“Scoot closer in and sit next to me while I tell you the story of my friend Macy..”
Friends! “Different— A Great Thing To Be” by Heather Avis is out right NOW, and we’re celebrating with a very special interview featuring none other than the entire Avis crew! That’s right, Heather is joined by her husband Josh and their three kiddos, including Macy— the star of the book (who also happens to be turning 13 on it’s release day). And if you’ve been listening for a while, you know about the goal for Macy to read this book on her own.. well, she’s been practicing for months and let’s just say, this book sounds even better coming from her! So don’t miss this special episode and don’t miss out on this book! “Different— A Great Thing To Be” is a great tool for your kiddos to learn to celebrate differences and we cannot wait for you to read it with them!
Buy “Different— A Great Thing To Be!” by Heather Avis.
Other books by Heather Avis:
Email [email protected] with your questions and Good News for future episodes.
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