The Love Fruit Podcast – A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians
Janette Murray-Wakelin has been actively following a raw vegan lifestyle for over 17 years after Janette was diagnosed with cancer and was told she had 6 months to live. As a result, the lifestyle choices she and her husband Alan made set them both on a journey to optimal health.
Throughout the year 2013, to inspire and motivate conscious lifestyle choices, to promote kindness and compassion for all living beings and to raise environmental awareness for a sustainable future, raw vegan ultra-endurance runners Janette and Alan ran around Australia, 15,782 km, running 366 marathons (43 km) each in 366 days, no days off. On January 1, 2014, they acquired world acclaim by setting a new World Record as the only couple over the age of 60 fuelled entirely on raw fruit and veg, wearing barefoot shoes, to run 366 consecutive marathons while Running Raw Around Australia.
Since finishing their record breaking Run Around Australia, Janette and Alan have been inundated with global media interviews for TV, Radio, Podcasts, Newspapers, Magazines Blogs and online Summits. Invitations include speaking at schools, festivals, seminars and conferences throughout Australia and worldwide; the Toronto Raw Vegan Festival and the Toronto ideacity Conference in Canada, (similar to ‘TED Talks’), the Woodstock Fruit Festival in New York, USA National Public Radio New York, the World Vegan Summit in LA, the Raw Vegan Festival in Hong Kong, a five-city Speaking Tour of China and were invited to speak with Government Ministers and in schools in the Sultanate of Brunei.
A cinematically produced film based on the Run, ‘RAW the Documentary' was released and Premiered in Australia, USA, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia and New Zealand 2017; early 2018 in Paris France to coincide with the couple running the Paris International Marathon as part of the Vegan Marathon Team; a 5-city screening Tour in India 2019; 2 screenings in New Zealand and 3 screenings at the Brisbane Vegan Expo 2019. A short version of the film was officially selected and screened at the Cannes Film Festival France 2015, with the Australian Transitions Film Festival 2017 and the American Documentary Film Festival 2018, all with rave reviews.
Since finishing the Run Around Australia, Janette and Alan have continued their active lifestyle by walking the Pilgrim Way through France and Spain a total of 6000 km, and ascending the highest Buddhist mountain (3500m) in China, walking unaided with backpacks, completing the Walks fuelled on raw fruits and vegetables.
Janette Murray-Wakelin (70) and Alan Murray (74) have proven beyond any doubt that living a raw, vegan conscious lifestyle results in optimal health where physically, mentally and emotionally, anything is achievable, regardless of age.
The couple are based in Far North Queensland Australia, where they live a self-sufficient lifestyle offering personalised conscious living retreats, sharing hands-on what it means, and how simple and satisfying it is, to be healthy and happy living a Raw Vegan Conscious Lifestyle.
Janette is the author of the highly acclaimed book "Raw Can Cure Cancer’ (now in its 6th edition) and her second book, 'Running Out of Time - Running Raw around Australia’ was released in 2014. Both books, together with the DVD of the film ‘RAW the Documentary’ are available at film screenings and speaking events as well as through her website:
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