The investigation into a series of cold cases continues...
Agent Gray has disappeared and the devastated yet dedicated Agent Caulfield pursues her case at great cost. Is the situation truly hopeless, or will Caulfield’s zeal lead him to some much-needed answers.
Written by Kaitlin Statz
Produced, Edited, with Sound Design by Travis Vengroff
Mixing and Mastering by Brandon Strader
Caulfield :: Karim Kronfli
Gray :: Nichole Fernandez
Enforcer Shinko, Petrus Claerhaut :: Peter Lewis
Aurellia Stolo, Concordia, & Reporter 1 :: Kaitlin Statz
Marius :: Joseph Teagle
Julia Farrow :: Christy Luse
Olcinia :: Katie Otten
Agent Freeman :: Daniel Demerin
Agent Parsons :: Russel Gold
Reporter 2 :: Paul Mella
Reporter 3 :: Cat Blackard
Morgans :: Russ D. More
Elevator :: Zoe von Embler
McKenny :: Caitlin Buckley
Enforcer Nbao :: Rebecca Thomas
CDF 2 :: Adam Cartwright
Robin :: Abbey Kindler
Mallory :: Jeanne Corcoran
“Tales from the Tower Theme” – Arranged and Performed by Brandon Boone
“Deception Unveiled” – Written and Performed by Steven Melin
“Blackout” – Written by Adam Cartwright with additions by Steven Melin
“Losing Hope” – Written and Performed by Brandon Strader
“Final Encounter” – Written and performed by Travis Vengroff
Tales from the Tower art by Cat Blackard
This is a Fool and Scholar Production. We are a two person creative team and we can only create this show because of fan support!
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Special Thanks to:
Our Patreon supporters! | Carol Vengroff | Tovusound | David Cummings
Sound Effects: (attribution licensees)
“bip.wav” edited, originalled recorded by Slanesh
“Subway1.wav” edited, originally recorded by Trautwein
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