The Life of Prophet Muhammad – by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
This lecture covers various events that occurred on the day of the prophet's passing and the day after, up until his burial.
This lecture includes:
- The Prophet consoling Fatima by telling her she would be the first of his family to join him in paradise.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib and Hasan and Hussain being by his side during his final moments.
- The Prophet's final words, "Prayer, prayer", while leaning against Ali, which contradicts claims that he passed away in Aisha's lap.
- The odd behavior of Umar who insisted the Prophet was still alive and threatened violence against anyone who said otherwise.
- The gathering of some in Saqifah before the prophet could even be buried. If it was so obviously urgent, wouldn't the prophet have already appointed a successor?
- The prophet's ghusul and location of his burial
- Aisha reporting she didn't even know about the burial until she heard the sound of digging, which contradicts claims that the prophet was buried in her room.
Sheikh Azhar Nasser will iA be continuing the story of what happened after the burial in a new series in January called "After the Prophet". To contribute towards that series please visit
Lecture notes available at
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at