The Love Fruit Podcast – A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians
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Layla and Patrick first came to my attention telling me their amazing story of having 2 pregnancies on a raw vegan diet (and one on their previous diet).
Patrick is a former professional soccer player and Layla has post graduate qualifications in Psychotherapy.
Layla had a history of health issues having had her appendix and gall bladder removed when she was younger. She went vegan at a young age after finding information from Peta but at times moved away from this to try different experiments over time.
They have made a number of attempts at living a minimalist homesteading lifestyle on different diets around the US, but even when growing their own food and eating simply and naturally, they never felt they were getting the most out of their health. They have lived in Hawaii growing lots of fruit for themselves and are currently travelling in the US.
You can follow Layla on instagram @the_fruit_mama_
Learn more about a raw vegan lifestyle at UK Fruitfest, one of the world's best event for the raw vegan community:
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