If you're a film photography beginner I have made a guide just for you
Let me know your thoughts on this episode over on IG @lucy_lumen
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Episode 2 is here and I have a little intro for you this time with some music made by none other than Lux Lumen!
I got a lot out of this conversation with Hashem and I hope you guys do to. He is a wealth of knowledge in the technical side of photograghy but we touched more on creativity, projects, his plans for the future and of course street photography! We covered so much and honestly could have kept going for hours. Big thanks to Hashem for taking the time to chat with me. Be sure to check him and Sarah out via the links below and if you have any helpful info in regards to ideas, sponsors or just want to say how excited you are about the idea of a film photography expo in Australia please get in touch with myself or Hashem directly.
Hashem's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/PushingFilm
Hashem's Website - https://www.exaframe.com/blog
Hashem's IG - https://www.instagram.com/pushingfilm/
SAHA Weddings - https://www.instagram.com/sahaweddings/?hl=en
SHE SHOOTS FILM MAGAZINE - https://www.sheshootsfilm.photography/
Anthony Ritchie Photography - https://www.anthonyritchie.photography/griffith-a-day-on-the-life/
Say hello over on IG - https://www.instagram.com/lucy_lumen/?hl=en
You can listen to Lux's awesome music here and buy the album to support him - https://luxlumen.bandcamp.com/album/analog-adventures-volume-one