Shydeia Caldwell is a spirit-led guide and shamanic practitioner helping people uncover and embrace their narratives through ancestral healing traditions and well-being practices. Using technology, Shydeia helps Black women uncover and deepen their individual power through remothering, sisterhood and ancestral healing. Through ancestral and spirit connection, Shydeia has helped thousands of people around the world tap into creating spirit-led lives.
Her practice is a response to her spiritual journey and the current state of wellness in the world. At 21 years old, Shydeia founded Black Girl Magik and began her facilitating empowering spaces for Black women across the country to center and honor their healing.
Shydeia on Instagram: @shydeia
Shydeia's Website:
Helen's Instagram:@helendenham_
Helen's Website:
Meditate with me on Sundays @ 8pm PST! >
1:1 6-Week Mentorship Series
Cultivating Confidence - A Self Mastery Course