Kole, Ben, Dennis, and David talk about the rumored new Arkham game, Spaceteam, and how to make time for games.
The Brief
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Korean propaganda.
- New Batman Arkham game coming this year?
- Kentucky Route Zero gets a demo.
- DICE Awards.
The Grind:
- Kole: The Cave. Hitman: Absolution. Spaceteam. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
- Ben: Tokyo Jungle.
- Dennis: Dark Souls. The Binding of Isaac. Retro City Rampage. Ruzzle.
- David: Dark Souls.
- Where do you find time to game?
The End Boss"
- Dennis: Gameification and working out.
- Kole: Tribute rewards?
- David: Gravity Bone is a neat name.
- Ben: Budget?
Links of Note: