The Liberation Theology Podcast
María Soledad del Villar Tagle returns to speak about some of the European roots of Gutiérrez' liberation theology in the French nouvelle théologie movement. David shares the varied responses of two German theologians, Moltmann and Metz, to liberation theology, and concludes with a positive assessment of the compatibility of Catholicism and socialism as well as a refutation of the alleged natural right to private property.
"The European Roots of A Theology of Liberation: Gustavo Gutiérrez and the Nouvelle Théologie" by María Soledad del Villar Tagle
Photo of The Crucified God book stained by the blood of the UCA martyr Juan Ramón Moreno, S.J.
"Europe and Its Discontents" by Benedict XVI
The Ideological Weapons of Death: A Theological Critique of Capitalism by Franz J. Hinkelammert
Mysterium liberationis
"Los molinos" by Adam Drake and Tom Jenkins
"Azure Sky" by Terry Devine-King and Adam Drake
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