We’re back with another one of our favorite interviews! Join us for a fun and insightful conversation with an extraordinary self-advocate! Enjoy..
At 22 years old, Matthew Schwab is a public speaker, employee, volunteer, ambassador, intern, campaign manager, and so much more. You may have even seen him advocating for employing people with disabilities on his TedX Talk! When he’s not writing speeches or selling merchandise, he’s sending emails or hanging out with his girlfriend. We’re so happy he took the time to sit down with us and chat all about his busy life, his future goals, and his journey from being sad about his Down Syndrome diagnosis to embracing it!
Follow Matthew Schwab on Instagram and Facebook.
Visit matthewschwabspeaks.com to book Matthew for your next speaking opportunity!
Watch Matthew’s TedX Talk: How I Know Including People With Down Syndrome Is A Good Thing
Email [email protected] with your questions and Good News for future episodes.
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