The Love Fruit Podcast – A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians
In this episode we interview Wendy Van Der Grinten from the Dutch Fruit Festival.
Here is a little about her:
HI ! I am Wendy, originally from Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Once I started my professional life with a science study in Applied Physics at the university, then started working as a Physics and Chemistry teacher, gave workshops on energetice healing and Even got involved in politics to make this world a healthy green place with respect for all life. After 16 Years in the world of energetice healing it was time to got a diploma in IT and nowadays I find myself in the broad world of naturopathy, detox & Regeneration . It all started In 2003. I went to work with Reiki and intuitive development, later became a course leader at such as Reiki Master, . Now I work as a therapist, Thetahealer, Merkaba healer and guide people on their way to health with a full hollistic aPPROACH. Food, movement, energy, prana, mindset can all be used.
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