Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt nervous to have “the talk” with your children.. and especially your children with Down syndrome! (All hands raised over here!) We know it’s a hard conversation but it is SO important. So today our guest is Dr. Katie Frank, an occupational therapist + expert on all things disability and sexuality. She’s here to educate us on boundaries, safety precautions, medical resources, + more. We’re also chatting about parents being the primary sexual educators for children with Down syndrome, how to respect your child’s autonomy, and of course, the general difficulties of adolescence. You might want to take notes on this one!
Learn more about the Adult Down Syndrome Center in Chicago, IL.
Read Terri Couwenhoven’s book, “Teaching Children with Down syndrome about their Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality”
Email [email protected] with your questions and Good News for future episodes.
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