The Human Energy Field. Energy Medicine is a general term used to describe a wide and ever-changing field. What healer's have known for years and now medical science is beginning to understand, is that we are all beings of light and it is our light that maintains our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Chakras are spinning energy centers located within the human body. They function as receivers and transmitters of life energy. There are seven primary chakras, aligned in a vertical column from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head. They form the main centers of a system that contains thousands of smaller energy points. This complex circuitry holds within it the keys to our evolution and "wholeness." The term chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disc. Descriptions of the chakras first appeared in the Vedas, ancient spiritual texts dating back to 2,000 B.C. Spiritual seekers used the chakras as a focus of meditation to raise consciousness.