The Litigation Psychology Podcast
Our focus on mental health issues in litigation continues with trucking attorney Larry Hall, Shareholder with Sandberg Phoenix law firm in St. Louis, MO. Larry is the head of the transportation group and has extensive experience in trucking litigation. Larry and Dr. Bill Kanasky discuss the historically negative perception that jurors have had of the trucking industry and the opportunities that defense counsel need to take advantage of during voir dire and opening statements to bring more attention to how critical truck drivers and the transportation industry are to our daily lives, particularly during the pandemic. Larry and Bill then tackle the mental health challenges that exist in trucking litigation and the awareness we have to have when dealing with witnesses in trucking litigation. They talk about how defense counsel and their witness effectiveness consultants need to manage the mental health stressors of the truck drivers and other witnesses who are being deposed. They also discuss the importance of establishing trust with your witness before you begin any litigation specific discussion, the changes that will be needed in jury selection and voir dire when courts open back up since so much has changed due to Covid-19, and much more. Watch the video version of this podcast: