Jody Leon has been a licensed professional in the skin & hair-care industry for nearly 20 years and holds licensure in both California and Washington State. In 1995 Jody was trained and certified on the Iderm Treatment in West Hollywood at The Face Place (now known as Sally Hershberger's Face Place), one of Hollywood's best skin care centers. Face Place clients included Cindy Crawford, Bette Midler, and Sophia Coppola, to name a few. After a few years at The Face Place, Jody moved on to build a successful private practice in Los Angeles. In 2002 he decided it was time to trade L.A. sunny smog for Seattle rainy fog and moved to the Pacific Northwest, where he continued to build an exclusive, private skin care clientele. And in 2009, he made the Iderm Treatment available to the general public. He is currently the only person certified in Dermaculture's Iderm Ionization Technique in Washington State. What Jody brings to the treatment room is humor, understanding and compassion. He is here to listen to you and talk about your concerns and meet your needs in the best possible way. His website is: He looks forward to serving you.