Beyond the colony-city of Atrius is a deadly expanse known as the Fringe. This deadly territory, only meters away from the civilized city, threatens the lives of those living inside Atrius’ protective walls. To discover more about this impending threat and study its violent inhabitants, an expedition team is assigned to infiltrate the Southern Fringe by a covert government department. No training could possibly prepare the team for what’s to come.
Dr. Kovski, an expert in Fringe studies, has been pulled from his comfy office and and thrown directly into the field. There is no promise of a return, but strides must be taken to ensure that Artius Endures.
Written by Kaitlin Statz
Produced, Edited, with Sound Design by Travis Vengroff
“Critical Research Theme” by Travis Vengroff
Mixing and Mastering by Brandon Strader
Dr. Martollow Kovski :: Paul Mella
Mrs. Tongs & Aurelia Stolo :: Kaitlin Statz
Mrs. Posset :: Kat Sanzo
Dr. Phan :: David Cummings
Train Announcer :: Mike Kayatta
Computer :: Travis Vengroff
Security Officer :: William Statz
This is a Fool and Scholar Production. We are a two person creative team and we can only create this show because of fan support!
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Special Thanks to:
Our Patreon supporters! | Carol & Harvey Vengroff | Dr. Wily of the NESKimos | James Adam Cartwright
Sound Effects: (attribution licensees)
“Heart of Nowhere” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
“Empty Underground train, standing.wav” edited, originally recorded by Claudius
“Subway1.wav” edited, originally recorded by Trautwein
“Trains passing.wav” edited, originally recorded by ERH
“Train left to right.wav” edited, originally recorded by delta_omega__muon
“Elevator inside.aiff” edited, originally recorded by mredig
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