Ainslie Macleod; The author of "The Instruction". For over a decade, Ainslie has used his talents as a psychic to explore the soul and its impact on our lives. Collaborating with elevated spirit guides, he developed the Instruction as a way to help each of us understand our own personal destiny. Ainslie's aim is to help his clients to live a happier and more purposeful life by revealing who they are and why they're here, helping them overcome many internal challenges, and connecting them with their souls and their spirit guides. His role is that of a messenger between this world and the next. Ainslie will be here to take calls from the audience and to discuss his upcoming: SOUL SAFARI... A once-in-this-lifetime journey to South Africa where you will uncover the innermost secrets of your life's purpose and discover the spiritual pathway to Living the Life Your Soul Intended.