the Primitive Church, and its partner organization- l'Ordre du Temple. Slides available at https://docsend.com/view/7nqgmh95wg7v5w9n
The Most Rev. Shaun McCann takes us through a survey of the background, structure, beliefs and ritual of Bernard-Raymond Fabre-Palaprat's Johannite Church of Primitive Christians, more properly known as the Primitive Church, and its partner organization- l'Ordre du Temple. Slides available at https://docsend.com/view/7nqgmh95wg7v5w9n
The Most Rev. Shaun McCann takes us through a survey of the background, structure, beliefs and ritual of Bernard-Raymond Fabre-Palaprat's Johannite Church of Primitive Christians, more properly known as the Primitive Church, and its partner organization- l'Ordre du Temple. Slides available at https://docsend.com/view/7nqgmh95wg7v5w9n
Long time AJC member and artist, Jason Mehmel (https://www.jasonmehmel.com) discusses the interaction between Gnosticism, Gnosis and Art.
Dr. Celene Lillie takes us through an examination and exploration of the Thunder, Perfect Mind, at Conclave 2019.
The AJC recently released its Office of the Hours to the public- The Most Rev. Shaun McCann takes you through the What, How and Why of the Office of the Hours as a spiritual practice.
To use the Office of the Hours visit https://office.johannite.tech/
The Bishop of New South Wales looks at the Divine Feminine in the Temple Theology of Margaret Barker.
The Primate of the United States discusses that most universal of human experiences - Death.
Dr. David Goodin of McGill University lifts the veil on the Gospel of John to show where the Divine Feminine appears. Slides available at https://docsend.com/view/2ufiepu
The Very Rev. Fr Tony Silvia takes us through the cosmology of the Apocryphon of John and discusses the concept and practice of Gnostic Ascent, in this lecture from Conclave 2019.
Nicholas Laccetti, author of The Inner Church is the Hope of the World, takes us through a look at the beliefs, symbolism and practice of artist and mage, Josephin Peladan
Dr. Andre Gagne takes us through a look at the history, text and interpretation of the Gospel of Thomas, providing insight into how to navigate and interpret this most famous of the Nag Hammadi texts.
Msgr Scott Rassbach, priest and ceremonial magician, takes us through some basic theory and practice around rituals of warding, from Conclave 2018 in Portland
Fr. Joseph Wolf, EG, Author of Angels at Your Doorstep and the Illuminated Circle, takes us through his history and practice of working with the Shem Ha-Memphorash in the Western Esoteric Tradition.
The Primate of the United States takes us through a look at the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Apostolic Johannite Church and the history of Christianity - from Conclave 2018.
On March 16th, 2019, we will mark 775 years since the Fall of Montsegur. Listen and watch Stephen O'Shea, author of The Perfect Heresy and The Friar of Carcassonne, as he takes us through the life and death of the medieval Cathars, and the later movements they inspired.
The Rev. Subdeacon Jonathan Stewart explores research around whether or not the Demiurge is found referenced in the Gospel of John
Priestess of Isis and Author, M. Isidora Forrest takes us through an exploration of the scriptures, imagery and roles associated with the figures of both Isis and Sophia through religious history and practice
Deacon Jason Campbell of Rose Cross Community in Portland, Ore, looks at Gnostic, Heterodox and Nestorian Churches in the Far East as well as interaction between Christianity and Buddhism.
Slides can be found here- https://docsend.com/view/n4benwt
The Primate of the United States discusses the Liturgy as a magical and esoteric practice, as well as the elements of the Liturgy common to magical and esoteric practice
Monsignor Scott Rassbach looks at the practice of Divination, and more specifically, Cleromancy
Erik Arneson (https://arnemancy.com) takes us through the practice and art of Memory, touching on Hermeticism, Freemasonry and Giordano Bruno
The Primate of the United States discusses the history and practice of the Sacrament of Unction in Christianity and in the Apostolic Johannite Church
The Most Rev. Shaun McCann examines the mythos of a Medieval Johannite Church from the perspective of comparing several overlapping and shared legends across the esoteric world of the last 200 years.
Slides can be found at https://docsend.com/view/pn3q22d
Very Rev. Bray Weaver takes us through a look at Archetypes of the Warrior-Priest, related spiritual concepts and historical examples in spirituality where warrior classes and societies have transformed from warrior to priest.
We had intended this one for video but technical difficulty necessitated falling back to audio- Slides are essential to following along and can be found at https://docsend.com/view/rt5am2i
The Rev. Father Joseph McCauslin takes us through his experience of the practice of silence, from Conclave 2017 in Denver, Colorado
Clark Aitkins of St. Sarah's Parish looks at the commonalities in symbolism between the initiatory rites of Eleusis, the symbolism found in Gnosticism, and the miracle of the Holy Fire in the Holy Sepulchre of Christianity.
Dr. William Behun, Primate of the United States, takes us through the life and the myths that surround Hypatia of Alexandria in the first Dr. Juliana Eimer Memorial Lecture.
The Patriarch of the AJC, Primate of the United States and Bishop of New South Wales participate in an informal discussion on the Communion of Saints in the Apostolic Johannite Church.
Bishop Tim Mansfield takes us through the Temple Theology of Margaret Barker and its implications for Johannite theology and practice.
Presentation slides: https://docsend.com/view/nhvuf3u
Come and See: Metaphors and Representations of Sight and Motion in Gnostic and Thelemic Sacred Texts, from Conclave 2016
Clark Aitkins of St. Sarah's Parish takes us through death, the soul, and the afterlife in Ancient Greek religion in part II of a series from St. Sarah's.
The Primate of the United States discusses secrecy and silence in the esoteric tradition and religion
Bishop Timothy Mansfield leads a discussion group through the topic of Love from the perspective of Gnosticism and Spirituality in honour of Valentine's Day
Author of the Secret Revelation of John, Hollis Professor of Divinity at Harvard University and one of the world's foremost experts on Gnosticism and Christianity- Dr. Karen King- takes us through Secrecy and Mystery in the Apocryphon of John
Fr. Donald Donato discusses the journey of the soul in Egyptian religion
The Primate of the United States discusses the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the wider Apostolic tradition and the Apostolic Johannite Church
Greg Kaminsky on the Cabala: From Messianic Theological Speculations to Utopianism, Secret Societies, and Political Intrigue, from Conclave 2016.
Greg Kaminsky on the Cabala: From Messianic Theological Speculations to Utopianism, Secret Societies, and Political Intrigue, from Conclave 2016.
Dr Juliana Eimer takes us through the life and work of Hildegard of Bingen, at Conclave 2016. Special thanks to the Gnostic Wisdom Network for the audio and production on this presentation.
God Talk: Kataphasis and Apophasis in Pseudo-Dionysius - Dr. Kupperman takes us through an exploration of Kataphatic and Apophatic Theology in Pesudo-Dionysius at Conclave 2015
God Talk: Kataphasis and Apophasis in Pseudo-Dionysius - Dr. Kupperman takes us through an exploration of Kataphatic and Apophatic Theology in Pesudo-Dionysius at Conclave 2015
The Primate of the United States discusses Polytheism and the Apostolic Johannite Church.
Msgr Scott Rassbach discusses the Johannite Rosary (presented in Fr. Tony Silvia's Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame)- from Conclave 2014. To get a copy of Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame visit http://www.amazon.com/Sanctuary-Sacred-Flame-Johannite-Spiritual/dp/1482610256, or if you're short on dollars this season, you can read it at http://anthonysilvia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Sanctuary-of-the-Sacred-Flame-2013-digital-edition.pdf
The Primate of the United States discusses the Sacrament of Baptism in the Apostolic Johannite Church, the history of Christianity and why you can't be baptized with beer.
The Primate of the United States discusses the Sacrament of Baptism in the Apostolic Johannite Church, the history of Christianity and why you can't be baptized with beer.
We reach back in time with the first Conclave lecture ever recorded- from Essex, MA in 2009 to Msgr Scott Rassbach's talk on Bill Darlison's Gospel and the Zodiac
Rev. Donald Donato wraps up the "Mystics of the Commonwealth" series with Part III: From Tolerance to Love at St. Sarah the Egyptian Parish
Fr. Joseph McCauslin of St. Eve's Parish takes us through a look at St. Teresa of Avila, her works and spirituality
Continuing the series from St Sarah's Parish: Mystics of the Commonwealth Part II - Unitarian Universalism & The Transcendentalists with Rev. James Ford, previously Senior Minister, at the First Unitarian Church of Providence, RI.
Rev. Donald Donato discusses mysticism and the spiritual heritage of New England, in this introduction to Mystics of the Commonwealth, a part of the Forbidden Saints lecture series at the Parish of St. Sarah the Egyptian in Boston, MA
The Primate of the United States, Dr. William Behun, leads attendees in a discussion of the Apostolic Johannite Church's Third and Fourth Principles.
Dr. Birger Pearson speaks on Mary Magdalene at the Apostolic Johannite Church's 2011 Conclave. Also available, his talk on the Gospel of Mary in our episode list.
Bishop Tim Mansfield takes us through a survey of Christian mystical practices, from Conclave 2012 in Sydney Australia.
Fr. Donald Donato, translator of the Levitikon and Rector at the Parish of St. Sarah the Egyptian in Boston, MA, discusses the life and work of the Sovereign Pontiff, Bernard-Raymond Fabre-Palaprat.
Slides are here: https://docsend.com/view/pavxb74
Alan Salmi discusses the Four Elements, Astrology, Timothy Leary and Wonder Woman and how they all connect.
Alan Salmi discusses the Four Elements, Astrology, Timothy Leary and Wonder Woman and how they all connect.
The Primates of the United States discusses the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Apostolic Johannite Church
Dr. Juliana Eimer takes us through the life and spirituality of the mystic, St. Julian of Norwich.
The Primate of the United States explains and takes us through the practice of Hesychasm and the Jesus Prayer- includes a 10m practice session in the middle of the talk.
Bishop Timothy Mansfield takes us through Dr. James Fowler's Stages of Faith Development- from Conclave 2012
Bishop Timothy Mansfield takes us through Dr. James Fowler's Stages of Faith Development- from Conclave 2012
Fr. Donald Donato takes us through the Gnosis of St. Bonaventure
The Very Rev. Tony Silvia and Fr. Donald Donato take you through a side by side comparison of the Levitikon with the Gospel of John, with some insightful and funny discussion along the way.
The Very Rev. Tony Silvia and Fr. Donald Donato take you through a side by side comparison of the Levitikon with the Gospel of John, with some insightful and funny discussion along the way.
The Primate of the United States discusses the Eucharist from Conclave 2010 in Madison, Wisconsin.
Alan Salmi takes us through an introduction to the practice of Astrology.
Simon Mundy takes us through a look at the danger of Spiritual Bypassing- the use of spiritual practices, views and beliefs to avoid or bypass dealing with painful or harmful feelings or situations. Slides are found here: https://docsend.com/view/86y8rtc
Simon Mundy takes us through a look at the danger of Spiritual Bypassing- the use of spiritual practices, views and beliefs to avoid or bypass dealing with painful or harmful feelings or situations. Slides are found here: https://docsend.com/view/86y8rtc
The Primate of the United States discusses the use and nature of time in religious and magical ritual.
The Most Rev. Tim Mansfield discusses the lives and views of five female theologians. There is a slight break in the audio owing to the source file.
The Most Rev. Tim Mansfield discusses the lives and views of five female theologians
Dr. Zlatko Plese, Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, takes us on an amazing journey through the Apocryphon of John.
For Notes and Slides visit: https://docsend.com/view/jtgew3u
Dr. Zlatko Plese, Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, takes us on an amazing journey through the Apocryphon of John.
For Notes and Slides visit: https://docsend.com/view/jtgew3u
Neoplatonism and Liturgy with Dr. Jeffrey Kupperman
See http://www.academia.edu/7147306/The_Anagogic_Role_of_Sunthemata_in_the_Sacramental_Liturgy_of_Pseudo-Dionysius
See http://johannite.org/texts/alchemical.pdf for slides and notes.
See http://johannite.org/texts/alchemical.pdf for slides and notes.
Final Part- Bishop Tim Mansfield discusses the Johannine Ecclesiology of Mary Coloe- an unofficial Part II to the Patriarch's Johannite Tradition talk.
Bishop Tim Mansfield discusses the Johannine Ecclesiology of Mary Coloe- an unofficial Part II to the Patriarch's Johannite Tradition talk.
Bishop Tim Mansfield discusses the Johannine Ecclesiology of Mary Coloe- an unofficial Part II to the Patriarch's Johannite Tradition talk.
Dr. William Behun explores the life and theology of the mystic Gioacchino da Fiore, better known as Joachim of Fiore
Dr. William Behun explores the life and theology of the mystic Gioacchino da Fiore, better known as Joachim of Fiore
Dr. Birger Pearson discusses the Gospel of Mary from the Nag Hammadi Library
Dr. Birger Pearson takes us through the Apocryphon of John, from Conclave 2011.
The eminent Dr. Birger Pearson speaks on Sethian Gnosticism and the Apocryphon of John in this two part presentation.
Fr Greg Tillett of the Coptic Orthodox Church discusses the secret tradition in the Coptic Church.
Fr. Donald Donato discusses the history of the Levitikon, touching on Bernard-Raymond Fabre-Palaprat, L'Eglise Johannite des Chretiens Primitifs (Eglise du Christ), the French Revolution and of course, the Apostolic Johannite Church
Fr. Donald Donato discusses the history of the Levitikon, touching on Bernard-Raymond Fabre-Palaprat, L'Eglise Johannite des Chretiens Primitifs (Eglise du Christ), the French Revolution and of course, the Apostolic Johannite Church
Richard Smoley discusses Esoteric Christianity at the Apostolic Johannite Church's 2013 Conclave in Chicago, Illinois
Richard Smoley discusses Esoteric Christianity at the Apostolic Johannite Church's 2013 Conclave in Chicago, Illinois
Fr. Donald Donato, of St Sarah's Parish takes us through the second part of a series on the Mass.
Fr. Donald Donato, of St Sarah's Parish takes us through the first part of a multi-part series on the Mass.
Bishop Tim Mansfield takes us through individual and group practice of Lectio Divina from Conclave 2010
His Grace the Primate of the United States for the Apostolic Johannite Church delivers a talk on Jakob Böhme for the Conclave of the Apostolic Johannite Church in Essex, MA- May 2009
The Patriarch of the Apostolic Johannite Church talks about the Community of the Beloved Disciple and the early Johannite Tradition, opening with the story of his journey to the AJC
His Grace, the Primate of the United States, Dr. William Behun, discusses the Gnostic Restoration of Jules Doinel at Conclave 2011.
Dr. William Behun, Primate of the United States on Ancient and Modern Gnosticism and how the AJC connects with Classical Gnosticism.
His Grace, the Primate of the United States, Dr. William Behun, discusses the Gnostic Restoration of Jules Doinel at Conclave 2011.
The Patriarch of the Apostolic Johannite Church talks about the Community of the Beloved Disciple and the early Johannite Tradition, opening with the story of his journey to the AJC
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