Omer Zaman (affectionately known as O.Z) is a close friend of The Mad Mamluks. He is a volunteer for MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs) and organization dedicated to help create awareness for Muslim brothers and sisters with special needs across the United States.
Brother Omer has come on to help promote MUHSEN’s mission, and to encourage others to get involved with MUHSEN to help recognize and assist the people with special needs within their communities. Brother Omer was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy (Miyoshi Myopathy) in 2002, which has ultimately bound him to a wheelchair. Since his diagnosis, brother Omer has faced a number of challenges, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. We invited brother Omer to share his story, and potentially help others who may have special needs, and may need someone to relate to or even speak to. Muhsen is an organization founded by Sheikh Omar Suleiman that works to promote awareness in Muslim communities for those living with a disability. Muhsen strives in creating a better understanding of Disabilities in our communities and building a better future for these “Special” People of Jannah, Inshaa'Allah where they are welcomed and all their needs are addressed as they are accepted by all. Their next event:
Autism Speaks Walk with MUHSEN May 14, 2016 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC+0 Soldier FieldPlease like their Facebook page and follow for updates on events and programs, etc. Make dua for the success of this organization and if you’d like to be a part of it, please email [email protected] Sh. Omar Suleiman – Founder – TX Mufti Hussain Kamani – Advisor – IL Joohi Tahir – Executive Director – IL Rafeeq Ahmed – Advisory Board Member – TX Dilshad D. Ali – Advisory Board Member – VA Saadia Z, Yunus – Advisory Board Member – NY Rana Ottallah – Advisory Board Member – LA