909 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
New episodes of The Marie Manuchehri Podcast post every Thursday. Record a question for Marie that will be answered in the podcast at energyintuitive.com/podcast. Receive a free gift – a self hypnosis meditation about your spirit guides – as a thank you for providing your email address when you record a question.
The podcast The Marie Manuchehri Podcast is created by Marie Manuchehri. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Marie talks about reincarnation. Then during Q&A she talks about a son’s anxiety & depression, Reiki training, ending a relationship, healing from childhood trauma with father, recent multisensory perceptions, and reconnecting with an estranged daughter.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:58 - Why we choose to reincarnate
15:17 - Q&A begins - Rebecca’s ? about her son’s anxiety & depression
17:27 - Marie's answer for Rebecca
21:42 - Nancy’s ? about Reiki training
22:38 - Marie's answer for Nancy
25:58 - Stephanie’s ? about staying in a relationship or moving on
26:26 - Marie's answer for Stephanie
28:37 - Caller’s ? about healing from childhood sexual trauma with father
31:34 - Marie's answer for Caller
34:42 - Lacey’s ? about recent multisensory perceptions
36:47 - Marie's answer for Lacey
40:56 - Joanne’s ? about reconnecting with estranged daughter
43:04 - Marie's answer for Joanne
46:58 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #reincarnation #anxiety #depression #Reiki #reikitraining #endingrelationship #childhoodtrauma #sexualtrauma #estrangeddaughter
Marie talks about answers from the logical mind vs intuitive answers. During the Q&A, she answers questions about distinguishing intuition from judgment, irregular heart rhythms, difficult relationship with mother & sister, finding and staying in joy, cramping in calves and feet, next step professionally, and finding one’s true self.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Everything has two answers
08:51 - Q&A begins - Stephanie’s ? about distinguishing intuition from judgment
10:22 - Marie's answer for Stephanie
14:13 - Erin’s ? about irregular heart rhythms
14:48 - Marie's answer for Erin
18:25 - Carla’s request for a mediumship reading with her father
20:46 - Marie's answer for Carla
24:58 - Kirsten’s ? about difficult relationship with mother & sister
25:44 - Marie's answer for Kirsten
29:19 - Erica’s ? about finding and staying in joy
30:17 - Marie's answer for Erica
31:19 - Michael’s ? about cramping in calves and feet and next step professionally
33:31 - Marie's answer for Michael
35:47 - Meredith’s ? about finding true self
37:16 - Marie's answer for Meredith
40:18 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #findinganswers #intuitionvsjudgment #irregularheartrhythm #difficultfamilyrelationships #findingjoy #crampingincalves #footcramps #nextsteps #findingtrueself #nodes #nodesinthroat #speakyourtruth
Marie revisits tips for manifesting as Neptune brings forth the potential for growth and change. She also answer listener’s questions about dating and how to meet someone, Parkinson’s Disease, connecting with deceased son, Atrial Fibrillation, and reason for miscarriages.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Tips for manifesting as Neptune brings forth the potential for change
11:28 - Q&A begins - Erica’s ? about dating and how to meet someone
13:02 - Marie's answer for Erica
17:21 - Cheryl’s ? about Parkinson’s
19:20 - Marie's answer for Cheryl
23:04 - Caller’s ? about connecting with deceased son
23:49 - Marie's answer for Caller
27:18 - Lynn’s ? about AFib
28:34 - Marie's answer for Lynn
31:59 - Olya’s ? about two miscarriages
33:54 - Marie's answer for Olya
38:20 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #Neptune #manifesting #manifestation #dating #howtomeetsomeone #Parkinsons #connectingwithdeceasedson #AtrialFibrillation #AFib #miscarriages
Marie talks about why it can be so difficult to get out our brains in order to connect with our real emotions and intuition. During Q&A, she answers questions about kidney function issues, recurring UTIs, Raynaud’s Syndrome, a leg wound that won’t heal, a granddaughter’s issues with sleeping & urinary incontinence, feeling lost and blocked, which clairs one has and connecting to a mother’s spirit after a rocky relationship in life.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Getting out of your brain to connect with intuition
12:47 - Q&A begins - Chris’s ? about kidney function issues, recurring UTIs & Raynaud’s Syndrome
13:42 - Marie's answer for Chris
16:26 - Laura’s ? about wound on left leg that won’t heal
18:41 - Marie's answer for Laura
22:10 - Julie’s ? about granddaughter’s issues sleeping & urinary incontinence
24:05 - Marie's answer for Julie
28:22 - Fran’s ? about feeling lost and blocked
30:45 - Marie's answer for Frances
34:00 - Julie’s ? about which clairs she has
34:58 - Marie's answer for Julie
36:55 - Samantha’s ? about mother’s spirit & relationship
40:05 - Marie's answer for Samantha
45:46 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #overactivebrain #kidneyissues #recurringUTIs #RaynaudsSyndrome #legwoundnothealing #redlighttherapy #platinumledlights #granddaughter #insomnia #urinaryincontinence #feelinglost #blocked #latebloomer #clairs #clairsentience #clairvoyance #clairaudience #claircognizance #clairalience #mothersspirit #narcissism #narcissisticmother #addiction
Marie talks about the vibration of lack and apprehension around financial assistance. She also answers questions about myofascial trigger points, voice problems & spasmodic dysphonia, healing 2nd chakra and finding joy, and a double tarsal coalition.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:45 - Astrological updates
02:43 - The vibration of lack and financial assistance
14:30 - Q&A begins - Leila’s ? about myofascial trigger points
16:12 - Marie's answer for Leila
20:09 - Arisa’s ? about voice problems & spasmodic dysphonia
20:56 - Marie's answer for Arisa
28:21 - Maxine’s ? about healing 2nd chakra and finding joy
30:21 - Marie's answer for Maxine
34:35 - Stephanie’s ? about double tarsal coalition
36:36 - Marie's answer for Stephanie
41:56 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #vibrationoflack #financialassistance #wealth #abundance #ego #myofascialtriggerpoints #voiceproblems #spasmodicdysphonia #5thchakra #throatchakra #Vishuddha #truth #healingchakras #2ndchakra #sacralchakra #Svadhisthana #findingjoy #tarsalcoalition
Marie talks about the heart chakra and its functions as well as how to distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system so we can stay out of fight or flight. During Q&A, she answers questions about toning on the podcast, bone spurs, low heart rate, finding one’s joy, and what’s next in terms of work.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - The heart chakra and its functions
02:49 - Sympathetic vs parasympathetic autonomic nervous system
09:00 - Q&A begins - Laura’s ? about toning on the podcast
11:40 - Marie's answer for Laura
14:07 - Sharon’s ? about bone spur, low heart rate & what brings her joy
16:32 - Marie's answer for Sharon
19:31 - Tamara’s ? about what’s next for work
20:59 - Marie's answer for Tamara
26:06 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #heartchakra #Anahata #detachment #sympatheticnervoussystem #parasympatheticnervoussystem #autonomicsystem #fightorflight #fear #toning #bonespur #lowheartrate #joy #whatsnext #Reiki #wealth
Marie talks about letting go, releasing judgment, and the overall power of surrender. She also answers listeners’ questions about doing more energy work, how many spirit guides one has, weight gain, husband’s sleep difficulties, undiagnosed health issue, feeling lost in Michigan, and practicing channeling.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - The power of surrender
07:26 - Q&A begins - Hannah’s ?s about energy work & how many spirit guides
09:45 - Marie's answer for Hannah
11:54 - Donna’s ? about weight gain
12:50 - Marie's answer for Donna
14:34 - Jeanne’s ? about husband’s sleep difficulties
15:20 - Marie's answer for Jeanne
17:22 - Desirae’s ? about undiagnosed health issue
19:08 - Marie's answer for Desirae
22:04 - Sharon’s ? about feeling lost in Michigan
22:44 - Marie's answer for Sharon
25:36 - Carlene’s ? about practicing channeling
26:07 - Marie's answer for Carlene
27:59 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #surrender #lettinggo #judgmental #energywork #spiritguides #weight gain #sleepdifficulty #sleepapnea #undiagnosedhealthissue #feelinglost #Michiganenergy #groundedenergy #channeling #channelingspirits
Marie talks about how our energy and consciousness will be affected by upcoming astrological events and then about free will. During Q&A she answers questions about feeling lost/stuck after losing someone 5 yrs earlier, moving on after husband’s death, growing spiritual gifts, and waking up at night in fear of visions.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Upcoming astrological effects on our energy
02:53 - Free will, the greatest law in all of the universes
14:02 - Q&A begins - Dawn’s ?s about feeling lost/stuck after losing someone 5 yrs ago
15:12 - Marie's answer for Dawn
21:02 - Barbara’s ? about moving on after husband’s death
22:27 - Marie's answer for Barbara
25:08 - Maryanne’s ?s about growing spiritual gifts
26:05 - Marie's answer for Maryanne
30:53 - Rebecca’s ? about waking up at night with visions
31:53 - Marie's answer for Rebecca
36:10 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #freewill #universes #grief #feelinglost #feelingstuck #lossoflovedone #movingon #husbandsdeath #spiritualgifts #nightterrors #nightvisions #fear
Marie talks about how being at a higher frequency and vibration affects your physical reality. She also answers questions about chronic fatigue syndrome, seeing a blue light in one’s periphery, what’s next after a psychotherapy career,
big dreams, and psychic abilities.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:42 - How higher frequencies affect your physical reality
09:33 - Q&A begins - Dianna’s ?s about chronic fatigue syndrome
11:31 - Marie's answer for Diana
15:29 - Sarah’s ? about seeing blue light in periphery
16:24 - Marie's answer for Sarah
18:33 - Renee’s ?s about what’s next after psychotherapy career
19:29 - Marie's answer for Renee
22:35 - Veronica’s ? about a big dream
23:13 - Marie's answer for Veronica
28:20 - Jamie’s ?s about psychic abilities and message from spirit guides
28:48 - Marie's answer for Jamie
30:42 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #chronicfatiguesyndrome #highfrequency #highvibration #physicalreality #chronicfatiguesyndrome #bluelight #seeinglights #departedlovedones #spiritualawakening #whatsnext #bigdreams #psychicabilities
Marie talks about the need to be gracious and patient with others as they begin to awaken and adjust their thinking and belief systems. She then answers questions about dealing with fear of money and fear of sharing intuitive interests, finding relief for Raynaud's Syndrome, whether Marie has had an NDE, and shifting to a career of greater service.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:07 - The importance of patience as others begin to awaken
17:52 - Q&A begins - Regina’s ?s about fear of money and sharing intuitive interests
19:32 - Marie's answer for Regina
29:52 - Nicole’s ? about relief for Raynaud's Syndrome
32:23 - Marie's answer for Nicole
41:41 - K͜͡hal’s ?s about Marie’s NDE
42:04 - Marie's answer for K͜͡hal
42:33 - Katie’s ? about shifting to a career of greater service
45:04 - Marie's answer for Katie
50:50 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #Neptune #Aries #NeptuneinAries #awakening #consciousness #multisensoryexperience #healthissues #patience #patienceinteaching #2ndchakra #sacralchakra #Svadhishthana #fearofmoney #RaynaudsSyndrome #NDE #neardeathexperience #hysterectomy #SjögrensSyndrome #changingcareers #intuitivecareers
Marie talks about how Neptune’s coming movement into Aries will create awakenings within us 14 years in the making. She also answers questions during Q&A about a healing but frightening supernatural experience, the cause of various current health issues, infertility, deciding between a career in nursing and holistic work, the meaning of an intuitive dream, and does an energy reading.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:07 - Neptune’s movement into Aries and awakenings
15:56 - Q&A begins - Betsy’s ?s about a healing supernatural experience and current health issues
18:00 - Marie's answer for Betsy
24:25 - Layla’s ? about infertility
25:51 - Marie's answer for Layla
27:51 - Erin’s ?s about a nursing/holistic career and an intuitive dream
29:13 - Marie's answer for Erin
32:17 - Milena’s request for an energy reading
33:55 - Marie's answer for Milena
36:53 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #Neptune #Pisces #Aries #NeptuneinAries #awakening #politicalawakening #spiritualawakening #consciousness #multisensoryexperience #healthissues #infertility #nursing #nursingcareer #holisticcareer #meaningofdreams #fearofrelationships #independent #energyreading #energyleaks
Marie talks about feeling energy moving in your body and what that can look like. The during Q&A, she answers questions about what’s next and moving past the blocks, a recent multisensory experience that caused fear, what to work on to become a medium, how to get past negative self-perceptions, a partner’s massive heart attack, and the reason behind various health issues.
Products mentioned in this episode:
HPA Adapt: https://integrativepro.com/products/hpa-adapt?variant=45323536138554
Platinum Therapy (Red/infrared light): https://platinumtherapylights.com/
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:16 - Feeling energy in the body
14:29 - Q&A begins - Fred’s ? about what the next move is and moving past the block
15:44 - Marie's answer for Fred
18:54 - Jan’s ? about a recent multisensory experience that caused fear
21:36 - Marie's answer for Jan
23:21 - Barb’s ? about what to work on to achieve goal of mediumship
24:32- Marie's answer for Barb
29:08 - Frederike’s ? about how to get past negative self-perceptions
30:25 - Marie's answer for Frederike
35:43 - Claudia’s ? about partner’s massive heart attack
36:25 - Marie's answer for Claudia
39:56 - Fanny’s ? about reason behind various health issues
40:57 - Marie's answer for Fanny
43:20 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #whatsnext #multisensoryexperience #fear #mediumship #medium #selfloathing #negativeselftalk #massiveheartattack
Marie talks about ways to unlock your natural intuitive abilities. She also answers questions about whether a deceased father has reincarnated, how to heal the 2nd chakra, a soul’s purpose, what the highest good may be from a marriage ending, and a son’s chronic exertional compartment syndrome.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
03:09 - Unlocking your natural intuitive abilities
12:43 - Q&A begins - Megan’s ? about whether deceased father has reincarnated
14:48 - Marie's answer for Megan
18:02 - Erica’s ? about how to heal 2nd chakra
20:19 - Marie's answer for Erica
24:51 - Nancy’s ? about what her soul purpose is
27:45- Marie's answer for Nancy
31:45 - Madeline’s ? about her highest good from marriage ending
33:46 - Marie's answer for Madeline
38:06 - Sharon’s ? about son’s chronic exertional compartment syndrome
39:22 - Marie's answer for Sharon
45:03 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #reincarnation #chakrahealing #2ndchakra #sacralchakra #Svadhisthana #AlexFerrari #NextLevelSoul #marriageending #divorce #chronicexertionalcompartmentsyndrome
Marie talks about free will. Then, during Q&A, she answers questions about choices made after a severe fall and brain hemorrhage, meeting one’s spirit guides, a belly button issue and itchy skin, an aura mystery, worsening back issues, relocating family members from California to Washington, and frequent unexpected weeping.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
03:09 - Understanding free will
12:22 - Q&A begins - Javier’s request for guidance on journey after fall and brain hemorrhage
14:51 - Marie's answer for Javier
19:13 - Kerry’s ? about meeting spirit guides
20:47 - Marie's answer for Kerry
24:20 - Tina’s ? about belly button issue and itchy skin
25:32- Marie's answer for Tina
29:09 - Maarit’s ?s about an aura mystery
31:10 - Marie's answer for Maarit
34:45 - Rocco’s ? about worsening back issues
35:05 - Marie's answer for Rocco
40:19 - Marisela’s ? about family moving from California to Washington
40:53 - Marie's answer for Marisela
41:36 - Sandra’s ? about frequent unexpected weeping
42:53 - Marie's answer for Sandra
44:47 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #freewill #whatisfreewill #spiritguides #bellybutton #itchyskin #itchyskincauses #auraphotos #auraphotography #backproblems #relocatingwithfamily #grief
Marie talks about the power of joy can have on our manifesting abilities. She also answers listener questions about old souls vs new souls, obsessing over fear-based thoughts, ways to help OCD, ADHD & General Anxiety, opening up the back of heart chakra, the best thing to do for fibromyalgia, sciatica, left hip and low back pain, the best choice for a career, a challenging relationship with one’s mother, and finding a meaningful and satisfying job.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:56 - The Power of Joy in Manifesting
06:23 - Understanding Energy and Receptivity
08:52 - Q&A begins - Josephine’s ? about being an old soul or new soul
10:07 - Marie's answer for Josephine
14:55 - Debbie’s ? about obsessing over fear-based thoughts; ways to help OCD, ADHD & General Anxiety
17:12 - Marie's answer for Debbie
20:41 - Joy’s ? about opening up the back of heart chakra
21:54- - Marie's answer for Joy
24:05 - Tina’s ?s about best thing to do for fibromyalgia, sciatica, left hip and low back pain
24:49 - Marie's answer for Tina
28:10 - Anne’s ? about best choice for career
28:40 - Marie's answer for Anne
34:33 - Ariana ? about challenging relationship with mother
35:14 - Marie's answer for Ariana
39:06 - Christina ? about finding a meaningful/satisfying job
40:29 - Marie's answer for Christina
45:14 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #manifesting #manifestation #fearbasedthinking #OCD #ADHD #generalizedanxietydisorder #heartchakra #fibromyalgia #sciatica #lefthippain #lowbackpain #careeropportunities #motherdaughterrelationship #meaningfulwork
Marie talks about manifesting through detachment from things you don’t want and being in the present. She also answers questions about prolapse, medications after a triple bypass heart surgery, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), trouble with the adrenals, the best diet for scleroderma, seeing lights in the dark, dealing with a 16yo daughter’s mental health and behavior, and bringing more joy into one’s life.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:39 - Detaching from the things you don’t want to manifest your desires
06:23 - Finding joy in the present moment
09:28 - Neptune’s shift and awakening consciousness
12:48 - Q&A begins - Sandy’s ? about a prolapse
13:16 - Marie's answer for Sandy
17:56 - James’ ?s about medications post triple bypass heart surgery and ED
19:36 - Marie's answer for James
21:00 - Leah’s ? about trouble with the adrenals
22:23- - Marie's answer for Leah
28:19 - Cynthia’s ?s about the best diet for scleroderma and seeing lights in the dark
29:49 - Marie's answer for Cynthia
33:47 - Carrie’s ? about 16yo daughter’s mental health and behavior
34:45 - Marie's answer for Carrie
38:55 - Theresa’s ? about bringing more joy into life
40:02 - Marie's answer for Theresa
42:08 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #detachment #manifesting #manifestation #prolapse #prolapseduterus #triplebypasssurgery #ErectileDysfunction #ED #adrenals #scleroderma #lightsinthedark #teenagedaughters #joy
Marie talks about discovering your true life purpose/s and how speaking your truth can help you peel back those layers. During Q&A she answers questions about being sick after a colonoscopy, one’s purpose in life, a son’s cough & alcoholism, a mother and sister’s fraught relationship, sacrocolpopexy surgery for a prolapse, and shoulder-replacement surgery.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:52 - Discovering your true life purpose/s
13:22 - Q&A begins - Lori’s ? about being sick after a colonoscopy
15:31 - Marie's answer for Lori
19:57 - David’s ? about one’s purpose in life
20:42 - Marie's answer for David
23:55 - Share’s ? about her son’s cough & alcoholism
24:54- - Marie's answer for Share
29:18 - Sharon’s ? about her mother and sister’s fraught relationship
30:20 - Marie's answer for Sharon
32:30 - Tammy’s ?s about an upcoming sacrocolpopexy surgery for a prolapse
32:50 - Marie's answer for Tammy
36:26 - Candy’s ? about a shoulder-replacement surgery
37:37 - Marie's answer for Candy
43:00 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #lifepurpose #purposeinlife #discoveryourpurpose #speakyourtruth #colonoscopy #alcoholism #sonshealth #familydynamics #complicatedmotherdaughterrelationship #sacrocolpopexysurgery #prolapse #shoulderreplacement
Marie talks about how we can align to our real emotions and subsequently our intuition. She also answers questions about the next career move after public defender work, lessons to learn from chronic lymphocytic leukemia and how to heal it, what specialty in the mental health field to go into, constant sickness throughout life, adopted daughter’s health, and skin issues possibly related to a titanium hip replacement.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:37 - Surrendering so we can align to our intuition
12:14 - Q&A begins - Andrea’s ? about next career move after public defender work
13:32 - Marie's answer for Andrea
24:47 - Bruce’s ? about lessons from chronic lymphocytic leukemia and how to heal
25:38 - Marie's answer for Bruce
30:44 - Jules’s ? about specializing more within the mental health field
31:37 - Marie's answer for Jules
34:33 - Kathleen’s request for a mediumship reading with her mother
35:01 - Marie's answer for Kathleen
37:40 - Andrea’s ?s about being sick almost entire life and adoptive daughter’s health
39:42 - Marie's answer for Andrea
44:43 - Chris’s ? about skin issues possibly related to titanium hip replacements
45:51 - Marie's answer for Chris
49:02 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #quietingthemind #surrender #oldsoul #whatsnext #careerchange #chroniclymphocyticleukemia #mentalhealthcareers #mediumship #mediumshipreading #messagefrommother #otherside #adoption #skinissues #titaniumhipreplacement #nearinfraredlighttherapy #redlighttherapy #PlatinumLEDTherapyLights
Marie talks about themes for success as we move into this 2025 energy. Then, she does energy readings and answers questions about a lost cat, communicating with mothers and mother-in-lows on the otherside, next steps on the work front, and recurring kidney issues.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:48 - Tips for success as we move into this 2025 energy
15:09 - Q&A begins - Faith’s ? about housemate’s lost cat, Meow
16:48 - Marie's answer for Faith
18:55 - Cecilia’s ? about hearing from her mom who’s passed
19:38 - Marie's answer for Cecilia
22:18 - Denise’s request for an energy reading
22:35 - Marie's answer for Denise
26:49 - Jeannie’s request for an energy reading
27:17 - Marie's answer for Jeannie
30:10 - Dee’s ? about her mother-in-law’s spirit trying to connect
30:54 - Marie's answer for Dee
32:55 - Ana’s ? about work going forward
33:43 - Marie's answer for Ana
36:48 - Deb’s ? about recurring kidney issues
37:56 - Marie's answer for Deb
42:06 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #tipsforsuccess #lostcat #communicatingwithdeceasedlovedones #energyreading #motherinlaw #nextsteps #kidneyissues
Marie is enjoying some time away with her family during this holiday week. Please enjoy this encore episode from October 3rd where she talks about energy medicine and how you can use it even if you’ve never taken a class before. She also does energy readings and answers listeners’ questions about attached entities, creating more wealth and abundance, switching careers, issues with authentic relationships, type 1 diabetes, tachycardia and high blood pressure, and life purpose.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Energy medicine and how we can use it
06:55 - Q&A begins - Robert’s energy reading request and ? about attached entities
07:28 - Marie's answer for Robert
10:52 - Michaela’s ? about creating more wealth & abundance
11:45 - Marie's answer for Michaela
15:45 - Kerry’s ? about switch from school counselor to another career
16:25 - Marie's answer for Kerry
17:03 - Blossom’s ? about issues with authentic relationships with others
18:54 - Marie's answer for Blossom
23:51 - Kristi’s ? about the cause of type 1 diabetes
24:49 - Marie's answer for Kristi
28:11 - Zendra’s ? about cause of tachycardia in middle of night + increased blood pressure
31:10 - Marie's answer for Zendra
34:16 - Bhavna’s ? about guidance on life purpose and career choice
35:28 - Marie's answer for Bhavna
37:15 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #chakras #creatingwealth #abundance #choosingcareer #authenticrelationships #type1diabetes #tachycardia #highbloodpressure #perimenopause #menopause #lifepurpose
Marie talks about the need to focus on yourself in order to manifest. She then answers questions about divorce from a soul mate, trigeminal neuralgia, constant genital herpes outbreaks, calmness as an aspect of joy, dissociation and inner child work, the source of low energy levels and tiredness, making an income from intuition, and manifesting a romantic partner.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:44 - Focusing on yourself to manifesting
13:31 - Q&A begins - Maddie’s ? about a possible divorce from soul mate
14:59 - Marie's answer for Maddie
18:20 - Kathy’s ? about trigeminal neuralgia
18:50 - Marie's answer for Kathy
21:49 - Andrea’s ? about reason for constant genital herpes outbreaks
23:11 - Marie's answer for Andrea
26:02 - Susan’s ? about whether calmness is as an aspect of joy
27:02 - Marie's answer for Susan
27:53 - Bianca’s ? about dissociation and inner child work
30:54 - Marie's answer for Bianca
34:41 - Rose’s ? about source of low energy level and tiredness
37:20 - Marie's answer for Rose
38:40 - Lindsay’s ? about making an income from intuition
41:34 - Marie's answer for Lindsay
44:26 - Monica’s ? about manifesting a romantic partner
45:43 - Marie's answer for Monica
46:51 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #medicalintuitive #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #focusonyou #manifesting #manifestation #divorce #soulmate #earthmate #trigeminalneuralgia #genitalherpesoutbreaks #feelingcalm #joy #dissociation #innerchildwork #sourceoflowenergy #tiredness #makingmoneyfromintuition #manifestingaromanticpartner #findinglove
Marie talks about victim consciousness and how we can change our perception around it. She also answers listener questions about how red light therapy can help/interact with chronic fatigue and A-fib, the spiritual meaning of constantly seeing bald eagles, lichen planus, deciding on spiritual work path, and the spiritual purpose of breast cancer.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:44 - Changing the story of victimization
12:43 - Q&A begins - Sharon’s ? about red light therapy for chronic fatigue & A-fib
13:48 - Marie's answer for Sharon
17:15 - Amy’s ?s about sightings of bald eagles & her next job opportunity
19:40 - Marie's answer for Amy
21:03 - Terri’s ? about lichen planus & a Reiki practice
23:54 - Marie's answer for Terri
27:48 - Susan’s ? about what type of spiritual work to do
30:09 - Marie's answer for Susan
34:10 - Trish’s ? about spiritual purpose of breast cancer
35:57 - Marie's answer for Trish
39:11 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #medicalintuitive #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #selflove #highvibration #victimization #victimconscriousness #redlight #redlighttherapy #chronicfatigue #Afib #atrialfibrillation #baldeagles #seeingbaldeagles #nextjob #findingwork #lichenplanus #reiki #reikipractice #spiritualwork #whatsnext #breastcancer #spiritualpurposeofbreastcancer
Marie talks about real emotions vs mind-made emotions. Then during Q&A, she answers questions about a difficult mother-daughter relationship, finding direction for career path, addiction to food, multi-sensory experiences during childhood, overcoming email notification anxieties, and the timing of a friend’s passing. She also does toning for all listeners.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:48 - Understanding Authentic Emotions
12:09 - Q&A begins - AJ’s ? about her relationship with her mother
13:16 - Marie's answer for AJ
19:26 - Misha’s ? about finding direction for career
20:39 - Marie's answer for Misha
22:56 - Megan’s ? about her career path
23:47 - Marie's answer for Megan
25:21 - Isabel’s ? about fun, sustainable career path
26:01 - Marie's answer for Isabel
28:09 - Denise’s request for an energy reading
28:26 - Marie's answer for Denise
31:00 - Emma’s ? about addiction to food
32:30 - Marie's answer for Emma
34:30 - Fenella’s ? about multisensory experiences growing up
37:24 - Marie's answer for Fenella
41:40 - Jasdeep’s ? about overcoming email notification anxieties
42:49 - Marie's answer for Jasdeep
43:47 - Marie toning for everyone
45:12 - Sonal’s ? about timing of friend’s passing
48:06 - Marie's answer for Sonal
52:16 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #selflove #highvibration
Marie talks about self love as an advanced high vibrational technique. She also answers listeners’ questions about characters from human imagination & books, using red light therapy for her ailments, chronic upper back and right shoulder pain, hormone replacement therapy, various ailments, manifesting a life partner, growing a stalled business, an estranged relationship with a son, and what direction to take in life.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Self-love as an advanced high vibrational technique
13:29 - Q&A begins - Janna’s ? about characters from human imagination & books
14:08 - Marie's answer for Janna
15:28 - Julie’s ?s about red light therapy and messages from her guides
16:56 - Marie's answer for Julie
19:32 - Cheryl’s ? about chronic upper back and right shoulder pain
20:47 - Marie's answer for Cheryl
22:49 - Avril’s ?s hormone replacement therapy, various ailments and manifesting a life partner
25:33 - Marie's answer for Avril
28:37 - Ana Maria’s ? about growing her business
30:51 - Marie's answer for Ana Maria
36:32 - Angelique’s ? about estranged relationship with her son
38:53 - Marie's answer for Angelique
44:00 - Jennifer’s ? about help with direction to take in life
46:38 - Marie's answer for Jennifer
50:39 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #selflove #highvibration #Covidvaccinereactions #lymphoma #redlighttherapy #messagefromspiritguides #chronicbackpain #rightshoulderpain #hormonereplacementtherapy #physicalailments #findingalifepartner #growingyourbusiness #motherrelationshipwithson #findingdirectioninlife
Marie talks about the power of desires and techniques for manifesting them. During Q&A, she answers listener’s questions about a border collie’s various health issues, a wife’s Alzheimer’s and husband’s spiritual path, bladder issues, struggling with living in the UK and where to move next, learning Reiki, hypothyroidism, and departed loved ones helping with prayers.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - The power of desires and techniques for manifesting them
14:11 - Q&A begins - Susan’s ? about her border collie’s various health issues
16:20 - Marie's answer for Susan
20:49 - David & Kim’s ? about Kim’s Alzheimer’s and David’s path
22:20 - Marie's answer for David & Kim
29:09 - Eva’s ? about her bladder issues
30:11 - Marie's answer for Eva
33:37 - Rasa’s ? about struggle with living in the UK and where to move next
35:44 - Marie's answer for Rasa
40:16 - Tammy’s ? about tips for learning Reiki
41:01 - Marie's answer for Tammy
42:28 - Lil's ? about her hypothyroidism
43:01 - Marie's answer for Lil
45:48 - Alice’s ? about whether her departed loved ones can help with her prayers
46:37 - Marie's answer for Alice
48:03 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #desires #manifesting #manifestation #bordercollie #Alzheimers #Alzheimersdisease #spiritualpath #bladderproblems #livingintheUK #wheretomove #Reiki #learningReiki #hypothyroidism #departedlovedones #prayers
Marie talks about ways to change our perception so that we can manifest. She also answers questions about why opposites attract, a partner’s work opportunities, spirit guides, developing an astrology practice after retirement, finding a purpose to help humanity, and figuring out what to do professionally.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:49 - Changing our perception to manifest
16:57 - Q&A begins - Jeffrey’s ? about why opposites attract
17:31 - Marie's answer for Jeffrey
21:40 - Ashley’s ? about her partner’s work opportunities
22:23 - Marie's answer for Ashley
23:57 - Victoria’s ? about her guides & request for an energy reading
24:50 - Marie's answer for Victoria
27:57 - Elisa ? about developing an astrology practice after retirement
28:19 - Marie's answer for Elisa
34:10 - Claudia’s ? about her purpose for humanity
35:21 - Marie's answer for Claudia
37:55 - Marcia’s ? about figuring out what to do with her professional life
40:41 - Marie's answer for Marcia
44:01 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #oppositesattract #workopportunities #astrologypractice #findingyourpurpose #helpinghumanity
Marie talks about aligning to your personal potential for career fulfillment. During the Q&A portion, she answers questions about behavioral issues in an autistic child, an adult daughter’s multiple health issues, the timing of a re-connection with an intuitive birth father and family, estranged family members, reconnecting with a niece, and self-sabotaging meditative and health practices.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:45 - Career fulfillment and aligning to your personal potential
12:52 - Q&A begins - Jessica’s ? about behavioral issues in her autistic child
15:19 - Marie's answer for Jessica
19:51 - Michelle’s ? about her daughter’s health issues
21:21 - Marie's answer for Michelle
23:29 - Esther’s ?s about the timing of her connection with her intuitive birth father
24:35 - Marie's answer for Esther
26:14 - Diane’s ?s about estranged family members and if she’ll reconnect with her niece
26:51 - Marie's answer for Diane
31:37 - Jamie’s ? about why can’t stick with meditative/health practices
32:15 - Marie's answer for Jamie
33:45 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #career goals #careeropportunities #potential #autisticchildren #autisticbehavior #behavioralissues #healthissues #birthfather #birthfamily #estrangedfamily #reconnectingwithfamily #selfsabotage #selfloathing
Marie talks about communicating with your spirit guides. She then answers listener’s questions about financial freedom, near death experiences and close exits, multiple family deaths, multiple myeloma and breast cancer, daughter’s eczema & skin virus, becoming an end of life doula, highest good for a 32-year marriage, body temperature issues, where to move next, low back pain, low self-confidence and chronic fatigue, feeling stuck and loving yourself.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:15 - Communicating with your spirit guides
07:34 - Q&A begins - Vania’s ? about financial freedom
09:51 - Marie's answer for Vania
14:53 - Leah’s ? about near death experiences or close exits
15:44 - Marie's answer for Leah
20:38 - Charla’s ?s about multiple family deaths, multiple myeloma and breast cancer
22:54 - Marie's answer for Charla
27:02 - Carmen’s ? about curing daughter’s eczema & skin virus
28:07 - Marie's answer for Carmen
29:59 - Kim’s ? about becoming an end of life doula after retirement
30:57 - Marie's answer for Kim
33:02 - Laura’s ? about highest good for her 32-year marriage
33:19 - Marie's answer for Laura
34:09 - Rein’s ?s about dealing with temperature issues and where to move next
34:44 - Marie's answer for Rein
36:30 - Judy’s ? about lower back pain after bending down
37:09 - Marie's answer for Judy
38:14 - Suzanne’s ? about low self-confidence, self-esteem and chronic fatigue
39:02 - Marie's answer for Suzanne
40:06 - Rebecca’s ? about feeling stuck
42:15 - Marie's answer for Rebecca
43:43 - Regina’s ? about loving yourself in spite of mistakes
45:16 - Marie's answer for Regina
49:24 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #communicatingwithspiritguides #financialfreedom #neardeathexperience #NDE #closeexits #multiplefamilydeaths #multiplemyeloma #breastcancer #eczema #skinvirus #endoflifedoula #doula #longmarriage #temperatureissues #wheretomove #lowbackpain #lowselfconfidence #selfesteem #chronicfatigue #feelingstuck #lovingyourself #selflove
Marie is enjoying some time away with her family during this holiday week. Please enjoy this encore episode from August 15th where she discusses the power of not knowing and staying in the present. Then during Q&A, she answers questions about getting emotional when learning new things, developing psychic abilities that have long been stifled, issues with the left side of the body, low libido in a marriage, connecting with a loved one on the other side, fear of an early death date determined in dreams, and negative effects from plant medicine, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #unknown #stayingpresent #psychicabilities #leftside #lowlibido #otherside #earlydeath #fear #premonition #plantmedicine
Marie is taking a break this week for the holiday. Please enjoy this encore episode from April 11th where she walks us through how to draw out energy for clients and how it can be useful for doing energy work on yourself or someone else. Then she answers questions about regaining the ability to have multi-sensory experiences after shutting them out, the root cause of stomach and gut health, finding guidance and spiritual purpose, and many others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - Harnessing eclipse energy to manifest your desires
04:57 - How to Draw Out Energy for Others
14:09 - Q&A begins - Antonio’s ? about how to unblock multi-sensory experiences after shutting them out
16:19 - Marie's answer for Antonio
19:42 - Karina’s ? about root of stomach and gut health issues
20:42 - Marie's answer for Karina
24:37 - Zaloa’s ? about blood pressure, dizziness and tachycardia
25:48 - Marie's answer for Zaloa
31:43 - Maryam’s ? about reason for series of unfortunate events
33:55 - Marie's answer for Maryam
40:45 - Holly’s ? about training her guides have referenced
41:23 - Marie's answer for Holly
44:28 - Deb’s ? about tweaking DNA mutation to recognize and kill ovarian cancer cells
47:20 - Marie's answer for Deb
52:36 - Shanda’s ? about discerning personal voice from spirit’s answers
53:32 - Marie's answer for Shanda
55:43 - Lynn’s ? about getting to know her soul
57:12 - Marie's answer for Lynn
59:02 - Betsy’s ? request for a general reading
59:55 - Marie's answer for Betsy
1:57:00 - Lexis’s ? about advice from higher self and guides
1:02:39 - Marie's answer for Lexis
1:04:33 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #drawingenergy #unlockintuition #stomachissues #guthealthissues #gutissues #candida #eczema #3rdchakra #thirdchakra #selflove #bloodpressure #dizziness #tachycardia #alopathicmedicine #heartchakra #unfortunateevents #ovariancancer #stage4cancer #killcancercells #spirit #knowyoursoul #higherself #AlexFerrari
Marie talks about communicating with deceased loved ones this holiday season. During Q&A she does several mediumship readings and answers questions about mushrooms for Alzheimer’s, inability to lose weight, figuring out one’s gifts and talents, and finding direction.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:39 - Communicating with loved ones on the otherside this holiday season
15:29 - Q&A begins - LaToya’s ? about whether her ex who recently passed is ok
16:53 - Marie's answer for LaToya
18:54 - Angel’s ? about mushroom’s to help with her mom’s Alzheimer’s
20:04 - Marie's answer for Angel
21:32 - Priscilla’s request for a mediumship reading with her sisters
22:15 - Marie's answer for Priscilla
23:19 - Candice’s request for an energy reading
24:05 - Marie's answer for Candice
25:02 - Maria’s ? about inability to lose weight
27:15 - Marie's answer for Maria
28:47 - Rosemary’s ? about finding her gifts, talents and soul purpose
29:17 - Marie's answer for Rosemary
31:57 - Nicole’s request for a mediumship reading with her maternal grandmother
32:11 - Marie's answer for Nicole
34:58 - Manon ? about guidance from angels to find direction
35:25 - Marie's answer for Manon
38:43 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #communicatingwithdeceasedlovedones #otherside #holidays #magicmushrooms #Alzheimer’s #inabilitytoloseweight #findingyourgiftsandtalents ##soulpurpose ##angels ##findingdirection
Marie talks about shifting your perception for growth and setting boundaries for personal happiness. Then, during Q&A, she answers questions about next steps for work, an aching mid-section during the April eclipse, excessively dry and painful lips, migraines, how to get rid of worries and taking things personally, and where to live.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - Shifting your perception for growth
18:28 - Q&A begins - Geula’s ? about next steps for work
19:48 - Marie's answer for Geula
23:48 - Sue’s ? about why her aching mid-section during the April eclipse
24:41 - Marie's answer for Sue
26:22 - Kate’s ? about excessively dry, throbbing, painful lips
28:36 - Marie's answer for Kate
32:30 - Joline’s ? about migraines
33:28 - Marie's answer for Joline
36:45 - Stephanie’s ? about what to do with her career
38:04 - Marie's answer for Stephanie
40:59 - Iryna’s ? about how to get rid of worries and taking things personally
41:29 - Marie's answer for Iryna
43:52 - Diane’s ? about what to do and where to live
45:46 - Marie's answer for Diane
51:35 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #nextsteps #achingmidsection #eclipse #excessivelydrylips #painfullips #throbbinglips #migraines #getridofworries #nottakingthingspersonally #wheretolive
Marie talks about the need for individualization to connect with our intuition and manifest our desires. She also answers listener questions about Alzheimer’s, moving with a new love interest, transitioning to a life one feels guided toward, breaking the cycle of emotional eating, having a multisensory experience at the exact moment of a friend’s death, stress and low vibrational energy, and maintaining a healthy weight and self image.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:51 - Individualizing to connect with intuition and manifest
13:10 - Q&A begins - Mel’s ? about how Alzheimer’s and moving with new suitor
14:26 - Marie's answer for Mel
17:51 - Lori’s ? about transitioning to a life she feels guided toward
18:56 - Marie's answer for Lori
22:49 - Theresa’s ? about breaking cycle of emotional eating
23:52 - Marie's answer for Theresa
27:54 - Julia’s ? about multisensory experience at moment of friend’s death
29:30 - Marie's answer for Julia
30:45 - Alexandra’s ? about stress and request for a mediumship reading with brother
31:26 - Marie's answer for Alexandra
37:31 - Alexandra’s ? about maintaining a healthy weight and self image
39:11 - Marie's answer for Alexandra
41:43 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #individualization #humanconsciousness #logicalmind #denial #Alzheimers #emotionaleating #breakingthecycle #multisensoryexperience #death #otherside #stress #weightloss #healthyweight #healthyselfimage
Marie talks about the crucial next steps that humanity needs to take in order to accelerate our intuitive evolution. She then answers questions about regaining one’s confidence in their intuitive abilities, timing and advice for transition to multisensory work, entity attachment and connecting with your angels and spirit guides.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:56 - Crucial next steps for humanity to accelerate our intuitive evolution
15:03 - Q&A begins - Rachel’s ? about regaining one’s confidence in their intuitive abilities
17:36 - Marie's answer for Rachel
23:39 - Amy’s ? about timing for/advice on transition to multisensory work
25:37 - Marie's answer for Amy
28:56 - Lauren’s ? about being told she has an entity attachment
30:14 - Marie's answer for Lauren
35:45 - Zaloa’s ? about connecting more with her angels and spirit guides
36:57 - Marie's answer for Zaloa
38:38 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #nextsteps #humanitysevolution #detachment #highvibration #otherside #regainingconfidenceinself #Reiki #entityattachment #connectingwithspiritguides
Marie talks about the US election, detaching in order to properly receive intuition, and keeping our vibration high even through challenging times. She then does mediumship readings and answers listener’s questions about what professional path to take, precognitive dreams, channeling energy during Reiki, constant food poisoning over the past few years, and a multi-sensory experience at Mount Shasta.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Keeping our vibration high even through challenging times
14:56 - Q&A begins - Katie’s ? request for a mediumship reading
16:56 - Marie's answer for Katie
21:54 - Andre’s ?s about professional path and precognitive dreams
23:08 - Marie's answer for Andrea
26:10 - Amber’s request for an energy scan and ? about channeling energy during Reiki
28:21 - Marie's answer for Amber
30:11 - Cori’s request for a mediumship reading for her daughter
31:22 - Marie's answer for Cori
35:33 - Valentina’s ? about constant food poisoning the past few years and an experience at Mount Shasta
38:05 - Marie's answer for Valentina
41:15 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #otherside #mediumship #mediumshipreading #USElection #highvibration #raisingyourvibration #raiseyourvibration #precognitivedreams #Reikienergy #Reiki #foodpoisoning #MountShasta #talkingtotrees
Marie talks about navigating anxiety and overthinking so that we can have better outcomes in life. During Q&A she does several mediumship readings for listeners who have recently lost loved ones. She also answers questions about ovarian cancer, constant hip pain, raising one’s vibration to have a less challenging life, and a daughter’s difficult relationship with her mother.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Also, Marie references Platinum Therapy LED panels in this episode which can be found here: https://platinumtherapylights.com/
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - Navigating anxiety and overthinking
10:33 - Q&A begins - Kat’s ? about daughter passing away from ovarian cancer
12:02 - Marie's answer for Kat
18:07 - Debbie’s ? about constant pain in hips & request for a mediumship reading
18:44 - Marie's answer for Debbie
21:24 - Elena’s request for a mediumship reading with her young son who passed
22:24 - Marie's answer for Elena
26:30 - Renee Denise’s ? about raising her vibration to have a less challenging life
28:41 - Marie's answer for Renee Denise
35:35 - Jennifer’s ? about her relationship with her mother
37:57 - Marie's answer for Jennifer
40:16 - Chris’ ? request for a mediumship reading with his wife
40:33 - Marie's answer for Chris
43:04 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #otherside #mediumship #mediumshipreading #ovariancancer #hippain #raisingyourvibration #difficultrelationshipwithmother
Marie talks about how the veil thins during Halloween, allowing for multisensory opportunities. She then answers questions about how to make a living, spirit guides’ opinions on life path, chronic pain/fatigue and fibromyalgia, a lost kitten, and shaking violently during Reiki and meditation.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:39 - Halloween and the thinning veil
05:52 - Q&A begins - Jackie’s request for a mediumship reading with her cousin Tony
06:38 - Marie's answer for Jackie
11:21 - Maria’s ? about how to make a living
13:07 - Marie's answer for Maria
18:01 - Lauren’s ? about what her spirit guides suggest for her path
20:10 - Marie's answer for Lauren
23:39 - Joanne’s ? about her chronic pain/fatigue and fibromyalgia
25:04 - Marie's answer for Joanne
28:13 - Isadora’s ? about her lost kitten
30:11 - Marie's answer for Isadora
32:58 - Viraji’s ? about why she shakes violently when she does Reiki or meditation
35:31 - Marie's answer for Viraji
37:41 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #Halloween #theveil #thinningveil #otherside #mediumship #mediumshipreading #howtomakealiving #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia #lostkitten #lostpet #violentshaking #reiki #meditation #kundalini #kundalinienergy
Marie talks about how finding joy and individuation can lead to intuitive solutions. During Q&A she answers questions about running too much energy in the body, a recently passed husband, stage 4 breast cancer, whether there is a hierarchy of archangels/angels/spirit guides, a mother-in-law’s ALS and the similarity to prior relationships, what to do in the next stage of life, pursuing a multisensory practice, and getting intuitive answers for family members.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - Intuitive solutions
10:32 - Q&A begins - Caroline’s ?s about running too much energy in her body
13:31 - Marie's answer for Caroline
15:09 - Estelle’s ? about her husband who recently passed and stage 4 breast cancer
16:25 - Marie's answer for Estelle
19:32 - Deedee’s ? about hierarchy of archangels/angels/spirit guides/masters…
21:27 - Marie's answer for Deedee
24:54 - Amanda’s ? about mother-in-law’s ALS and similarity to prior relationships
26:13 - Marie's answer for Amanda
30:15 - Daniela’s ? about what to do with next segment of her life
31:23 - Marie's answer for Daniela
32:40 - Sarah’s ? about pursuing a multisensory practice
33:34 - Marie's answer for Sarah
35:34 - Molly’s ? about getting intuitive answers for herself or family members
37:53 - Marie's answer for Molly
40:40 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #individuation #individuality #intuitivesolutions #breastcancer #stage4breastcancer #archangels #angels #spiritguides #ALS #LouGehrigs #multisensorypractice
Marie talks about listening to intuition vs logic in order to manifest. She then answers listener questions about keeping your vibration high as you transition to another profession, how energies interact with one another, insight into a daughter’s personal life, staying in a marriage or moving on, continuous health issues, inability to orgasm, lack of intimacy and connection, and healing migraines and a growing tumor in the head.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:49 - Intuition vs logic
19:54 - Q&A begins - Jamie’s ?s about keeping your vibration high at work as you transition to another profession
22:34 - Marie's answer for Jamie
25:43 - Pamela’s ? about how energies interact with one another
28:14 - Marie's answer for Pamela
30:17 - Shelly’s request for a reading for her daughter
31:39 - Marie's answer for Shelly
33:25 - Kristin’s ? about staying in her marriage or moving on
34:09 - Marie's answer for Kristin
35:42 - Jo’s ? about reason for continuous issues with her body
38:20 - Marie's answer for Jo
41:45 - Dana’s ? about inability to orgasm and lack of intimacy/connection
43:06 - Marie's answer for Dana
44:46 - Ashley’s ? about healing migraines and growing tumor in head
45:27 - Marie's answer for Ashley
48:16 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #logic #highvibration #howenergiesinteract #leavingmarriage #healthproblems #orgasmicdysfunction #lackofintimacy #migraines #headtumor
Marie talks about the power of manifestation and gives a tip to avoid getting stuck in the wanting. She also answers questions about Burning Mouth Syndrome, a new energy work career path, a blocking stutter, how to heal left hip pain and sciatica fast, message from close loved ones on otherside, and finding one’s true calling.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:53 - The power of manifestation + tip to avoid getting stuck in the wanting
09:08 - Q&A begins - Debbie’s ?s about Burning Mouth Syndrome and her deceased father
10:01 - Marie's answer for Debbie
16:24 - Patricia’s ? about insight on her new energy work career path
17:29 - Marie's answer for Patricia
21:33 - Kelsey’s ? about her blocking stutter
22:33 - Marie's answer for Kelsey
24:15 - Amy’s ? about how to heal left hip pain and sciatica fast
26:00 - Marie's answer for Amy
27:14 - Alicia’s ? about message from close loved ones on otherside
28:17 - Marie's answer for Alicia
32:08 - Christina’s ? about finding true calling
32:35 - Marie's answer for Christina
34:17 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #manifesting #manifestation #burningmouthsyndrome #communicatingwithdeceasedlovedones #newcareer #blockingstuttering #lefthippain #sciatica #truecalling
Marie talks about how Pluto moving into Aquarius next month may affect us globally and how self-love could help us get the most out of the Plutonian-Aquarius energy we’re moving into. During Q&A, she does energy scans and answer questions about energy leaks, chakra healing for body pain, advice on stomach inflammation, and being affected by a partner’s energy in one’s medical intuitive practice.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:39 - How self-love can help us get the most out of the coming Pluto-Aquarius energy
12:31 - Q&A begins - Lil’s request for an energy scan
12:45 - Marie's answer for Lil
16:28 - Maxine’s request for direction on chakra healing
18:38 - Marie's answer for Maxine
23:42 - Esther’s request for advice about stomach inflammation
24:55 - Marie's answer for Esther
28:12 - Cori’s request for an energy scan
28:25 - Marie's answer for Cori
32:48 - Ariana’s ? about not being affected by partner’s energy in her medical intuitive practice
33:35 - Marie's answer for Ariana
37:44 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #self-love, #multisensoryexperiences #chakras #Pluto #Aquarius #PlutoAquarius #astrology #energyreading #energyleaks #chakrahealing #bodypain #autoimmunediseases #stomachinflammation #medicalintuitive
Marie talks about how to work on your connection with your spirit guides. She then does mediumship readings and answers listener’s questions about ancestral trauma, night sweats and PTSD, finding one’s true calling, the cause of fatigue, being one’s best self while selling property, a mother’s mental health, one’s romantic outlook after ending a long relationship, the sacral chakra, fear and unresolved trauma, and a possible past life vision.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Working on your connection with your spirit guides
15:11 - Q&A begins - Danae’s request for mediumship reading from mom and female ancestors
18:03 - Marie's answer for Danae
20:54 - Laura’s ? about the cause of husband’s night sweats
21:48 - Marie's answer for Laura
24:21 - Stacey’s ? about true calling
27:18 - Marie's answer for Stacey
30:55 - Dana’s ? about cause of fatigue
31:23 - Marie's answer for Dana
32:03 - Catherine’s ? about being best self while selling condo
32:51 - Marie's answer for Catherine
33:58 - Ruchika’s ? about angels
34:27 - Marie's answer for Ruchika
36:33 - Diane’s ? about mom’s mental health
37:10 - Marie's answer for Diane
39:09 - Jane’s ? about romantic outlook after ending a long relationship
40:38 - Marie's answer for Jane
41:47 - Will’s ? about the sacral chakra, fear & unresolved trauma
44:05 - Marie's answer for Will
46:20 - Diane’s ? about possible past life vision
48:34 - Marie's answer for Diane
53:32 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #chakras #multisensoryexperiences #spirit guides #mediumshipreading #ancestraltrauma #nightsweats #PTSD #cortisol #hormoneimbalance #whatismytruecalling #fatigue #bestself #sellingproperty #angels #mentalhealth #romanticoutlook #sacralchakra #Svadhisthana #fear #unresolvedtrauma #pastlifevisions #childhoodtraumaandhealing
Marie talks about waking up to consciousness. She also answers listener’s questions pertaining to old vs new souls, biological vs energetic source of one’s issues, a karmic relationship with a parent, continuous health issues that have led to an inability to work, whether there’s a lesson in a husband’s passing, and why we need to come to Earth to learn love.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:10 - Awakening to consciousness
12:48 - Q&A begins - Debbie’s ?s about old vs new soul and biological vs energetic source of issues
15:06 - Marie's answer for Debbie
18:34 - Desiree’s ? about communicating with her deceased father
20:18 - Marie's answer for Desiree
22:36 - Stacey’s ? about a karmic relationship with her mother
23:41 - Marie's answer for Stacey
27:33 - Shilpa’s ? about various health issues leading to an inability to work
30:10 - Marie's answer for Shilpa
33:40 - June’s ? about the lesson in her husband’s death
36:19 - Marie's answer for June
43:55 - Lindsay’s ? about why we need to come to Earth to learn to love
46:36 - Marie's answer for Lindsay
51:30 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #chakras #multisensoryexperiences #oldsoul #newsoul #sourceofproblems #communicatingwithfamilyonotherside #karmicrelationship #healthissues #inabilitytowork #lessonindeath
Marie talks about the 2nd chakra and its relationship to joy. During Q&A she answers listener questions about family members passing suddenly, giving a marriage a second chance, creating close relationships in life, osteoporosis, finding your soul’s calling, multisensory experiences, body pain, migraines, and suicide.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - The 2nd chakra and its relationship to joy
07:24 - Q&A begins - Kim’s ?s about her jewelry biz and daughter’s passing
09:22 - Marie's answer for Kim
13:32 - Susan’s ? about giving her husband a 2nd chance
16:23 - Marie's answer for Susan
19:37 - Ritu’s ? about why her father passed suddenly
21:48 - Marie's answer for Ritu
24:08 - Vivian’s ? about finding/creating close relationships in life
24:46 - Marie's answer for Vivian
26:49 - Jeanne’s ? about her osteoporosis and mediumship request
27:45 - Marie's answer for Jeanne
30:38 - Lisa’s ? about her career and finding her soul’s calling
31:40 - Marie's answer for Lisa
32:47 - Mark’s ? about multisensory experiences
33:29 - Marie's answer for Mark
34:29 - Julie’s ? about body pain and migraines
35:27 - Marie's answer for Julie
36:36 - Amy’s ? about the negative chain reaction since her divorce
38:50 - Marie's answer for Amy
40:32 - Dakota’s ? about suicide and coping with her partner’s passing
43:20 - Marie's answer for Dakota
49:29 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #Svadhisthana #sacralchakra #chakras #auricfield #suddendeathoflovedone #secondchancemarriage #findingrelationships #osteoporosis #soulscalling #multisensoryexperiences #bodypain #migraines #suicide
Marie talks about energy medicine and how you can use it even if you’ve never taken a class before. She also does energy readings and answers listeners’ questions about attached entities, creating more wealth and abundance, switching careers, issues with authentic relationships, type 1 diabetes, tachycardia and high blood pressure, and life purpose.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Energy medicine and how we can use it
06:55 - Q&A begins - Robert’s energy reading request and ? about attached entities
07:28 - Marie's answer for Robert
10:52 - Michaela’s ? about creating more wealth & abundance
11:45 - Marie's answer for Michaela
15:45 - Kerry’s ? about switch from school counselor to another career
16:25 - Marie's answer for Kerry
17:03 - Blossom’s ? about issues with authentic relationships with others
18:54 - Marie's answer for Blossom
23:51 - Kristi’s ? about the cause of type 1 diabetes
24:49 - Marie's answer for Kristi
28:11 - Zendra’s ? about cause of tachycardia in middle of night + increased blood pressure
31:10 - Marie's answer for Zendra
34:16 - Bhavna’s ? about guidance on life purpose and career choice
35:28 - Marie's answer for Bhavna
37:15 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #chakras #creatingwealth #abundance #choosingcareer #authenticrelationships #type1diabetes #tachycardia #highbloodpressure #perimenopause #menopause #lifepurpose
Marie talks about how self-love changes us and our lives. She also answers questions about whether one is an old or young soul, navigating family dynamics, career direction, an 8 year old daughter’s cancer, altered states experiences as a child, misaligned lower chakras after releasing childhood traumas, and more.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - How self-love changes us
13:31 - Q&A begins - Marita’s ? about whether she’s an old soul or young soul
14:18 - Marie's answer for Marita
16:20 - Elle’s ? about navigating her mother’s family energy dynamic
19:20 - Marie's answer for Elle
22:13 - Meisha’s ? about direction for her career
24:06 - Marie's answer for Meisha
25:32 - Kerry’s ? about what to do for a career
26:12 - Marie's answer for Kerry
27:13 - Jennifer’s ? about her 8-year old daughter’s cancer
29:27 - Marie's answer for Jennifer
33:42 - Andrea’s ? about why her body is growing nodules, fibromas and cancers
34:28 - Marie's answer for Andrea
36:55 - Ella’s ? about altered states experienced as a child
39:55 - Marie's answer for Ella
42:49 - John's ? about misaligned lower chakras after releasing childhood traumas
43:43 - Marie's answer for John
45:27 - Cheryl's ? about seeing several moonbows recently
46:06 - Marie's answer for Cheryl
50:01 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #selflove #oldsoul #youngsoul #familydynamics #choosingcareer #childcancers #nodules #fibromas #cancer #alteredstates #alteredstatesofconsciousness #chakras #childhoodtrauma #moonbows
Marie talks about trusting and creating moments for intuition. During Q&A she answers listener questions regarding a husband’s premonitory belief in his early death, how Marie reads caller’s energies, body pain from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, finding direction after retirement, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy, a lost energetic connection with daughter and unblocking multi-sensory abilities.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Trusting and creating moments for intuition
10:39 - Q&A begins - Ro’s ? about husband’s premonitory belief in his early death
12:46 - Marie's answer for Ro
17:01 - Jenny’s ? about finding a focus her healing business
18:10 - Marie's answer for Jenny
20:30 - Lauren’s ? about how Marie reads caller’s energies & request for an energy reading
21:28 - Marie's answer for Lauren
24:14 - Susan’s ? about body pain from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis
25:43 - Marie's answer for Susan
28:06 - Victoria’s request for relationship guidance
29:13 - Marie's answer for Victoria
33:29 - Sue’s ? about finding direction after retirement
34:03 - Marie's answer for Sue
35:52 - Kendall’s ? about miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
37:37 - Marie's answer for Kendall
40:38 - Kristin’s ? about a lost energetic connection with her daughter after her son’s birth
42:42 - Marie's answer for Kristin
44:22 - Irma’s ? about unblocking intuition & finding direction for work
46:49 - Marie's answer for Irma
48:47 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #fear #ego #logic #premonition #earlydeath #healingbusiness #energyreading #bodypain #fibromyalgia #osteoarthritis #serrapeptase #relationshipguidance #retirement #findingdirection #miscarriage #ectopicpregnancy #daughter #lostconnection #unblockingintuition
Marie talks about letting go as we move into the solar eclipse on October 2nd so that we can manifest. She then does energetic readings and answers listener questions about recurring toxic work relationships, communicating with a departed dog, restlessness with work, releasing blockages in the abdominal area, bad memories from childhood, liver issues, and unlearning misogynist beliefs from Evangelical dogma.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:57 - Letting go as we move into the solar eclipse so we can manifest
12:16 - Q&A begins - Janneane's ? about recurring toxic work relationships
13:58 - Marie's answer for Janneane
20:32 - Lacey’s request for an energy reading
21:20 - Marie's answer for Lacey
24:16 - Chanelle’s ? about communicating with her departed dog
25:21 - Marie's answer for Chanelle’s
30:28 - Rachel’s ? about boredom and restlessness with work & energy reading request
32:09 - Marie's answer for Rachel
36:31 - Sue’s ? about what’s next
36:38 - Marie's answer for Sue
37:02 - Stacey’s ? about her recent abdominal surgeries & releasing blockages in that area
39:39 - Marie's answer for Stacey
42:04 - Irina’s ? about bad memories from childhood
42:25 - Marie's answer for Irina
43:42 - Jo’s ? about the cause of her liver health issue
44:54 - Marie's answer for Jo
47:29 - Charisa’s ? about unlearning beliefs from her Evangelical upbringing and how it’s affecting her marriage
48:59 - Marie's answer for Charisa
54:20 - Sign off and Goodbye
Marie touches on the lunar eclipse once again and how it could potentially benefit people who are old soul types. She then answers listener questions about nerve pain, mitral valve prolapse, unjustified jealousy, the best place to move, and attracting supernatural experiences. She also does a mediumship reading for someone whose spouse passed.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
Marie talks about eclipse energy and how the upcoming lunar eclipse in Pisces could affect us. She also answers questions about overcoming chronic pain, identifying clairs, seeing geometric shapes at night, past life regression sessions, whether depression/anxiety medications prevent one from being their authentic self, high vibrational energy and navigating PMDD, and dealing with a child who has urination/bowel issues.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
Marie talks about Consciousness. She also does energy readings and answers questions about memory loss, seeing apparitions of loved ones and orbs, intuitive children dealing with foreboding feelings and migraines, fear of intimacy and sex, C. Diff infections, keeping negative energy out when you open up for positive energy, and new and old soul relationships.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
Marie talks about changing perceptions through joy so one can manifest their desires. She then answers listener questions about connecting with your spirit guides, making career changes, hair loss, guardian angels, the reason behind a spiritual awakening, finding one’s joy and incorporating spiritual gifts into a career.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
Marie talks about how our energy system changes as we change the way we think and how this internal change could cause discomfort in others around us. She also answers listener questions about finding a soulmate, healing a fractured back, reincarnation, and many other topics.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie is enjoying some time away during this Labor Day holiday. Please enjoy this encore episode from December 7th, 2023. In this episode, Marie discusses humanity, souls and the journey through multiple realities in multi-universes. Then enjoy Marie's take on questions from listeners.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In today’s episode, Marie revisits the seventh layer of the auric field—how it relates to our individualization and how we can improve our skin and neurological systems as well as our connection to our higher selves. She then answers several questions during Q&A that pertain to switching career fields, as well as questions about fear of embracing energetic and spiritual beliefs, finding a new vocation as one emerges from a period of grief and pattern of people-pleasing, whether an alien vision was real or just a dream, and curing anaphylaxis episodes, amongst other things.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
The topic of Marie’s discussion at the start of today’s episode is using what if questions as a tool to manifest and keep one's energy elevated. Then during Q&A, she answers questions about a husband’s prostate cancer diagnosis and suggestions for next steps, finding one’s life purpose, having a lot of loved one cross over in a short period of time, whether someone is an old soul, figuring out what part of the spiritual world one would be best suited for, and how to deal with a rebellious teenaged daughter.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
The first part of this episode centers on the impact of betrayal on one’s physical health and how learning to trust oneself can help heal many illnesses and diseases that are governed by the heart chakra. In the second part of the episode, Marie answers questions about getting past blocks in one’s personal life, helping a mother-in-law experiencing neurological issues, the existence of hell and why people hurt others in this reality, connecting with departed loved ones, and being betrayed by a spouse and alienated by an adult child.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks about detoxifying the body, not just in terms of food and environment, but of negative emotions and feelings as well. She then answers questions about multiple relationships ending simultaneously, past lives and soul evolution, healing an old wound of grief connected to the passing of a father, a family member passing in a very painful way, how to make more money, and fixing a challenging relationship with an ex-spouse to better co-parent children.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she discusses the power of not knowing and staying in the present. Then during Q&A, she answers questions about getting emotional when learning new things, developing psychic abilities that have long been stifled, issues with the left side of the body, low libido in a marriage, connecting with a loved one on the other side, fear of an early death date determined in dreams, and negative effects from plant medicine, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Today, Marie talks about perfecting the art of letting go and how this can help us learn and transform. She then does several mediumship readings and answers questions about restless sleep and stressful dreams, recurring infections in a pet cat, information about spiritual guides, finding one’s life purpose, manifesting big dreams, and helping an autistic son with low self-worth to see his full potential.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
This episode begins with a discussion on the seventh chakra and skin issues. Marie also gives some tips for taking better care of your skin. She then answers questions about how to communicate with the otherside, dream interpretation, getting past challenges with a daughter and the cause of Crohn’s disease.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Today’s episode starts off with a discussion on why it’s important to detach from our emotions to better understand our intuition. Marie then does several energetic readings and answers questions about shame over unfavorable financial decisions, an intuitive misstep in choosing a home lending company, physical exhaustion with everyday tasks, and rotator cuff pain, along with many other questions.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she walks us through the third layer of the auric field, what it looks like and how leakages from it affect our entire well-being. During Q&A, she answers questions around experiencing multisensory messages from a passed loved one, insight into a negative experience with a coworker, inability to see psychic impressions, waning energy for marketing business practices, and anxiety around being seen, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie begins with a discussion on the power of joy and its connection to intuition. She then answers requests for insight on a profound experience that happened 43 years ago, reconnecting to one’s spiritual work, extreme exhaustion related to work that isn’t in one’s best interest, and more info about new adventures to come.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie starts off by discussing the importance of neutrality and detachment when it comes to intuition. She then takes questions about the meaning of pressure around the third eye, extremely itchy skin, discomfort in the bladder and constant urination, hair loss, feelings of doubt around a decision to divorce, and an adult child’s blame around their upbringing.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks briefly about the electoral college system of voting for President in the United States. She then answers questions about portals and constantly seeing 11:11, how to resolve a granuloma annulare skin condition, helping friends elevate their energy in toxic environments, reoccurring hamstring issues in an athlete, and helping children connect more with their spirit guides and higher selves.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she discusses how your present vibration affects your future self and manifesting ability down the road. During Q&A she answers questions about dealing with several different ailments unfolding simultaneously, overcoming the fear of multisensory experiences, a child’s autism spectrum disorder and how the family dynamic can be affected by the perception of it, and dealing with a benign prostate growth.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In the first part of this episode, Marie talks about understanding what makes you happy so you can manifest your desires. She then takes questions pertaining to struggles with sleep, a fizzled relationship with an adult child after a divorce, advice from angels about book publication, issues with gastritis, and suicide, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie is spending some quality time in North Carolina with her beautiful family this week. Please enjoy this interview with Dr. Rachel Erickson recorded last year in collaboration with The Shift Network. Dr. Erickson holds a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She practices as a primary care physician in the state of Washington and has made it her mission to be your health care advocate, help you navigate the medical world, educate you on how the body works and why it’s out of balance, and provide you with resources to treat all your health conditions.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
The first portion of this episode focuses around chakras and mediumpship. Marie then answers questions about the direction chakras spin when they are receiving, why desires of divorce keep arising after 20 years of marriage, trouble with moving past grief, issues with family members stealing inheritances, and managing Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), among other things.
You can view the PDF Marie references showing the directions in which chakras spin here: https://energyintuitive.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Chakra_Spin_Direction.pdf
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie is taking a break for the holiday. Please enjoy this encore episode of her interview with Dr. Judith Orloff—psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer and New York Times best-selling author. Dr. Orloff discusses her newest book, The Genius of Empathy, which includes a foreword by the Dalai Lama.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie discusses the energetic connections to diseases and which parts of the body each chakra governs. She then answers questions related to issues with gums, low libido, family members with addictions, weight gain, troubles with meditation, lower back pain and hair loss.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she talks about hesitation and resistance. During Q&A, Marie answers questions about struggles with adult acne, helping a loved one find the cause and cure for severe leg pain, issues deciding what to study and how to focus through the learning process, and figuring out when you’re ready to take on energy healing clients.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie kicks things off with a discussion about the seventh layer of the auric field, what it represents and how it relates to your body and health. Then during Q&A she answers questions about injury to the cervical spine, how to manifest a continued future in London when a work visa is about to expire, suggestions for weight-loss, and chronic health issues related to negative self-talk and image.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie talks about Kundalini energy in this episode, explaining what is and how it can feel when it enters and courses through our bodies. She then answers questions about finding specialty training for mental health therapy, dealing with Hashimoto’s disease and the frustrations that arise because of it, why there seems to be so much pain during someone’s passing, figuring out what your dream job is, experiencing convulsions while meditating, and the best way to handle chronic tinnitus.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie interviews Dr. Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer and New York Times best selling author. Dr. Orloff discusses her newest book, The Genius of Empathy, which includes a foreword by the Dalai Lama.
After the interview, Marie answers listener questions ranging from source of fears and insecurities while working with clients to pain in the hip that may be energy-related.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In the first part of this episode, Marie talks about how we can avoid challenges or contractual learning through things like meditation and learning to love yourself. Then she answers various questions, including about what could be causing numerous different symptoms for a possible autoimmune disease, seeing bizarre things in the bedroom in the middle of the night, changing diet and food cravings, and growing anger between partners in a long-time marriage.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie starts off this episode with tips for surrendering for a more successful meditation. She then does several mediumship readings and answers questions about being visited by a family member who is in a coma, lessons to take from ongoing legal battles, continuous patterns with work, problems with sciatica, and healing from domestic trauma.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie teaches us how to check in with and recalibrate our organs, specifically the pancreas which helps release digestive enzymes into your body so that you can digest food and is also responsible for producing the hormone insulin, which delivers sugar to your cells. During Q&A, she answers questions about things such as parasites in the gut, extreme dry eyes, and depression.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks about the role of happiness and playfulness in shaping life experience — the need to have a more layered experience on Earth that allows for higher vibrations. Then during Q&A she covers questions such as finding the cause and/or solution to balding hair spots, how to balance between eastern and western medicine, pinpointing the cause of easily tearing skin, and how to improve breathing with severe COPD, among others.
You can check out Barbara Brennan's books referenced in this episode here: https://store.barbarabrennan.com/collections/books
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
The first part of this episode starts off with Marie discussing how fear could be preventing you from having a full multi-sensory experience and how the universe can help you unlock those experiences. Then in the Q&A portion, she answers questions for a woman who’s parents previously saw Marie for energy work 15 years ago. She also answers questions about finding your soul’s purpose, finding new ways to heal when you’re already putting in the work to heal, and the best way to treat a rectal prolapse.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie begins by sharing a few tips on intuition that she’s learned over the years. She then answers questions of varied topics such as managing your mind, whether things like negative entities and hell exist, and whether you need to be specific when manifesting, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Today, Marie walks us through the energy system, explaining about each chakra in detail. She also gives a tip on how to charge your chakra system. Then during Q&A, she answers various questions, including about starting a fertility journey at 45, accepting and letting joy in, family drama related to inheritance and the possible cause of tightness in the chest.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie delves into the interesting relationship between old souls and new souls. She also does a mediumship reading and answers questions about healing trauma that is stuck in the sacral chakra, struggling to find your center, reconnecting with estranged children, and what career and wealth are in the spiritual sense and how to get past the struggles with each.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she talks about how to manage your brain so that you don’t stay stuck in patterns of negativity. She also answers questions about healing traumatic childhood experiences, the source of pain in the abdomen, worries about lack of money, making career transitions, and more.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie discusses spirit guides in this episode — why we have them and how they become our guides, among other things. Then she answers questions about guarding children from absorbing negative energy from narcissistic parents, what to do when having feelings of ending a marriage and the meaning of a vivid dream about a tattoo. She also does mediumship readings.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
This episode begins with Marie talking about the need for patience in reading energy and receiving psychic impressions. Then during Q&A, she answers questions about being ostracized and disrespected by family members, the cause of continuous vaginal health issues, and choosing between going back to school for traditional work or forging your own path to go after your dreams.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks about the art of manifesting. She then offers wonderful feedback during the Q&A portion for all types of questions such as where low self-worth could be coming from, dealing with dissociative episodes, and rekindling a relationship with an estranged adult child.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she interviews Suzanne Giesemann, a spiritual teacher, author and messenger of hope who has been recognized on Watkins MIND, BODY, SPIRIT Magazine 2022’s list of the 100 most spiritually influential living people. They talk in-depth about Suzanne’s new book, The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life.
After the interview, Marie answers questions ranging from how to heal estranged familial relationships to how to nurture and grow one’s mediumship and multi-sensory abilities.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie starts off with a discussion about learning to express your truth as an older soul. During Q&A, she answers questions about the health of loved ones, healing sinus pain and inflammation, releasing stuck energy in the body, establishing a consistent connection with a departed loved one, and healing candida.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
This episode begins with Marie talking about how to translate intuition after you’ve begun to receive and recognize it. She then answers a myriad of questions about overcoming loneliness and manifesting a relationship, finding fulfillment and making the right personal choices after the loss of a loved one, managing rosacea, knowing yourself as a soul, and so much more.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she talks us through victim consciousness and how to choose different patterns when we’re starting to step into that low energy. During Q&A, she tackles a wide range of questions about supporting one's family during a pregnancy, whether prosperity and money blockages could be related to ancestry, healing abandonment wounds from loss of friendships, and so much more.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie kicks things off today with a reflection on the auric field and how we can expand it to step into greater intuition and awareness. She then answers questions about dealing with low physical energy and asthma, opening up to your intuition to hear messages from loved ones, and ways to raise your vibration in 2024, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
At the start of this episode, Marie talks about how the logical mind is very different from your multisensory connection and how we’re really two different beings existing within one sacred body. Then during Q&A, she does energy readings and answers questions about varied topics ranging from adrenal fatigue and lack of energy to budding intuition, as well as developing a positive relationship with wealth and the meaning of repetitive numbers.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Today’s episode starts off with Marie walking us through how she draws out energy for her clients and how it can be useful for doing energy work on yourself or someone else. Then she answers questions about regaining the ability to have multi-sensory experiences after shutting them out, the root cause of stomach and gut health, finding guidance and spiritual purpose, and many others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie delves into the power of eclipse energy and how to harness it during this current eclipse season. She then answers questions about accessing intuitive and authentic energy, being present for loved ones with dementia, managing empathic emotions and anxiety, and interpreting dreams.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie discusses intuitive impressions — what they are, how you can use them to understand more about your intuition and yourself, and how you can better engage with this very wise, powerful part of yourself. She then answers questions about miscarriages, Reiki add-ons, how to stop getting migraines, tinnitus, and hand tremors, among other topics.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she walks us through how our perceptions of energy and timing as well as our understanding of our own biorythms can influence our intuition and our ability to receive answers to our questions about the future. During Q&A, she answers questions about ascending consciousness, moving on from that feeling of being stuck, releasing anger to unblock intuition, and recognizing loved ones on the otherside.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
The first portion of this episode focuses on the importance of knowing yourself so you can have a multi-sensory perception of the world around you. Then during the Q&A portion, Marie answers questions about improving intimacy in a relationship, the concept of soulmates, and anger about feeling stuck, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie discusses the auric field in the first portion of this episode, specifically the first and fifth layers of the auric field and how they relate to your body and health. She also answers many questions concerning topics like dealing with loss and miscarriages, setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, shifting form victim consciousness to empowerment, and managing arthritic pain.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie kicks things off in this episode with a couple of tips so that you know what intuition feels, looks and sounds like. She then answers questions around multi-sensory phenomena, how to be a great parent, and dealing with constant migraine headaches, among other things.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks about intuition — where it originates and how it differs from logical thinking. During the Q&A portion she delves into a myriad of topics that include communicating with loved ones who have passed, dealing with continued back pain, how many spirit guides one has, falling in love with planet Earth, and so much more.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she talks about finding the beauty in everything and how this can help you see beyond the definitions of the human reality. She also answers requests to communicate with loved ones on the otherside and answers questions about finding romantic connection at 38, the process of reincarnation and highly intuitive children with sleeping problems, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie starts this episode by expressing her thoughts on what 2024 has in store for us. Then she answers questions about loved ones who have passed; about sources of bodily pains and illnesses like prolonged headaches, hip pain, Wagner’s and heart failure; and about dramatic teenagers, among other things.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie explains the importance of falling in love with yourself and how self-forgiveness can pave the way. She then answers questions about overcoming fear and resistance to professional changes, writing about personal traumas, and sinus infections and mold detection, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Marie discuses mediumship in this episode; what it is and how you can step into your own mediumship ability. She answers many questions ranging in topics from manifesting success in business, to finding love, to healing rheumatoid arthritis and following your life path. And she also talks about exploring energy medicine as a career.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
To start things off today, Marie talks about how you can calm down your body using acupressure, to help you align with your higher self. Then during the Q&A portion, she discusses topics such as manifesting your desires, the process of doing energetic work on loved ones, how our disconnection with how the spiritual world sees us can manifest in our health, and transitioning to a new career path.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Today’s episode delves into the experience of death — how it looks outwardly to the people around us versus how it actually feels for those going through it. Marie shares a couple of personal experiences that shed more light on this. Then she answers questions about how to connect with the multisensory world to have multisensory experiences, how to figure out where to live and finding one’s Earth-mate, among others.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks about angels - what they are and how they interact with humankind. Then during the Q&A portion, she answers listener questions that deal with varied topics from health-related issues to finding clarity around business, and she communicates messages to callers from guides and loved ones who have passed. She also briefly touches on topics like: Raynaud’s phenomenon, the difference between old souls and new souls, and Reiki.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
On today’s episode, Marie talks about spirit guides and resistance and how they go hand-in-hand. She also provides intuitive and mediumship readings, helps callers identify energetic leakages and addresses various requests from providing insight on next steps for career paths to expanding on the law of free will.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Join Marie as she provides tips for getting answers to your questions using your own intuition. Then, she covers listeners questions ranging from how to heal and release trauma to realizing financial independence. She also provides intuitive insight on various health-related issues such as ear ringing, hand tremors and breast cancer.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
In this episode, Marie talks about eclipse cycles and why souls choose to leave their body. Then, she answers listeners' questions covering topics from the relationship between autoimmune disorders and self-love to raising your vibration and manifesting through joy.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
It's Marie's last live radio show at KKNW - thank you for a fabulous 15 years! Today, Marie takes calls and discusses overcoming resistance to self love so we can connect with our higher self, how humanity is often unprepared for death despite souls transitioning only when they are ready, and how digesting the emotions of others in your body can create gastrointestinal distress. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses stepping into your spirituality, the experience of moving energy through our physical body, and allowing Divine inspiration to flow through us with love and appreciation.
Marie’s winter classes are filling up fast! If you’d like to join us for Psychic Coaching or Energy Healing, visit her course page and register today.
Marie is taking a break for the holiday. Please enjoy this encore episode with Suzanne Giesemann, spiritual teacher, author and medium recognized on the Watkins’ 2022 list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People to the show. The two discuss the concept of holistic mediumship, how anyone can talk to departed loved ones, and issue a beautiful reminder that our loved ones are still with us and doing great on the Otherside!
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie about an issue in your life? Record your question on her podcast page and it will be answered in an upcoming episode!
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses nudges from the Universe to get going, the importance of valuing where we are and what we're learning in life, and the impact of mismatched levels of consciousness when trying to engage the Otherside.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie about an issue in your life? Record your question on her podcast page and it will be answered in an upcoming episode!
Marie welcomes Peter Canova - spiritual philosopher, linguist, historian and author to the show. The two discuss Peter's latest book, "Quantum Spirituality," and discuss experiences with medical intuitives and getting in touch with our intuitive gifts, quantum physics and the nature of light, energy and matter, and focusing on the molecular exchange that creates our reality. Then stick around after their chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour. Can't get enough of Marie? Check out the latest class line up on the course page or check out a free event with Marie's good friend Suzanne Giesemann.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the importance of letting people love you, receiving loving messages from proud parents on the Otherside, and hanging out in the astral plane
If you'd like to deeply connect to the loving community beyond Earth on the Otherside, consider joining Marie beginning November 7 for her new 7-week course offered by The Shift Network, Multisensory Mediumship.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses setting boundaries to positively impact back health, choosing yourself and experiencing self love without feeling you've abandoned others, and lots (and lots!) of messages from the Otherside.
Can't get enough of Marie? Check out the latest class line up on the course page or pick up a deck of the new The Amazing Power of Intuitive What If Cards – Volume Two in the online store.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses navigating mismatched desires with romantic partners, the impact of betrayal energies on the heart chakra, and using self hypnosis to dive more deeply into intuitive experiences. Last call to register for Marie's 2-day, in person workshop A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love. Registration closes Monday, October 23rd!
She's back! Marie welcomes Karen Crawford, M.D and astrology buff back to the show. The two discuss pending powerful eclipses including the Libra new moon or “ring of fire” solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse in Taurus. Then stick around after their chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Join Marie for A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love, a two-day, in-person workshop on October 28th and 29th. Visit the workshop page for more info and to register.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses vulnerability as the essence of true power, how a lack of self worth prevents us from getting what we want, and the power of letting go...even when you don't know what you're letting go of!
Join Marie for A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love, a two-day, in-person workshop on October 28th and 29th. Visit the workshop page for more info and to register.
Marie welcomes Rachael Cohen, author of Everyday Plant Magic, nature connector, plant stylist, spiritual life coach, energy worker and intuitive medium to the show. The two discuss using nature to understand ourselves and heal, the Full Moon in Aries, and eclipse season shake ups. Stick around after their chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour. Can't get enough of Marie? Check out the latest class line up on her course page or pick up a deck of her new The Amazing Power of Intuitive What If Cards – Volume Two in the online store.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses evaluating different ways to keep ourselves healthy and active as we age, easily receiving high vibrational energy into all of our chakras, and dying the same way in which we lived.
Can't get enough of Marie? Check out the latest class line up on her course page or pick up a deck of her new The Amazing Power of Intuitive What If Cards – Volume Two in the online store.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses how failing to quiet the brain during the day can lead to sleep problems at night, strengthening the third layer of your auric field through self love and nurturing, and exploring chronic headaches as an indicator of ignoring our intuition. Don't forget to check out Marie's new The Amazing Power of Intuitive What If Cards – Volume Two in her online store.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses how nightmares are driven by unmanaged anxiety experienced during the day, the relationship between denying emotions or limiting self-expression and brain deterioration, and how valuing and appreciating yourself can help to open up or expand intuitive abilities.
Don't forget to check out Marie's BRAND NEW The Amazing Power of Intuitive What If Cards – Volume Two in her online store.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses taming jealousy exhibited by people in your life through the outward expression of your personal power, the importance of writing down and acting on intuitive insights gleaned in quietude, and how discomfort sparks curiosity and inspires change.
Don't forget to check out Marie's BRAND NEW The Amazing Power of Intuitive What If Cards – Volume Two in her online store.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses releasing worry to raise your vibration, the tendency for empathic parents to over nurture their children, and allowing the flow of love into your life. Can't get enough of Marie? Check out her Fall and Winter class line up on her course page.
Join Marie for an hour of self love and allow your magnificence to flourish! We're taking calls today - listen in as Marie discusses the importance of being nurtured as a child, trusting your intuition and asserting your power, and embodying your Crone energy so you can release all that does not serve you and honor your authentic self.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses getting clear on what you desire that inspires you when manifesting, coming into what you want more quickly by celebrating where you are right now, and using the experience of self love to upgrade your life. Have you ever wanted to get your Reiki attunements? There are two slots available in Marie's Fall, "Immersion into Reiki ' Retreat! Check out the weekend workshop details and resgister here.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses when souls leave the Heavens to merge with a human body during pregnancy, exit routes and a soul's decision to leave the Earth, and loving yourself...even when your mind takes you down difficult paths. Can't get enough of Marie? Check out her Fall class line up - The Dance of the Chakras and the Aura, The Soul’s Journey, and A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love weekend workshop are open for registration on her course page.
Marie is back from vacation and we're doing a live call-in show today! We hope you enjoy this full hour of intuitive readings. Can't get enough of Marie? Check out her Fall class line up - The Dance of the Chakras and the Aura, The Soul’s Journey, and A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love weekend workshop are open for registration on her course page.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses sending love to the things we don't appreciate about ourselves or our lives to change them, managing frustration in the moment to improve gallbladder health, and how leaks in the root chakra impact our ability to heal. And don't forget to check out Marie's Fall class and workshop line up - The Dance of the Chakras and the Aura, The Soul’s Journey, and A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love weekend workshop are open for registration on our course page.
Marie is enjoying some vacation time after retreat! Enjoy this encore episode in which Marie interviews Suzanne Giesemann, author, metaphysical teacher, and evidential medium. Then stick around for the second half of the show as Marie does intuitive readings for callers!
It's retreat time and Marie is in Greece helping her retreat participants unlock the transformative power of self love! Please enjoy this encore episode in her absence. In this episode from June 2016, Marie interviews Dr. Luke Adler, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, intuitive and compassionate healer, teacher and author who empowers clients with the tools to heal themselves. Awaken to what’s not working in your life and allow love to facilitate healing with Marie and Dr. Adler!
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the benefits of Yin Yoga for sleep, the impact of sugar on your immune system and overall health, and evolving after the dissolution of long term relationships.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses expressing the deeply personal aspects of our truths, deepening your connection to the Otherside, and accepting all the love and prosperity the Universe wants to give to you.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie teases her new Fall classes and then provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing upleveling energy about wealth by appreciating what you have, staying in the vibration of knowingness and proudly being a disruptor by speaking your truth.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses embodying your human energy system to tap into spirit, messages from the Otherside, and releasing repressed emotions.
Marie welcomes Karen Crawford, M.D and astrology buff back to the show. The two discuss how to prepare for eclipses, tackling the shadow work that may come with Jupiter Square Pluto and how astrology can help you heal.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses taking accountability for your energy, surviving shaky ground that may come with astrological events and feeling the movement of energy in your body when raising your vibration.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses overcoming the pattern of overgiving, boosting self love to break bad habits and emotional nurturing to heal childhood wounds.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, relinquishing control to expand and embrace your magnificence and stepping into the present moment as a receiver.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses weighing self love, preparing to receive your magnificence and accepting telegrams from the Universe.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses how the present moment serves as a doorway to all you desire, taking responsibility for your vibration to get out of victim consciousness, and attracting wealth no matter what is going on in your life.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses the importance of taking time to rest and play, practicing tuning into your intuition so you can have a multisensory career and messages from the Otherside.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses changing our relationship with ourselves in order to have the life we desire, letting go and allowing our higher selves to inform our life experiences, and the importance of being part of the flow of life.
Today is an encore episode as Marie is taking some time off to celebrate her birthday! We hope you enjoy this episode from 2019 in which Marie interviews Suresh Ramaswamy, transformational teacher and author of "Just Be: Transform Your Life and Live as Infinity."
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses making decisions based on intuition and not fear, the importance of being present in relationships, and examining our relationship with wealth.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses how not manifesting what we want may be an indicator that we need to work on ourselves, being in a place of gratitude versus of longing, and the importance of communicating with your inner child.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the tendency to over isolate in order to feel safe, the experience versus the feeling of self love, and manifesting from a place of intuition instead of logic and longing.
Please enjoy this encore episode from March 2022. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the importance of self discovery, managing family dynamics and letting go so you can grow.
Today, Marie welcomes Judy Wilkins Smith, author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns and Systemic Work & Constellations expert, coach and motivational speaker to the show. The two discuss making conscious choices to awaken and eradicate long held beliefs, how geneology provides clues to where you belong and how or why you struggle or succeed, and breaking through the limiting aspects of patterns and using them to our advantage. Stick around after their chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses not giving your light away to others, having the spiritual awakening you desire and deserve, and exploring the impact of a parent's energy on their children.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses how to ask intuitive questions, not giving power to fear based perspectives, and signs from your body that you're doing too much for others.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses the importance of taking aligned action in the physical world, helping to lift departed loved ones out of the lower world, and feeling your physical form to help minimize giving your energy to others.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses feeling safe when expressing your authentic self and living in your magnificence, the impact of not listening to your intuition on your body and wellness, and how an illness can create opportunities to practice receiving.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses inviting passion and extraordinary experiences into your life, honing intuitive gifts that carried over from past lifetimes, and pursuing work in the energy medicine field.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses making life delicious so it is easier to manifest all you desire, accepting the unconditional love offered by our spirit guides and life lessons for old souls.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses managing your mind to manage anxiety, comforting pets as they leave the Earth and the importance of feeling the love you give to others, yourself.
Please enjoy this encore episode from September, 2022. In this episode, Marie welcomes Jonathan Robinson, psychotherapist, professional speaker, and author of The enlightenment Project to the show. The two discuss awakening through relationship yoga, the four levels of enlightenment and practical ways to awaken to inner peace.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses discerning the truth with help from the Otherside, interpreting messages in visual dreams and the power of Kundalini energy.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses our need for validation, the impact of our emotions on our health and wellness, and allowing the Universe to love you more.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses finding your calling, managing your energy system during major transitions, and how expressing your truth illuminates your divine plan.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses celebrating intuitive experiences to encourage more, exploring inner child work to help you understand love and get what you want, and stepping out of worry and into consciousness.
Please enjoy this encore episode from January 22, 2022. In this episode, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses pursuing life purpose, busting entrepreneurial myths, and the importance of upgrading your truth when you upgrade your consciousness.
Today, Marie welcomes Tisha Morris - entertainment attorney, self help author, and the founder of Morris Entertainment Law - to the show. The two discuss unlocking creative energy, embracing your missing element, and finding the secret of success in nature. Stick around after their chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses the importance of loving life as it is when working to manifest a desired change, how seeing people authentically when awakening can be a shock to the system and why we must change our perceptions to have a completely different experience.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the importance of celebrating where you are in this moment, the powerful decisions souls make when reincarnating and seeing the beauty of past events to heal.
Today, Marie welcomes Karen Crawford, M.D and astrology buff back to the show. The two discuss all things astrology, including scorpio season, eclipse cycles and the Venus Star Point shift. Then stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses pets crossing over, managing energetic shifts around eclipses and ramping up risk to encourage expansion.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses balancing the tendency to over nurture with self love, furthering the energy of luck, and continuing personal growth in stagnant relationships.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses doing inner work to release trauma, conquering the fear of thriving and the importance of nurturing your inner child.
Today, Marie welcomes Jonathan Robinson, psychotherapist, professional speaker, and author of The enlightenment Project to the show. The two discuss awakening through relationship yoga, the four levels of enlightenment and practical ways to awaken to inner peace. Then stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses balancing the giving dynamic in relationships, embracing your personal power, and allowing the Universe to help you discover your natural gifts and talents.
Marie is back from vacation and we're celebrating with a call-in show today! Tune in as Marie discusses the importance of being honest when embracing your power, being selective about who you allow into your life, and the importance of getting clear on what you want when manifesting with callers.
Today, Marie welcomes Rachael Cohen, intuitive spiritual coach, energy worker, plant connector and author of Everyday Plant Magic to the show. The two discuss defining magic for yourself, the spiritual side of plants, and the importance of loving yourself as much as you love the world as an empath. Then stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing letting go of the end game, working on being happy and appreciating progress to boost feelings of self worth.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses exploring archways, sitting in stillness to receive intuitive information and breaking family patterns.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing releasing repressed anger, honoring your partner's autonomy in relationships, and using automatic writing as a tool to gain clarity.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses allowing new relationships to flourish, learning to let go of grief, and staying devoted to your happiness.
July 21, 2022 Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the power of perception when manifesting, using high frequencies to attract abundance, and getting curious about authentic emotions and vulnerability.
We're back from Greece and doing a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing shifting perceptions to elevate energy, the importance of saying no as a healer, and lovingly seeing the beauty of others' journeys.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discuss interpreting waking dreams as intuitive experiences, the impact of the fight or flight response on hormones, and communicating with animals.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of embracing your genius, learning about life on the Otherside, and our tendency to model our energy after people in our lives growing up.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing the source of intuition, trusting your magnificence and multisensory abilities, and recalibrating for vibrational alignment.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing releasing repressed grief, the importance of "cleaning up" your energy, and messages from the Otherside.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing getting comfortable with your magnificence, building curious conscious communities, and how perception affects the flow of subatomic particles.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing looking disease as an asset, releasing judgment to improve intuition, and personal power transitions.
Today, Marie welcomes Lauren Walker, author of The Energy to Heal: Find Lasting Freedom From Stress and Trauma Through Energy Medicine Yoga and Energy Medicine Yoga founder to the show. The two discuss consciously working with energy, the impact of unprocessed emotions on stress, and releasing the energetic imprint of trauma from our bodies. Then stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing insomnia support, upgrading your connection to the Divine, and the importance of believing you live a magical life.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing the authentic vibration of desire versus longing, how loving something is a sign (follow it!), and trusting in the magic of the Earth.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of embracing your beautiful body, receiving nudges from Spirit to learn soul lessons, and exploring how happiness is a truly personal experience.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing the importance of getting comfortable with one's magnificence, managing empathic tendencies, and identifying your most prominent multi-sensory ability.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of building community, minimizing fear and worry when healing, and learning how to attract and hold the vibration of wealth.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing the importance of letting creation love you, moving from resistance to receiving, and working through betrayal so you can evolve into feelings of self empowerment.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of letting others' energy pass through you as a healer, welcoming Kundalini awakenings, and receiving messages from your guides.
Today, Marie welcomes Karen Crawford, M.D. and astrology buff to the show. The two discuss the concept of health, the joy of discovering new healing modalities, and examine some upcoming astrological events and how to use them as a tool for boosting self awareness. Then stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing animal symbolism, marrying the dark and light in life, and the need to let go and get out of the way.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of self discovery, managing family dynamics and letting go so you can grow.
Today, Marie welcomes Suzanne Giesmann, spiritual teacher, author and medium recognized on the Watkins’ 2022 list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People to the show. The two discuss the concept of holistic mediumship, how anyone can talk to departed loved ones, and issue a beautiful reminder that our loved ones are still with us and doing great on the Otherside! Stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing creating more quiet time in your life to feel the Divine, consciously working with the power of intuition, and the importance of self love when working to strengthen the third layer of your auric field.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing landing a love match, managing allergies, and the importance of feeling as if what you want is already here.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing raising your frequency when manifesting, making space in your life to pursue passions, and the importance of finding out what joy feels like to you.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing relationship dynamics between old souls and young souls, the importance of overcoming a lack of self worth when pursuing your passions, and releasing repressed emotions.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing pursuing life purpose, busting entrepreneurial myths, and the importance of upgrading your truth when you upgrade your consciousness.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of receiving, understanding love languages, and releasing guilt.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing giving away personal power, overcoming fear and resistance, and the importance of empaths staying out of their heart chakras.
It’s a snow day show! Marie takes calls from home, discussing what you focus on grows, incorporating intuitive insights into your life, and celebrating departed loved ones.
Join us for a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing tapping into one's intuitive gifts, the impact of self criticism on health and the body, and trusting your soul's journey.
Today, Marie welcomes Steve Taylor, PhD and author of Extraordinary Awakenings and many other bestselling books to the show. He and Marie discuss how trauma can lead to transformation, with personal development and spiritual awakening occurring in the most unexpected places. Stick around after the chat and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, touching on having fun with wealth, exercises for releasing anger, and the art of automatic writing.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the impact of frustration on the body, the downside of over-nurturing others, and the importance of letting go.
Today, Marie welcomes her daughters to the show for a very special Thanksgiving episode. Together, they discuss motherhood, raising children, intuition and then take your calls.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing taking in energy from the Heavens, releasing anger and frustration, and relieving oneself of undue burdens.
Today Marie welcomes beloved author and the founder and director of The Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching, Alan Cohen, to the show! He and Marie joyfully discuss his latest title - Friends in High Places - sharing insights about channeling intuitive information from other dimensions, leaning into your sense of inner knowing, and engaging nonphysical teachers from a place of "worthship" not worship. Then, stick around after the interview and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, touching on the importance of speaking your truth, moving energy with breathwork, and following your inspiration.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing moving into surrender mode, experiencing authentic joy, and maintaining your personal power.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, touching on growing your multisensory abilities, learning to let go, and the importance of rest.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing crossing over, recovering from burnout, and detoxing lymph nodes with callers.
Today is a call-in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, touching on the impact of fight or flight, enhancing intuitive gifts, and receiving extra support from your guides during periods of growth and expansion. Enjoy!
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing the importance of being receptive, letting go of one's "need to know," and communicating with departed ones on the Otherside.
Today is a call-in show. Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses the importance of communicating with love, using layering techniques to maintain a high vibration, and investigating what brings you joy.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing devotion to self discovery and the importance of receiving to get clarity and take inspired action in all areas of one's life.
Today, Marie welcomes past-life psychic, spiritual teacher, and award-winning author Ainslie MacLeod to the show! Together, they explore the dynamic between empaths and narcissists, including signs and symptoms for identifying narcissistic abuse. Then, stick around after the interview and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, discussing overcoming the fear of success, the importance of managing your mind, and a gentle reminder that worry is not a form of love. Don't forget to join us next week as Marie welcomes past-life psychic, spiritual teacher, and award-winning author Ainslie MacLeod back to the show.
Today is a call-in show. Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing the impact of loss on the root chakra, the importance of choosing yourself first, and a gentle reminder that family is not limited to those we share DNA with.
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie tackles the case of the missing turtle, reminds listeners that it's okay to outgrow people and experiences, and discusses the impact of frustration on health and wellness.
Today, we welcome producer Nathan to the show as Benny enjoys some time off. Marie invites callers to try to stump her, reminding them she can answer any question thrown at her!
Join us for a call-in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for callers, discussing the importance of self forgiveness to empaths, managing your mind to help cope with loss, and the power of letting go to welcome more fulfilling life experiences.
Today is a call in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the belief that anything can be healed and tips for expanding energy to welcome more joy into your life.
Enjoy a call-in show today. Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses making decisions out of joy, the importance of receiving in healing, and tapping into intuition with callers.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the entire hour! Topics discussed include the importance of staying in alignment with relationship choices, breaking stereotypes about aging, and the importance of responding to self criticism with compassion.
Today is a call in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses tapping into your Divine Plan, the magic of manifesting, and the importance of feeling as if you already have the things you most desire in life.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings the whole hour! Topics discussed include perceiving money as energy, learning to let go, and discovering natural gifts and talents by following your bliss.
Hello, listeners! Enjoy a call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour. Topics include the importance of presence, calibrating subatomic particles to tap into intuition, and how to achieve financial freedom.
Today is a call in show! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour and discusses the support of special angels, transitions to the otherside, and the art of receiving with callers.
Enjoy a call in show today! Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour, touching on the power of no, letting go of linear logic, and refusing to replay old stories to promote cellular healing.
Today is a call in show! Marie provides free readings to callers for the entire hour. Topics include: the importance of self-love and self-validation, getting out of the head and into the heart when making decisions, and enjoying out of body experiences.
Enjoy this call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! But first, the eclipse is coming! Are you ready? Marie discusses the powerful eclipse and your magnificent spirit on this beautiful place called Earth.
Today, Marie chats with Dr. Christiane Northrup, women's health pioneer, board-certified OB/Gyn, and author of "The Wisdom of Menopause." They discuss having amazing sex after 60 and remind listeners that you don't need Botox to look and feel fab! Stick around after the interview and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for the entire hour. Topics discussed include: greeting resistance with curiosity, setting beautiful boundaries for happiness, health, and personal growth and interpreting messages from your guides. Enjoy!
Enjoy this call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include trusting your path, the power of positive self talk and embracing what brings you joy, and doing internal work as a catalyst for growth in yourself and inspiring change in others.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the entire hour! Topics include Kundalini awakenings, herbs to enhance your body, and the truth about transformations.
Enjoy this call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include prioritizing self care to better manage your life force, recognizing teachers and soul lessons, and communicating with Spirit Guides.
Today, Marie chats with astrologer Stormie Grace about Aries season and Sunday's New Moon which will provide a boost of energy to get things done before the outer planets retrograde begins at the end of the month. Stick around after the interview and enjoy intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Enjoy this call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers. Topics discussed include stepping into your power, the fight-or-flight response to fear, energetic expansion and activating intuitive gifts.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include unplugging to destress, allowing rest and relaxation, and supporting your adrenal glands.
Enjoy this call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers from all around the world! Topics discussed today include how to use your insight, breaking out of patterns of fearful living, and many more.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers and discusses topics including being in the present moment, getting out of your head, and mind-made vs. authentic emotions.
Enjoy this call in show where Marie provides intuitive readings the whole hour! Topics that come up include trusting the Divine, manifesting amazing career success, and many more!
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers with topics including how to assess what makes us truly happy, expressing our needs to loved ones, and many more! A frequent topic today are Marie's positive What If Questions and how they can help us manifest our desires.
Today Marie provides intuitive readings for callers all over the world! Among many topics, she discusses how shifting your energy out of worry can impact outcomes, as well as the importance of paying attention to your own feelings & separating them out from the feelings of others.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for the whole hour! Marie discusses how to become more aware of our subconscious beliefs and what it means when we encounter resistance in our spiritual journey, among many other topics.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers for the whole hour! A recurring theme today is tuning in to answers from, and developing your relationship with, the multi-sensory world.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include following your joy, finding moments of gratitude in your life, and practicing self-adoration.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers with questions about breaking out of a negative rut, metaphysical experiences, and many more!
Today, Marie interviews author & body connection coach Laura Geertsen about her upcoming book "The Invisible Corset: Break Free from Beauty Culture and Embrace Your Radiant Self". They talk about the ways in which beauty culture encourages women to disconnect from their bodies, and how we can break free and embody self love instead. Then stick around while Marie provides intuitive readings to callers for the rest of the hour!
Kicking off our first show of the New Year, Marie provides insightful intuitive readings for callers all over the country! Topics discussed include being patient during transition periods in your life, prohibiting your mind from overriding your intuition, and finding ways to relax & have fun during challenging times.
Today, we are excited to welcome astrologer Stormie Grace back on the show to talk about what we can expect from the upcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st. Then, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the rest of the hour!
Today, Marie interviews New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur and actor John Assaraf about his newest book "Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain's Hidden Power". Stick around after the interview to hear Marie provide intuitive readings for the rest of the hour!
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings the whole hour! Topics discussed include moving through the discomfort of spiritual growth, cultivating emotional intimacy and getting out of your head in relationships.
Today, Marie interviews author, teacher and personal consultant Jean Walters about her newest book "The Journey from Anxiety to Peace." They discuss how we can shift our energy from fear to love, and the ways experiencing anxiety may serve a purpose. Then, stick around to hear Marie provide intuitive readings for callers the rest of the hour!
Marie provides intuitive readings for callers all over the world today! Areas discussed include navigating family conflict, fertility and supporting your second chakra, and letting go of worry.
Enjoy this call-in show, where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! She talks about how to feel your authentic emotions, elevating your energy to receive messages from departed loved ones, and building up your self worth to manifest what you want in life.
Today, Marie interviews practicing astrologer and teacher Stormie Grace. They talk about overcoming one's fear to listen to calls from the Universe. They also discuss the intensity of current astrological events; how we're in a season of examining old beliefs and flawed structures and finding powerful emotional clarity, as well as the massive shift towards community-focused consciousness on the horizon. Then, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the rest of the hour!
This week, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include maintaining healthy boundaries and staying grounded in your body.
Enjoy this call-in show, where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers across the country! A frequent topic today is relationships, and Marie discusses how to assess what you truly desire in both personal and professional relationships.
Today, Marie interviews Stanford University professor, physician, mindfulness expert and author Dr. Greg Hammer about how to avoid burnout in the age of remote work. Stick around after their conversation to hear Marie provide intuitive readings for callers the rest of the hour!
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include getting out of your head and being open to lessons from the Universe.
Today, Marie interviews LMFT and Spiritual Medium Kellee White about finding one's path during these interesting times, as well as current astrological events! Stick around after the interview to hear Marie provide intuitive readings for the rest of the hour.
Enjoy this call-in radio show, where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include not allowing the brain to over-analyze, embracing your magnificence and allowing your true self to be seen.
This week, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers from all over the globe! Topics discussed include receiving messages from our spirit guides, working through resistance to what's in our highest good, and learning to be self-nurturing.
Enjoy this call-in radio show, where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include learning to receive, feeling your alignment to the Divine, and connecting to our higher selves.
Enjoy this call-in show, where Marie provides intuitive readings to callers from all across the globe! Topics Marie discusses today include how to surrender, changing our vibration around money, and saying "no" to taking care of everyone else but not ourselves.
Today, Marie interviews author, mentor, entrepreneur and quantum physicist Trevor Blake (www.trevorgblake.com). In addition to talking about themes from Trevor's book, "Secrets to a Successful Startup", Marie and Trevor discuss achieving financial freedom, expanding consciousness, and allowing the logical mind to collaborate with your spirituality. She spends the remainder of the show providing intuitive readings for callers.
Marie had a wonderful time on the show today speaking to listeners from around the globe (Australia, Canada, and Germany). Her advice during a few of her conversations were geared to all listeners.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers from all over the world! Topics discussed include making empowered choices about your health, gaining confidence in your natural gifts & talents, and finding autonomy in relationships.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie spends the hour providing intuitive readings for callers all over the country! Topics discussed include finding playfulness and joy in our relationships, healing unresolved emotional issues, and releasing anxiety.
This week, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include building new businesses, prioritizing self-care, surrendering and trusting the Universe.
Today, Marie interviews New York Times bestselling authors Gay Hendricks, PhD, and Carol Kline about their inspiring new book "Conscious Luck: Eight Secrets to Intentionally Change Your Fortune" (https://www.consciousluck.com). Then, she takes calls and provides intuitive readings for the remainder of the hour!
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie answers callers' questions the entire hour! Topics discussed include aligning to the energy of what you desire, following your truest passions, and cultivating a healthy, authentic relationship with your body.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers from all over the world! Topics discussed include releasing stubbornness, making way for new beliefs, letting go of fear, and a lot of questions about health.
This week, Marie answers calls & provides intuitive readings for the whole hour! Topics discussed include speaking your truth, dating in the time of COVID-19, and how a lack of self-worth can impact many areas of your life.
Today, Marie interviews Rachael Cohen, an environmental educator, energy worker and author of "Infinite Succulent: Miniature Living Art to Keep or Share" (https://www.infinitesucculent.com). Then, she takes calls and provides intuitive readings for the remainder of the hour!
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers from all over the world! Topics discussed include getting clarity on our purpose in life, getting to work on achieving our goals, and taking care of ourselves during stressful times.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings the whole hour! Topics discussed include recognizing when it's time to make a change, cultivating authentic happiness, and believing in your worthiness.
Today Marie interviews author and entrepreneur Trevor Blake about his newest book, "Secrets to a Successful Startup" (https://www.trevorgblake.com). Then, she takes calls and provides intuitive readings for the remainder of the hour!
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings the whole hour! Topics discussed include setting boundaries, releasing heavy emotional burdens, and owning our power.
Today Marie interviews author, intuitive business coach, and Feng Shui expert Tisha Morris about her newest book, "Mind Body Home" (https://tishamorris.com/books). Then, she takes calls and provides intuitive readings for the remainder of the hour!
Today Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Topics discussed include dating during the pandemic, making difficult medical decisions, finding balance between caring for self and caring for others, taking risks, and believing in your value and worth.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers from all over the country. Topics include connecting with spirit guides, finding clarity on what makes you happy, and learning to let go.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readers for callers the whole hour! Topics include raising our vibration around money, trusting our ability to make decisions for our lives, and getting in touch with our authentic feelings.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour! Callers' topics include relational difficulties, lympathic issues, unexpected job changes, and turning passions into a career.
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings for callers all over the world! Topics discussed today include connecting with spirit guides, tapping into our psychic nature and navigating challenging emotions.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers the whole hour!
Enjoy this call-in show where Marie provides intuitive readings the whole hour! Topics include keeping vibrations high during troubling times, pursuing new career paths, and making life choices that bring us happiness.
Today, Marie provides intuitive readings for callers all over the country! Themes include career shifts, tapping into intuition, uncovering your gifts, learning to fall in love with yourself, and embracing positive "What If" thoughts surrounding health and wellness.
Enjoy as Marie interviews Dave Carbonell, Ph.D., about his new book "Outsmart Your Anxious Brain" (https://www.amazon.com/Little-Ways-Beat-Worry-Trick/dp/1684031990). Then stick around as Marie takes your calls the remainder of the hour!
Enjoy as Marie interviews bestselling author, Panache Desai, about his new book, "You Are Enough" (https://www.panachedesai.com/you-are-enough-book/). Then stick around as Marie takes your calls the remainder of the hour!
Today Marie interviews the highly accomplished, Julia Cameron, award-winning Poet, Playwright, and Filmmaker (https://juliacameronlive.com) and then takes your calls the remainder of the hour!
Enjoy this call in show as Marie does intuitive readings for callers the whole hour!
Enjoy this high vibrational interview with Author, Psychic, Cosmic Coach, Dougall Fraser (https://www.dougallfraser.com) and Author, Angel Communicator, and Tarot Master Radleigh Valentine (https://www.dougallfraser.com)! Then stick around as Marie takes calls and does intuitive readings the remainder of the hour.
Marie takes calls from around the country and talks to callers about: independent inner work for healthy relationships, finding the joyful next thing by being in the vibration now of the thing you're trying to manifest, manifesting by refusing to think on the limitations of your current reality, letting go of the old to make room for the new, and so much more!
Marie does intuitive readings for callers from around the country, and discusses; our arrival into the real Aquarian Age, fear related to money and tapping into the frequency of wealth, energetic support for personal growth, feeling valuable in order to receive, and so much more!
Enjoy as Marie does intuitive readings for callers the whole hour!
Today Marie ushers in 2020 by taking your calls and doing intuitive readings! Happy New Year!
Marie wraps up 2019 with taking calls and doing intuitive readings for callers the whole hour!
Marie does intuitive readings for callers with a major theme of releasing and transforming old karmic patterns before they start intensifying in 2020!
Enjoy as Marie interviews, Carl Anderson, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (www.CarlAndersonBFRP.com), then stick around as Marie does intuitive readings for callers the remainder of the hour!
On today's call in show, Marie does intuitive readings for callers and talks about discerning through contrast and moving beyond, the difference between ego mind and intuitive body, loving oneself and being in a receptive place in order to allow the manifestation of one's desires, and so much more!
Enjoy as Marie interviews, Camille Virginia, award-winning writer, founder of Master Offline Dating, and author of The Offline Dating Method (https://www.masterofflinedating.com). And then stick around as she does intuitive readings for callers the remainder of the hour!
On today's call in show, Marie does intuitive readings for callers with a heavy theme of moving away from compromising energy and the contraction of fear, and expanding energy for manifesting and making big decisions (and of course, so much more)!
Marie does intuitive readings for callers and talks about soul pods, distinguishing between intuition and the mind, stuckness as recreating vs nothing happening, the proper place for negative people when it comes to your visioning, and so much more!
Enjoy as Marie interviews, Judith Orloff, Author of "The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People". Then stick around as Marie takes your calls the remainder of the hour!
Today Marie does intuitive readings for callers and discusses boundaries in friendships, breaking karmic patterns, the new moon in Scorpio and the invitation to ask the hard questions, anxiety generated in the mind, and so much more!
On today's call in show Marie does intuitive readings for callers and discusses sciatica pain and letting go of control, the good that comes in death, decluttering and attachments to fear, fear in the mind masked as anxiety and so much more!
Marie is back live and taking your calls today! Enjoy as she does intuitive readings for callers and talks about the universe's language of inspiration, chronic pain as it relates to repressed emotional pain, the power of the mind and our responsibility to harness it, and so much more!
Marie is taking your calls the whole hour today, doing intuitive readings and talking about: loving what is to allow momentum for what will be, working to surpass chronic, low vibrational patterns to attract higher frequency experiences like wealth, and so much more!
Enjoy this lively and laughter-filled conversation between Marie and Heather Bartos, speaker, author and OBGYN (https://heatherbartosmd.com). Then stay tuned for a special appearance from Deepak Chopra, talking about his new book, Metahuman, and then of course Marie taking your calls the remainder of the show!
On Today's call in show, Marie does intuitive readings for callers and discusses; joint pain relating to flexibility in life, ankles and wrists relating to allowing support from the universe, the resistance in the defense mechanism of "too many options", the universe's language of inspiration vs logic, and so much more!
Enjoy as Marie interviews comedian, best selling author and transformational speaker, Kyle Cease (www.kylecease.com) as they discuss Kyle's new book, "The Illusion of Money". Then stick around as Marie does intuitive readings for callers for the remainder of the show!
Enjoy as Marie interviews counseling astrologer, Maria DeSimone (https://www.insightfulastrology.com), and then stick around as Marie does intuitive readings for callers for the remainder of the show!
Today Marie does intuitive readings for callers the whole hour and discusses breaking the pattern of fear, training the mind with distraction, the difference between being outspoken and speaking personal truth, and so much more!
Enjoy this beautiful conversation between Marie and James Van Praagh (https://www.vanpraagh.com), renowned Psychic, Medium, Author. Then stick around as Marie does intuitive readings for callers for the remainder of the show!
On today's call in show, Marie takes calls from around the US and does intuitive readings the whole hour!
Enjoy as Marie takes calls from around the country and does intuitive readings the whole hour!
Marie does intuitive readings the whole hour and talks to callers about holding on to disappointment as a way of holding yourself back, changing focus from what's lacking to what's working in regards to insomnia, the practice of resting in the abdomen to get to know yourself, and so much more!
Today Marie takes calls and does intuitive reading the whole hour, talking with callers about monitoring the mind, preparing for and feeling the energy of the eclipse to happen next week, channeling energy from worry to positivity for powerful impact and so much more!
On today's call in show, Marie talks to callers on a range of topics including: staying in high vibration to attract clients, not stressing about details in the middle of major transformation, being neutral in others' dramas, grieving the things hoped for that never happened, and so much more!
Enjoy as Marie interviews Gary Quinn, author, life coach/strategist, and tv host (https://garyquinn.tv), and then stick around as Marie does intuitive readings for callers for the remainder of the show!
Marie talks to callers about compassionate people loving themselves and much as they love others, kindness and patience while working through generational shame, raising vibration before doing inner work to increase self worth and more!
On today's call in show, Marie does intuitive readings for callers and speaks on, letting go to move forward, advancing intuition, focusing on personal individualization, the 5th layer of the auric field and life purpose, and so much more!
Today Marie takes calls and does intuitive readings the whole hour! Enjoy!
Enjoy as Marie interviews Deval Premal and Miten, music artists that blend Indian kirtan with world music grooves and beats (https://devapremalmiten.com) for the first 30 minutes of the show, and then does intuitive readings for callers the remainder of the show!
Marie does intuitive readings the whole hour and talks about falling in love with yourself on an emotional level beyond the mind, turning on intuition in relationships, Positive What If Questions for health and anxiety and more!
Enjoy as Marie interviews Danielle LaPorte, author and invited member of Oprah’s inaugural SuperSoul 100 (https://www.daniellelaporte.com/), and then stick around as Marie does intuitive readings for callers for the remainder of the show!
Today on this call in show, Marie talks to callers about the full moon in Libra with themes of over-compromising, standing in your worth, clarity in personal boundaries and relationships, letting go of judgments to move forward, back pain, and more!
Enjoy this call in show as Marie does intuitive readings for callers the whole hour!
Marie interviews Kelly McNelis, Author of "Your Messy Brilliance", and founder of Women for One (https://womenforone.com), and then does intuitive readings for callers the remainder of the hour. Enjoy!
Today Marie interviews Suresh Ramaswamy, transformational teacher and author of, "Just Be: Transform Your Life and Live as Infinity" (https://sureshramaswamy.org), and then does intuitive readings for callers the remainder of the hour. Enjoy!
Marie does intuitive readings for callers the whole hour and talks about adrenal health for hormone and immunity support, attracting the best option by being in joy, breast cancer and the heart chakra, collapsing personal truth and neck issues, and much more!
On today's call in show, Marie talks to callers about un-complicating life, resting in the confusion, being in good feelings about health procedures, toddler sleep issues and more!
Today Marie interviews Jerry Lazarus (http://jerrylazarus.com), author and teacher of spiritual consciousness, the first half of the show, and then Marie does intuitive readings for callers the remainder of the hour! Enjoy!
Marie does intuitive readings for callers the whole hour and talks about interacting with others in their complete health and wholeness, allowing your magic to shine, what vibration to be in when choosing health practitioners, taking hold of inspiration when it strikes, and more!
Happy Valentine's Day! On today's show, Marie does intuitive readings the whole hour and talks to callers about the natural detoxification of negative energy that happens when we receive, how to recognize and stop the squashing of high vibration when we expand, why we shouldn't take others' negative behavior personally, and more!
On today's call-in show, Marie talks to callers about receiving and holding energy, staying in line when it comes to others' decisions, how worry and fear slows progress in healing, and loving as much as creation does!
Marie does intuitive readings for callers and talks about giving energy to the things we desire, increasing high vibration in transitions and around multi sensory experiences, and letting go!
On today's show, Marie takes calls from around the world and talks to callers about spirituality, out of body experiences, repressed emotional trauma in the body, and receiving as an expression of self-worth. Enjoy!
Enjoy as Marie interviews Suzanne Giesemann (www.suzannegiesemann.com), author, metaphysical teacher, and evidential medium. Then stick around for the second half of the show as Marie does intuitive readings for callers!
Marie is excited to be back from holiday break doing intuitive readings for callers all around the US! Today she spoke to callers about resistance and its call to move in, taking responsibility for your personal energy, staving off the vampires, and much, much more!
Today, Marie talks about young and old souls in politics, setting boundaries with young kids, headaches and fatigue, choosing to be stuck in the crud of life, and more!
(Marie also shared a portion of a reading her assistant, Lisa, created on her experience as a woman in today's society. You can find that here: https://vimeo.com/294034380)
Please enjoy this fun, lively, and informative conversation as Marie interviews Ryan Meeks, an evolved, former evangelical mega church pastor. (EastLake Community Church, https://www.eastlakecc.com) Part 2, of 2 part series.
(Catch up on Part 1: http://www.energyintuitive.com/podcast/July_5_18.mp3)
This morning Marie talked about past lives and the root chakra; how to heal past life issues that maybe causing problems in ones current lifetime.
Marilyn Jenett’s "Feel Free to Prosper", destined to become a classic, is a simple, fast, and practical approach to prosperity—a compilation of this renowned prosperity mentor’s finest teachings, followed by her final gift to the reader: the legendary lesson from her flagship program that will fulfill her two-week promise. Her unique, easy-to-grasp style will take the mystery out of these esoteric laws.
You will learn to overcome your conditioned thinking, habitual words, and other aspects of consciousness that perpetuate lack. With new patterns of thought and speech, you’ll magnetize prosperity instead of repelling it and acquire a true sense of security. Most importantly, you will experience proof of your alignment with the universal parent that is ready to shower each of us with gifts far beyond our imaginings—and finally feel free to prosper.
Original broadcast date: January 7, 2016
Join Marie as we celebrate moving from a #9 year to a #1 year!!
(2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10, 10 = 1)
Wishing you all a very happy New Year!
Learning to be positive with life (no matter what) is a huge channel for manifesting. So how can one stay positive when there is clear negativity and also be active in creating change?
Marie interviews Ora Nadrich, author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever
"We all face obstacles and negative thoughts in our lives - but that doesn't mean we have to let them keep us from achieving our goals and dreams." - Ora Nadrich
ENCORE show from May 28, 2015
Marie interviews Elisa Romeo, author of "Meet Your Soul".
Marilyn Jenett’s Feel Free to Prosper, destined to become a classic, is a simple, fast, and practical approach to prosperity—a compilation of this renowned prosperity mentor’s finest teachings, followed by her final gift to the reader: the legendary lesson from her flagship program that will fulfill her two-week promise. Her unique, easy-to-grasp style will take the mystery out of these esoteric laws.
You will learn to overcome your conditioned thinking, habitual words, and other aspects of consciousness that perpetuate lack. With new patterns of thought and speech, you’ll magnetize prosperity instead of repelling it and acquire a true sense of security. Most importantly, you will experience proof of your alignment with the universal parent that is ready to shower each of us with gifts far beyond our imaginings—and finally feel free to prosper.
To can learn more about Marilyn's power lessons and mentoring program here.
Go from a lack of happiness into HAPPY FULFILLMENT in today's show.
Interviewing Dave Markowitz, author of "Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers."
“Pain and illness can be classified as either what’s yours or what’s not yours. Trying to address what’s not yours as if it is yours can be likened to using a screwdriver where a hammer is needed. You have to have the right tools for the job!”
~ Dave Markowitz, lives and works in Portland, OR.
For more information visit www.davemarkowitz.com
Interview with Brenda Michaels and Marsha Merchant, author and co-author of the book "The Gift of Cancer." Hear Brenda's journey of surrender and healing of breast cancer.
Marie interviews Bob Olson -
"A former skeptic and private investigator, Bob Olson has been an Afterlife Investigator & Psychic Medium Researcher since 1999.
In 1997, Bob Olson’s father died of lung cancer at the age of 64. Bob was just 35. The event ignited spiritual questions for Bob that he’d never before considered. Is there life after death? If so, what evidence exists to prove it? And, if one could prove the existence of an afterlife, was it also possible to know if our deceased loved ones exist in this afterlife, if they are okay, and if they are watching over us? Bob decided to use his skills as a private investigator to obtain answers, and this was the catalyst for Bob’s investigation into the afterlife.
This morning I interview Dr. Carl O. Helvie, long-term lung cancer survivor and recognized author.
We discuss his book, "You Can Beat Lung Cancer," and holistic medicine as the best way to treat our bodies for any ailment and to live a long and happy life.
Welcoming Clark Strand to the show this morning, former Zen Buddhist Monk and author of "Waking the Buddha."
Listen as Strand introduces a dynamic Buddhist movement in the world, know as the Soka Gakkai. Hear the history, the integration into the lives of today and the practices that make this movement so unique.
Interview with Dr. Gillian Holloway, who has written four books on dream interpretation. This morning's insightful discussion addresses the meaning of dreams on the dreamer's terms.
Dreams are a window into our absolute truth.
Loving Life! How do you do it??
Marie shares how and takes calls from listeners.
"There is a world within - a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and beauty, and although invisible, its forces are mighty."
- Charles Haanel (1866-1949), New Thought Author
Positive Thinking!
You can do it. One thought at a time can change your life.
"The whole world will rise up to support you." -Bhava Ram
On this beautiful summer morning, Marie has the opportunity to interview Brad Willis, aka, Bhava Ram. Author of "Warrior Pose: How Yoga (Literally) Save My life. A War Correspondent's Memoir."
During the interview, Bhava Ram talks deep into the realm of becoming one's authentic self. He shares his history and involvement in the Gulf War and time spent living with freedom fighters in Afghanistan. The interview follows Bhava Ram's decent into darkness, reveals his beacon of light, and shares his spiritual awakening.
Communicating with your higher self. Who, what, when, where, why? How??
This morning, Marie addresses this powerful aspect of our truest nature. As listeners call in and ask questions about health and living concerns, the answers come back to if we are really listening to our higher self.
This morning Marie sits down with and interviews Martin Perlman. Martin is the author of the essay "A Son's Life Force," published amongst a collection of other short stories, essays and poems in the book "Dads of Disability."
In this captivating interview, Marie and Martin discuss patience, sacrifice and dedication when given a life to share with a child born with serious disability.
Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of 24 popular inspirational books and CD’s, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 24 foreign languages. His work has been featured on Oprah.com and in USA Today, The Washington Post and101 Top Experts. Alan’s radio program Get Real is broadcast weekly on Hay House Radio, and his monthly column From the Heart is featured in magazines internationally.
Alan is a respected keynoter and seminar leader for professional meetings in the fields of personal growth, inspiration, holistic health, human relations, and achievement of work/life balance. He conducts Life Mastery Trainings around the world, and has served as instructor of group dynamics at Montclair State College, stood on the faculty of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, and is a professor at EnTheos Academy for Optimal Living. He has appeared on national radio and television, including Good Morning shows around the nation, and his seminars have regularly been broadcast via satellite on the Wisdom Channel and on Gaiam TV. Most recently he is a featured presenter in the acclaimed documentary Finding Joe, celebrating the teachings of visionary mythologist Joseph Campbell.
Rulingplanets.com is Christopher Renstrom’s vision of an on-line, subscription-based, interactive Astrology Magazine. It is based on his book Ruling Planets, which was published by HarperCollins in 2002 and has sold out its print run.
Renstrom has been a practicing astrologer since 1985. He currently writes the daily horoscopes for the San Francisco Chronicle (replacing Jeanne Dixon in 1995) and SFGate.com. Now the exclusive astrologer for Patti Stanger (the Millionaire Matchmaker) his popular forecasts appear weekly on SheKnows.com. His weekly forecasts cover all areas of your life including Weekly, Love, and Career horoscopes. Recently Christopher was voted Best Astrologer by City Weekly’s Best of Utah for 2013 and previously for 2012.
Renstrom regularly appears on radio and television. He also lectures about the history of Astrology in America, which is his specialty, and runs Ruling Planet workshops around the country.
Nadiya Shah is an internationally syndicated Sun Sign Columnist, Author, Television and Internet Personality, and is one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom.
Nadiya’s latest book, “Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology” introduces the foundational knowledge of astrology, ensuring a solid understanding for a lifetime practice. Astrology Realized is unique in its approach, inviting students of astrology to look above and within to inspire an individual connection with the sky. “Astrology Realized” is available at Amazon.com now.
Dougall Fraser is co-host of That Sex Show on LOGO TV, a Life Coach and psychic in Los Angeles. He has been featured on The Dr. Phil Show, The Real Housewives of Orange County, Dancing with the Stars, and many others. Dougall has been recognized as a top psychic by Spin magazine and The New York Post. The self titled “Queer Guy with A Third Eye,” he is the author of the bestselling book, But You Knew That Already: What a Psychic Can Teach You About Life. Fraser counsels people all around the world, blending his unique combination of New Age practices with grounded advice.
Intuitive Danielle MacKinnon is a leader in Psychic and Intuitive Coaching and has been named one of the country's Best Psychic Mediums by Psychic Investigator Bob Olson. Combining her psychic skills with her unique ability to connect with the Soul, Danielle has led thousands of people through their challenges into a world of possibility and brilliance. A featured teacher at The Omega Institute and many of the most esteemed health and wellness venues around the country, Danielle's book on Soul Contracts with Beyond Words is due to be published in the Spring of 2014.
Marie interviewed Karla McLaren at the top of the hour and talked about the Otherside for the second half of the show. Karla is an award-winning author and pioneering educator whose empathic approach to emotions has taken her through the healing of her own childhood trauma into an empathic healing career, and now into the study of sociology, neurology, and cognitive and social psychology. She is the author of The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You (Sounds True, May 2010), the online course Emotional Flow:Becoming Fluent in the Language of Emotions (Sounds True, 2012) and the upcoming book and audio learning set The Art of Empathy: A Complete Guide to Life's Most Essential Skill (October, 2013).
Karla has taught at such venues as the University of San Francisco, Omega Institute, Naropa University, Kripalu, and the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Additionally, as a prison arts educator with the William James Foundation, she has utilized singing, drumming, and drama to help men in maximum security prisons explore and heal long-held emotional traumas. Karla lives in Sonoma County, California with her husband, Tino Plank, a Master's level nurse working in hospice and end-of-life care.
At the top of the hour Marie interviewed Tryshe Dhevney who is a Sounds True music artist, author, international speaker and authority in vocal sound healing. Her pioneering work, musical performances and teachings in sound therapy were inspired by her own healing journey from a near-fatal illness back to complete health. Her comprehensive work in this emerging field provides a practical guide for whole-body transformation and enables individuals to use sound to achieve remarkable results.
Honored by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and praised for her musical collaborations, she presents internationally, including the United Nations, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Rutgers University, Canyon Ranch Health Resort, Miraval, The Actor Studio of Barcelona and has been featured in Teen People Magazine, TV Guide, The Times of London, US News and World Report, and various national print and TV media.
For the second half of the show Marie continued the conversation on vibration with callers.
NICOLAS ORTNER is CEO of The Tapping Solution, LLC, a company with a mission to bring simple, effective, natural healing into the mainstream through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or “tapping.” Tapping is a healing modality that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.
Nick’s goal is to empower people to create healthy, financially abundant and stress-free lives through his books, films, CDs, online events and speaking engagements attended by participants from all over the world.
His bestselling book, “The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living,” was published by Hay House in 2013. Prior to that, Nick created and produced the breakthrough documentary film, "The Tapping Solution,” which follows ten people who used tapping to overcome tremendous challenges, including 30 years of chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, devastating grief and more. Both Nick’s book and film document real and extraordinary results that have inspired tens of thousands to follow suit by successfully applying tapping to their lives.
THE GREATER GOOD is an award winning character-driven documentary that explores the cultural intersections where parenting meets modern medicine and individual rights collide with politics. The film offers parents, doctors and policy makers a safe space to speak openly, actively listen and learn from one another. Mixing verité footage, intimate interviews, 1950s-era government-produced movies and up-to-date TV news reporting, THE GREATER GOOD weaves together the stories of families whose lives have been forever changed by vaccination.
Writer / Producer, Leslie Manookian was a successful Wall Street business executive and is now a documentary film producer and activist. Manookian chose to leave Wall Street at the height of her career in order to pursue a more meaningful path. Her career in finance took her from New York to London with Goldman Sachs. She later became Director of Alliance Capital in London running their European Growth Portfolio Management and Research business. While living and working in London, she learned of the vaccine debate and determined that one day she would make a documentary exploring the issue. The award winning documentary The Greater Good is the result of 11 years of work. She has been featured in dozens of TV, radio, print and internet interviews as well as appearing at numerous conferences discussing vaccine issues. She has been featured in a cover article in Barron’s as well as in other financial publications. She has served on the board, managed or consulted for many organizations in her community and successfully led the charge to defeat a proposed coal plant in her state and helped secure legislation providing consumer access to raw milk. She holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BA from Middlebury College.
Director / Producer, Kendall Nelson was raised in California, where she attended San Francisco State University and the Brooks Institute of Photography. Nelson’s photographs are exhibited in museums and art galleries nationwide and her images have been featured by numerous publications, including National Geographic Online, Camera Arts, Photo District News, and USA Today. Nelson’s fascination with diversity and culture has led her to photograph a wide range of subjects—from herdsmen in Mongolia to women’s health issues in Africa with the United Nations. In addition to her career as a still photographer, she worked as a segment producer and assistant director at Fox Television before moving to Sun Valley, Idaho, where she began traveling the West photographing cowboys. She published her first book Gathering Remnants – A Tribute to the Working Cowboy in 2000. Following the success of her book, Nelson was determined to tell the cowboys’ stories on film. She completed an award-winning documentary also titled Gathering Remnants, which aired on European and Canadian television.
Jude Bijou is a licensed marriage and family therapist (MFT), an educator in Santa Barbara, California and the author of triple finalist, Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life (Riviera Press, 2011).
As the daughter of a famous pioneer in the field of behavioral child psychology and applied behavior analysis, Jude’s upbringing sounds like it would be pretty cool. There was just one problem: she was miserable.
Earning a BA in psychology from Reed College and a master’s in psychology from Carleton University, she became a marriage and family therapist. Success was attained, yet something was still missing. Looking eastward, she immersed herself in the world of meditation and Vedic philosophy. The result: an integrated, truly holistic approach to viewing ourselves and our relationships with others. Her award-winning system, Attitude Reconstruction was birthed into the world.
In 1982, Jude launched a private psychotherapy practice and started working with individuals, couples, and groups. She also began teaching communication courses through Santa Barbara City College Adult Education. Word spread about the success of Attitude Reconstruction, and it wasn’t long before Jude became a sought-after workshop and seminar leader, teaching her approach to organizations and groups.
The culmination of Jude’s groundbreaking work can now be found in Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life. These simple principles have impacted countless clients, seminar participants, and students. And Jude promises this: if we can learn to harness the tools we’re intrinsically born with, creating a life full of joy, love, and peace is truly possible, right here, right now.
At the top of the hour Marie interviewed writer, performer and educator, Ann Randolph. For the second half of the show Marie continued her conversation from last week on fear.
Ann Randolph is an Ovation Award® winning playwright and performer. Her multi-character solo show Squeeze Box was originally produced by Mel Brooks and the late Anne Bancroft and went on to become a critically acclaimed Off-Broadway hit.
Her current solo show, LOVELAND, is currently playing every weekend in San Francisco where Randolph was recently awarded, “Best Solo Performer in San Francisco” by the San Francisco Examiner. In 2011, Randolph was awarded “Best Solo Performer” by the LA Weekly for LOVELAND.
A resident of Los Angeles, Randolph’s previous solo shows and plays have garnered many awards. She is a former member of the Groundlings and Unsafe Sketch receiving LA Weekly’s, “Best Female Comedy Performer.” Her solo show, Miss America, was awarded “Best Solo Show,” by the LA Weekly and as an actress she has appeared in numerous plays, including the long running cult classic, Bob’s Office Party, for which she created the roles of Brandy and Carol. An LA Times critic wrote of Randolph’s performance, “In a pair of wickedly hysterical roles, Randolph steals the show.”
At the top of the hour Marie interviewed Kelly McNelis Senegor, founder of Women for One. For the second half of the show she talked about fear.
Kelly McNelis Senegor is the founder of Women For One, a global movement of authenticity and inspiration for women throughout the world. The website currently has reached over 4 million people from over 50 countries in only its 2nd year of existence.
For the past twenty years Kelly has worked in the field of organizational development, group facilitation, and training. She was a management consultant with experience in nonprofit management and small business development.
She lives near Seattle with her husband and six children.
Dr. Eben Alexander III has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women's and the Children's Hospitals and Harvard Medical School in Boston. Over his academic career he authored or co-authored over 150 chapters and papers in peer reviewed journals, and made over 200 presentations at conferences and medical centers around the world. He thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit.
In the predawn hours of November 10, 2008, he was driven into coma by a rare and mysterious bacterial meningitis-encephalitis of unknown cause. He spent a week in coma on a ventilator, his prospects for survival diminishing rapidly. On the seventh day, to the surprise of everyone, he started to awaken. Memories of his life had been completely deleted inside of coma, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm - more real than this earthly one! His older son advised him to write down everything he could remember about his journey, before he read anything about near-death experiences, physics or cosmology. Six weeks later, he completed his initial recording of his remarkable journey, totaling over 20,000 words in length. Then he started reading, and was astonished by the insights his journey brought to the world's literature on near-death experiences, and to all phenomena of extended consciousness. His experience clearly revealed that we are conscious in spite of our brain - that, in fact, consciousness is at the root of all existence.
His story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness. It will have a major effect on how we view spirituality, soul and the non-material realm. In analyzing his experience, including the scientific possibilities and grand implications, he envisions a more complete reconciliation of modern science and spirituality as a natural product.
He has been blessed with a complete recovery and shares his most powerful, life-changing story in his book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list.
Rulingplanets.com is Christopher Renstrom’s vision of an on-line, subscription-based, interactive Astrology Magazine. It is based on his book Ruling Planets, which was published by HarperCollins in 2002 and has sold out its print run.
Renstrom has been a practicing astrologer since 1985. He currently writes the daily horoscopes for the San Francisco Chronicle (replacing Jeanne Dixon in 1995) and SFGate.com. Now the exclusive astrologer for Patti Stanger (the Millionaire Matchmaker) his popular forecasts appear weekly on SheKnows.com. His weekly forecasts cover all areas of your life including Weekly, Love, and Career horoscopes. Recently Christopher was voted Best Astrologer by City Weekly’s Best of Utah for 2013 and previously for 2012.
Renstrom regularly appears on radio and television. He also lectures about the history of Astrology in America, which is his specialty, and runs Ruling Planet workshops around the country.
Karla McLaren is an award-winning author and pioneering educator whose empathic approach to emotions has taken her through the healing of her own childhood trauma into an empathic healing career, and now into the study of sociology, neurology, and cognitive and social psychology. She is the author of The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You (Sounds True, May 2010), the online course Emotional Flow:Becoming Fluent in the Language of Emotions (Sounds True, 2012) and the upcoming book and audio learning set The Art of Empathy: A Complete Guide to Life's Most Essential Skill (October, 2013).
Karla has taught at such venues as the University of San Francisco, Omega Institute, Naropa University, Kripalu, and the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Additionally, as a prison arts educator with the William James Foundation, she has utilized singing, drumming, and drama to help men in maximum security prisons explore and heal long-held emotional traumas. Karla lives in Sonoma County, California with her husband, Tino Plank, a Master's level nurse working in hospice and end-of-life care.
Donna Gates is the international bestselling author of The Body Ecology Diet, The Baby Boomer Diet: Anti-Aging Wisdom For Every Generation, and Stevia: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener. While completing her fellowship with American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, her mission is to change the way the world eats. Over the past 25 years, Donna has become one of the most loved and respected authorities in the field of digestive health, diet, and nutrition, enjoying a worldwide reputation as an expert in candida, adrenal fatigue, autism, autoimmune diseases, weight loss and anti-aging. A recognized radio host of The Body Ecology Hour with Donna Gates on Hay House radio, Donna regularly contributes to The Huffington Post and The Daily Love, and lectures at the “I Can Do It!” Conference, The Longevity Now Conference, and Women’s Wellness Conference.
Donna re-introduced fermented foods to the US and coined the phrase “inner ecosystem” to describe the network of microbes that maintain our basic physiological processes--from digestion to immunity. Body Ecology is a revolutionary system of healing in response to the major deficiencies in medicine and the commonplace approach to treating symptoms while ignoring root causes. The Body Ecology Diet was the first of its kind--sugar-free, gluten-free, and probiotic rich—and has been adopted by doctors and health practitioners alike. Donna has certified hundreds of “Body Ecologists”, who passionately spread her teachings throughout the U.S., Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand.
William F. Bengston (Bill) is a professor of sociology at St. Josephs College in New York, U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. from Fordham University, New York, in 1980. His "day job" areas of specialization include research methods and statistics.
For many years, Bill has conducted research into anomalous healing, and has proven the effectiveness of his technique in 10 controlled animal experiments conducted in 5 university biological and medical laboratories. His healing research has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in experimental mice by laying-on-of-hands techniques that he helped to develop. He has also investigated assorted correlates to healing such as geomagnetic micropulsations and EEG harmonics and entrainment.
Dr. Bengston has publications in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Explore. In addition, he has lectured widely throughout the United States and Europe. Bill has been a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) since 1999, and currently serves as President of the organization. He also is on the editorial board of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Bill has written a memoir with Sylvia Fraser about his healing experiences and research entitled The Energy Cure : Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-On Healing. A CD audio instruction program, Hands-On Healing, is also available from Sounds True.
Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of 24 popular inspirational books and CD’s, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 24 foreign languages. His work has been featured on Oprah.com and in USA Today, The Washington Post and101 Top Experts. Alan’s radio program Get Real is broadcast weekly on Hay House Radio, and his monthly column From the Heart is featured in magazines internationally.
Alan is a respected keynoter and seminar leader for professional meetings in the fields of personal growth, inspiration, holistic health, human relations, and achievement of work/life balance. He conducts Life Mastery Trainings around the world, and has served as instructor of group dynamics at Montclair State College, stood on the faculty of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, and is a professor at EnTheos Academy for Optimal Living. He has appeared on national radio and television, including Good Morning shows around the nation, and his seminars have regularly been broadcast via satellite on the Wisdom Channel and on Gaiam TV. Most recently he is a featured presenter in the acclaimed documentary Finding Joe, celebrating the teachings of visionary mythologist Joseph Campbell.
Alan brings a warm blend of wisdom, intimacy, humor, and vision to the path of personal, professional, and spiritual growth. He loves to extract lessons from the practical experiences of daily living, and find beauty in the seeming mundane. Many readers and seminar participants have reported that his teachings have brought them deep encouragement and empowerment, and inspired them to believe in themselves and achieve new levels of success in their personal and professional lives.
Christopher Renstrom has been a practicing astrologer since 1985. Renstrom currently writes the daily horoscopes for the San Francisco Chronicle (replacing Jeanne Dixon) and SFGate.com. Now the exclusive astrologer for Patti Stanger (the Millionaire Matchmaker) his forecasts appear weekly on Pattiknows.com. Most recently he was voted Best Astrologer by City Weekly’s Best of Utah 2012. He also created the horoscope column for ALLURE magazine (Conde Nast publications), his “Renstrom’s Horoscopes” were carried on Verizon, Sprint, and AllTel, and he conceived and developed Ask the Astrologer for lifetimetv.com.
Rulingplanets.com is Christopher Renstrom’s vision of an on-line, subscription-based, interactive Astrology Magazine. It is based on his book Ruling Planets, which was published by HarperCollins in 2002 and has sold out its print run.
Listen to Marie's interview on A Fresh Start with Sallie Felton.
Who are the people you surround yourself with? Do you have cheerleaders in your life or do you have people that drain your energy? Today on Boot Camp for the Soul Marie talked about how important it is to have healthy relationships in your life.
During a turning point in her successful medical and art career, Dr. Lissa Rankin founded Owning Pink in April 2009 as she began her journey as a published author to give voice to her journey to integrate all the disparate parts of herself. Since its launch, Owning Pink has grown under her nurturing guidance into a thriving community, web site and Center for integrative medicine, all of which provide a platform for her work and the work of others called to support "Pink" approaches to disciplines as diverse as health, business, self-discovery and socio-ecological action. Today, Lissa is the guiding force and voice of Owning Pink, the leading practitioner at the Owning Pink Center, and the author of What's Up Down There? Questions You'd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Were Your Best Friend blog and book (St. Martin's Press, September 2010). She is also a nationally represented encaustic painter, author of the book Encaustic Art: The Complete Guide to Creating Fine Art With Wax (Random House, August 2010), and a practicing OB/GYN. Lissa lives in northern California with her husband and fellow artist, Matt Klein, their daughter Siena, and Grendel the Pink MojoPup.
The topic of conversation today was sex. Marie talked about the difference between men and women's enjoyment when it comes to sex.
Past lives are fascinating to revisit and learn from. Is it necessary to heal a past life in order to grow or accomplish our desires? Could we have dreaded past lives that are holding us back from our abundance? Call in and find out about your past lives!
A favorite regular guest, Dr. Sheila Dunn-Merritt. One of the first graduates of Bastyr University. As a family practice doctor with over 26 years of clinical experience, Dr. Sheila Dunn-Merritt has treated thousands of patients of all ages with a variety of health conditions. Combining over two decades of clinical practice as a naturopathic physician, a homeopath, and a functional medicine doctor she diagnoses and treats complex health issues. If you are looking for some additional guidance on a health issue, this is the show for you.
Embracing What Is (Surrendering). To surrender means to get out of the way and allow the Divine to guide you towards your destiny. Many times we work so hard to control our life and the potential outcome we think we want. Synchronicities and the unfolding of an amazing life are about flowing into your highest good. To embrace what is and surrender to the unknown takes courage and faith, and to surrender is the final step towards manifesting our goals. Listen and learn the final step of manifesting!
Ainslie Macleod; The author of "The Instruction". For over a decade, Ainslie has used his talents as a psychic to explore the soul and its impact on our lives. Collaborating with elevated spirit guides, he developed the Instruction as a way to help each of us understand our own personal destiny. Ainslie's aim is to help his clients to live a happier and more purposeful life by revealing who they are and why they're here, helping them overcome many internal challenges, and connecting them with their souls and their spirit guides. His role is that of a messenger between this world and the next. Ainslie will be here to take calls from the audience and to discuss his upcoming: SOUL SAFARI... A once-in-this-lifetime journey to South Africa where you will uncover the innermost secrets of your life's purpose and discover the spiritual pathway to Living the Life Your Soul Intended.
Interview with Donna Gates, a nutritional consultant, author and lecturer has helped thousands of people overcome candidiasis and other immune system disorders. Her book, "The Body Ecology Diet", was written after years of research to find a cure for her own candida-related health problems. Frustrated with conventional medicine, she embarked on a long course of study into many different healing concepts, including ancient Chinese medicine, macrobiotics, natural hygiene, raw foods and mega-supplement therapy. Incorporating the most beneficial components of each concept into her own system of health and healing, her success inspired her to share it with others. Much more than a "diet" Body Ecology offers a constantly expanding body of knowledge that focuses on the benefits of establishing and maintaining an inner ecosystem. Eating fermented foods and following the BED principles lays down a foundation for health that is essential to wellness. Body Ecology and Donna are frequently mentioned in the books of many other authors and in natural health magazines. Donna's latest focus is on resolving the crisis of our children's health, and she is committed to preventing and overcoming autism.
Conscious Evolution. Participating in the well being and growth of the greater whole or universe is consciousness. Consciousness is symbiotic expression. When the individual human is attuned to the consciousness of humanity he enters into the great theater of planetary evolution. Every action, feeling, thought and intuitive insight has a small but definite influence on everything else on the planet. There is no separation. We are part of one being. In order to participate consciously, beings must reach a certain level of development where they choose to align their energy to a greater purpose.
Personal Transformation. Personal transformation starts with a question about oneself, one's potential. Such a question can be stimulated by pain or joy. A search into the unknown realm begins at that extraordinary moment when you realize that you yourself must initiate change. Once awareness penetrates there is no way out. The process has begun your life has opened an additional dimension.
Guest: Dennis Flaherty, is an internationally acclaimed Vedic Astrologer with over 25 years of experience as a fulltime consulting astrologer. He is the founder and director of the Northwest Institute of Vedic Sciences, where he teaches and practices Vedic Astrology. He is one of the few westerners who is experienced and practiced in both Western and Vedic Astrology. Dennis consults and lectures on Vedic Astrology throughout the world and serves a busy local and international clientele. In over two decades of consulting, Dennis has read tens of thousands of astrological charts. His clients include celebrities, business professionals, and politicians, but most importantly, he has read for people who are looking for life direction, path and purpose in order to lead a more meaningful existence.
Sub Atomic Particles. The text you’re reading right now is made of trillions of subatomic particles. The words that make up the text is also made up of millions of subatomic particles forming images that you can understand and relate to with your human eyes. Everything in the universe is energy, electrons and protons in motion. Quantum physics is an area of science that helps us to understand the movement and formation of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles come together to create the home you live in, the car you drive and the clothing you’re wearing right now. You create and manipulate subatomic particles with your feelings and thoughts. Tune into the show to learn how to move subatomic particles in the direction of your dreams!
Energy Medicine and Your Health. A new science that recognizes and identifies energy movement within the human body is called Energy Medicine. Energy Medicine is based on the theories of Quantum Physics which state that everything is alive with energy. When we relate the science of Quantum Physics with the new science of Energy Medicine we again affirm the law of physics; everything is made of energy. This law includes the human body and everything living in it: organs, tissues, bones, blood, cells, and DNA. If everything is made of energy, including solid material which is the basic theory of Quantum Physics, then disease is also made up of subatomic particles. Therefore, disease is energy. In the human body, energy may be vital (moving) or stagnant (not moving). Energy medicine assesses the energetic state of a person, detects the areas of the body where the energy is stagnant and then utilizes tools to change the energetic vitality of the area. Energy medicine tools include Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, naturopathic medicine, herbal medicines and various forms of hands on healing.
The Seventh Chakra. The seventh chakra sits on top of your head and pulls in light and energy filled with unconditional love. This chakra governs your central nervous system and all of your skin. Spiritually speaking, this chakra is considered to be the closest energy to source. Source permeates through everything. Having a healthy vital seventh chakra allows you to feel source in you!
Lynn Robinson, M.Ed., is one of the nation's leading experts on the topic of intuition and the author of five books on the topic. She works with businesses and individuals as an Intuitive, offering insights into goals, decisions and strategies. Her latest book is "Trust Your Gut: How the Power of Intuition Can Grow Your Business". She’s also the bestselling author of "Divine Intuition: Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love". Her books have been published in over fifteen languages. Lynn teaches that intuition is a ready source of direction available to all of us. She believes we all have the ability to access this power and develop it for practical use in our personal and business life as well as for discovering and achieving long-term goals.
The Sixth Chakra. The sixth chakra is about being multisensory. It is everyone’s birth right to sense outside of the physical reality for expanded insight about life. This chakra governs all the senses and the brain.
The Fifth Chakra. The fifth chakra is all about speaking your truth, whatever that may be for you! It governs the upper G.I. system including the mouth, teeth and gums. The cervical vertebrae, tonsils, adenoids, esophagus and the thyroid gland.
Guest, Kathryn Alice, author of "Love Will Find You". Kathryn Alice, RScP teaches and writes breakthrough material in the arenas of dating and love. Her approach stresses awareness and faith, and this positive, upbeat outlook has helped many singles enjoy their unattached status and thousands go on to find love. She was the author of the "Dating, Love & Soulmates" column for "Holistic Living Magazine" until the magazine's closing. Kathryn served as the Director for The Agape Spiritual Center's Crisis Support Team for six years, and Agape is where she is based. She is often published on subjects of love. This will be Kathryn’s second appearance on my show!
The Fourth Chakra. The fourth charka is about giving and receiving. It governs the heart, thymus gland, lungs, breast tissue, circulatory system, lymphatic system and the hands.
Discussing the The Third Chakra. The third chakra governs the immune system including organs: pancreas, gallbladder, liver, spleen, bile duct and has a secondary responsibility to all the glands in your body. This is the chakra of self love and the more you love yourself the healthier you will be.
Guest: Ainslie MacLeod, psychic and author of "The Instruction: Living the Life Your Soul Intended". For over a decade, I’ve used my talents as a psychic to explore the soul and its impact on our lives. Collaborating with elevated spirit guides, I developed the Instruction as a way to help each of us understand our own personal destiny. Before becoming a psychic, I was a successful illustrator, creating art for Coca-Cola and Paul McCartney, and developing Chester Cheetah for Frito-Lay. Despite the fact that several psychics had told me I’d one day work as a psychic myself, it wasn’t until a decade ago, when I had an astonishing epiphany, that I finally accepted that this would be my destiny. My aim is to help my clients to live a happier and more purposeful life by revealing who they are and why they’re here, helping them overcome many internal challenges, and connecting them with their souls and their spirit guides. My role is that of a messenger between this world and the next.
The Second Chakra: The second chakra is about Joy. Marie refers to this chakra as the Juicy Chakra! It governs reproductive organs, kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder, appendix, lower back and part of the large intestines. It is important to be happy with all that you do and have in the world particularly; relationships, money, carrier, and creativity when assessing the second chakra.
The First Chakra: Marie will start off the New Year introducing the chakra system. Marie has a very unique and clear way of viewing the human energy system. Marie has the ability to see, hear and feel the chakras and all that they govern. The first chakra is about your first family and how you felt growing up. Anatomically it affects every bone muscle and tendon from the hips to the toes. It also affects the colon, coccyx and sciatic nerve. The first chakra or root chakra also has a secondary responsibility to every bone in the body and all of your blood and bone marrow.
Discusing: The Heart Chakra and the 4th Layer of the Field. Your heart knows what your path is. Combine your intuition and your knowingness and you can navigate through this world and live heaven here on earth. How can one listen to their inner knowingness and live the life their being truly craves? How can you let go of all the other voices telling you to settle and let second best be enough. Tune in and find out how with Energy Intuitive, Marie Manuchehri, who has learned how to listen to her inner guidance and make her life better than her dreams!
Interview with David Pond, Astrologer and Author. David holds a Master of Science Degree in Experimental Metaphysics from Central Washington University. David is the author of two books, Astrology and Relationships and Chakras for Beginners and co-author of two other books: The Metaphysical Handbook and Crystals, Stones & Chakras, and is a contributing author in two of LLewellyn's New World Astrology series: Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope and Astrological Counseling. David is also a regular contributor to The Mountain Astrologer. David's formal education complements his many years as a practicing professional astrologer, and his life long study of yoga and meditation, thus giving him an in-depth awareness of the field of metaphysics. David utilizes his skills by giving lectures, private consultations and taped readings. David has helped individuals find a deeper meaning in life, get in touch with their source of strength, improve relationship skills and identify and overcome problem areas.
Discussing: Does your life feel like a mess and you don't know why bad things are happening? Every experience, good bad or indifferent, is a lesson presented so that you can make a different choice. Many times we human's choose the familiar even when the familiar is not what we really want. We tend to hit our heads against the brick wall over and over again until we finally release the internal resistance to change. Then we can let go and allow our highest good to transform our reality and align in the truth of who we are. Tune in and find out why your life looks like mess!
Discussing: Count Your Blessings. Many times we forget to have gratitude for everyday experiences. Personally, I have noticed how much better my life becomes when I remember to have gratitude. During this show, we will explore all the moments one could experience gratitude, not just the moments we think we can but all the moments we ignore. It is gratitude that leads to happiness not happiness that leads to gratitude. Tune in and find out how to allow the gifts of the universe to flow into your life!
Interview with Phil Larson, RN, BSN, CCRN, author of the book, The-ANTI-Diet. Phil has been a critical care nurse since 1997. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arizona State University. More importantly he suffered from chronic obesity his entire life until a moment of awakening in 2000 and the beginning of The ANTI-Diet. Phil's passion is optimal wellness. His personal mission is to educate and inspire millions of people to make positive wellness choices that eliminate obesity and lifestyle disease risks. Having shed over 100 pounds and maintained that loss for years, he is uniquely qualified to educate and inspire folks with chronic obesity. He continues to practice nursing in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit. He is a highly regarded and sought after teacher, mentor, and preceptor who has conducted classes on a variety of critical care topics for nurses and physicians
Discussing: How do family members and friends living on the other side help us? As a medium, it has been a thrill to watch the encounter of other's living on the other side with their loved ones here on Earth. Many times I have seen those living on the other side, work diligently at their inner work so that they can be available for those who still live here on earth. Their actions are heartfelt and create amazing results in their loved ones live. Tune in for this extraordinary topic and call in for information about your loved ones who have crossed over.
Tonights guest is Amy Roberts, Tarot Reader. Amy is a professional tarot reader with 20 years experience. Her approach is based on a practical, choice-centered philosophy that allows for the possibility of change and personal growth. Tarot is not about prophecy but about potential. The choices we make today can affect the way we experience tomorrow. Through tarot, Amy is able to help clients find the ways in which they can optimize choices and connect with the inner power to change and heal. Healing comes in many forms, from simply validating a feeling to exploring the specific reasons for an ongoing difficulty. Amy conveys all information and insights in a deeply compassionate way that enables her clients to feel supported and at ease.
Discussing what will happen to the World in 2012? Well, we can’t know for sure what will be in 2012 but here are some ideas that may be different than what you have read about this historic transition. 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar. Many people think that the end of the Mayan calendar means the possible end of the world and at the very least the beginning of 100’s of years of catastrophic events. Marie has a different take on the event. The Mayan people were one of the most violent and torturous culture we have studied to date. How could the end of their calendar mean more dread? Instead, Marie believes that the end of their calendar is the beginning of a new era, the advancement of consciousness! Tune is to learn more of Marie’s predictions and share some of your own by calling in!
Discussing: How Can You Heal Yourself? Marie is a nationally known healer and teacher, who works with thousands of clients here in the US and all over the world. Marie firmly believes that individuals heal themselves! Healers, doctors, nurses, and many others who work in the industry to help people heal are facilitators and provide opportunity for others to self heal. It is important for those wanting healing to know that if they heal any part of their life it is because they changed limiting thoughts and beliefs that allowed new energy to move into their body to create a change in their physical reality. This concept, Marie believes, is so important because humans will need to heal themselves again and again. Knowing that we heal ourselves generates self empowerment, knowledge and the ability to change anything! Tune in and find out how you can heal your life!
Discussing the Fourth Layer of the Field and Your Heart Chakra. The forth layer of the field in part of the aura, approximately five feet away from your physical body. It is an unstructured field that is a foot in width. All layers of the field and all chakras communicate with one another but the fourth chakra has a special relationship with this forth layer of your aura. This layer is a light pink background with multi colored clouds the colors of the chakras circulating within the pink (background) sky. This field is all about how you relate to others and yourself while participating in relationships. Relationships are tricky! How do you remain who you are, allow the other person be who they are, relate, not take things personally or judge how you and others react. Listen to this fascinating subject and call in with your questions!
Dr. Astrid Pujari, founder of The Pujari Center in Seattle, WA has pursued the integration of Western and Holistic medicine for the past 15 years. Her passion for integrative medicine arose from the belief that no single healing method can meet the health needs of all patients. Instead, each patient must be considered in their entirety and offered the healing options that are most appropriate for their personal, physical and spiritual circumstances. During residency training in Internal Medicine at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California, she pursued integrative medicine training to complement the rigorous internal medicine training. She also pursued a formal degree in herbal medicine from the prestigious college of Phototherapy in London England. After four years of rigorous academic and clinical training, she was awarded a Diplomate in Phototherapy and credentialed by the National Institute of Medical herbalists in Europe, the premier credentialing body for herbalists in Europe.
Discussing individualization. The seventh layer of the human aura is considered the energy field closest to creation. The language that lives on this powerful golden energy field is all about individualization. The more you become yourself the easier it is to feel one's connection to source energy. So how do you live your life just being you without all the worries of not being loved or not fitting in? Tune in and find out how!!
Discussing beliefs. Real beliefs play out in our life everyday. Our lives are a reflection of our beliefs. Beliefs live deep in the human body and many people have an unconscious connection with their belief system. What would it be like if you discovered what your true beliefs are saying to you day in and day out. Most human beings have negative beliefs and have no idea what their belief system is telling them day after day. Imagine what it would be like if you discovered what your true beliefs are. Imagine if you could change negative beliefs into positive empowering beliefs. Listen to the show and find out how!
Discussing surrendering. To surrender means to let go and know that the universe and all the powerful energies of the world are behind you, wanting you to have a great life. Humans tend to over plan, over organize and have numerous expectations. Mostly our expectations are not in alignment with our highest good and we become disappointed every time they are not met. To surrender means to get out of the way and allow the universe to bring you what is in your highest good. Tune in and find out how!!
Discussing Spirit Guides and Angles. Just like many human beings who are dedicated to helping our race (therapist, teachers, doctors, nurses, fire fighters, and police men, just to name a few) there are millions of beings living outside of the Earth plane who are also dedicated to the evolution of the human species. Perhaps you have had encounters that feel fated or divinely planned. Could these events be orchestrated for your benefit by unseen beings? Now more than ever, the human race has awareness of the non-physical realm, reaching out to us, bridging our physical reality with their pure spiritual energy. Listen to the show and Marie will explain how spirit guides and angles help us and how you can connect with them. Perhaps you, the listener, have a story to share where you truly felt guided.
Discussing Self Love. Personally, I thought I had accomplished self love. I read every book I could find on the subject. My mother told me everyday that she loved me. If any one had asked me if I loved myself I quickly answered yes! So why isn't that enough? To love ones self intellectually and verbally is important. But to love one self passionately with deep emotion as you would love a child or a pet is what real self love is. Listen to the show and discovery tools that can lead to self actualization regarding love and why is it so important!
Back by popular demand, Dr. Dipasquale will be in town to teach at Bastry University this summer and we are thrilled to have her on the show. Dr. Dipasquale, chaired the Botanical Medicine Department at Bastyr University, administered and taught in both the Naturopathic Medicine program and the Bachelor's of Science in Herbal Sciences program for 13 years. She lectures on botanical medicine nationally and internationally to herbalists, naturopathic physicians, and medical practitioners.
Discussing the Juicy Chakra. The second chakra's, emotional component is; career, money, intimate partnerships, friendships, creativity and happiness. Hence the name I have given it…the juicy chakra. The second chakra is located just below the belly button and physically governs reproductive organs, adrenal glands, appendix, small intestines, bladder, kidneys and the lower back.
Discussing the Divine Plan. The human aura is multi colored highly organized body of energy that surrounds the human body. It is comprised of seven layers of energy. Each layer is unique in structure, color and intention. The intention of the fifth layer of the aura (also referred to as the fifth layer of the field) is The Divine Plan. The Divine Plan is about your destiny. Your natural gifts and talents and what you really want to do while you live here on earth can be found on the fifth layer of the field.
Discussing energy medicine. Understanding how energy moves into the body and what dis-ease processes are connected to the different energy points in the body.
Discusing the Root Chakra: This chakra is the energetic foundation for the entire physical body.
Inverview with Dr. Steve Stroud, N.D., L.Ac., physician and faculty member of Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Dr. Stroud is one of the few physicians specially trained and licensed in the state of Washington to practice both naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture.
Discussing opportunities and what they mean when they come into our lives.
Discussing the powerful effects of thinking positive
Tonight's guest is Susan Miller, Astrologer.
Tonight's guest is, Dr. Astrid Pujari, founder of the Pujari Center which focuses on spiritually centered integrative medicine located in Seattle, WA.
Discussing careers which correlate to the fifth layer of the human aura field.
Discussing mediumship with calls from listening audience.
Tonight's special guest is, John Holland, world renowned pyschic and medium.
Afternoon show on being a medium with calls from audience.
Discussing the human energy field or aura.
Discussing the Heart Chakra (5th Chakra) which is about universal love and giving and receiving.
Discussing how to get in touch with your body to understand what it is telling you.
Tonight's guest is, Kathyrn Alice, author of the book "Love will Find You".
Interview with guests, Marilyn Richards and Julian Riepe, both cancer survivors who have gone on to inspire and help others.
Discussing the 7th Chakra ...one's connection to source (Spirit/God/Buddah/Trees, whatever you happen to believe in)
Today's guest is Andreas Moritz, medical intuitive and author of "Cancer is not a Disease!"
Today's guest is Gwen Williams of Space Transform discussing the topic of Feng Shui
Discussing manifesting one's destiny....your goals & desires
Tonight's special guest is Dennis Flaherty discussing the topic of Vedic Astrology
Discussing bringing your life into balance for the new year.
Tonight's guest is, Zora Pesio, R.N.C., A.R.N.P, M.S.N. , owner of the Woodinville Women's Clinc.
Discussing the "other side" and being a medium.
Tonight's guests are Elisha Weinberg, owner of Ayaffa located in Woodinville, WA and Martha Buldain, co-founder of Spirit of Beauty home care products. Elisha is a Relaxation Expert, Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist, and created all of the treatments offered by Ayaffa. Martha Buldain has created a line of holistic beauty formulas using organic ingredients, vitamin nutrients, and essential oils.
Discussing how to maintain your spirit during the holiday season.
Discussing the second chakra which is all about passion for you do in life.
Interview with Donna Kay & Maribeth Stephens, authors of the book "The Complete Diabetes Lifestyle".
Tonight's guest is Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH (AHG), chair of Bastyr University's botanical medicine department and has her own private practice as a naturopathic physician.
Discussing the paranormal and Halloween
Discussing dis-ease in the body and how to heal the body.
Premier show introducing Marie and discussing Chakras (energy points of the human energy system).
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