The Litigation Psychology Podcast
Paul Motz, Shareholder, Segal McCambridge Singer & Mahoney, joins the podcast to talk about what it takes to become a successful trial attorney. Finding good associates is a challenge these days. A couple of reasons for this is the job-hopping of associates in pursuit of a bigger paycheck and also the shift in people wanting to find more work-life balance. But Paul points out that being a trial attorney requires a different schedule and a different mentality. So what can trial attorneys do to better prepare their associates? Attorneys must treat their associates right and provide them with lots of opportunities to learn and grow. Trial attorneys should include their aspiring associates in as much of the case that makes sense and think about how to build rapport, camaraderie, and connection with their associates. Allow them opportunities to take ownership in specific situations and help associates understand that constantly switching firms is short-sighted because for a trial attorney, having an associate you can count on is invaluable. Associates who aspire to be a successful trial attorney must be willing to work hard and show initiative and take advantage of every opportunity offered to them. Watch the video of this episode: